Captive – Primal Planet Read Online Loki Renard

Categories Genre: Alien, Alpha Male, Dark, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 68
Estimated words: 62128 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 311(@200wpm)___ 249(@250wpm)___ 207(@300wpm)

“Time to go to the cells.”

She narrows her eyes with that adorable human rage and makes yet another inadvisable comment.

“Fuck you.”



“This is where those who refuse to follow orders end up.”

I expected some kind of cell of bones, but that’s not what I get. What I get is something worse. A construction that could be a jail on any planet and any time practically ever in the history of everything. There’s harsh overhead lighting, walls in a color of green beige that has never been seen either in nature or outside a depressing institution, and a series of heavy, solid doors separating unfortunate prisoners from the city outside. The building is much newer construction than the bone temple. It doesn’t feel like it belongs here in the city at all. The floor is metal and the walls look like some kind of sheetrock. They’ve got to be stronger than they look, but they don’t feel like it.

A reception area on the way in is recessed out of the main hall, which leads directly from the front door to the cells at the back. This is a very small facility. Obviously not an old and overly used jail. Wherever the saurians keep their prisoners long term, this is not it. This is more like a holding place for saurians Avel is planning on destroying. I mean, disciplining.

If I had to guess, I’d say that this place has been knocked up in a convenient location, and maybe even designed to replace a previous version that might have been torn down for some reason. This place just feels too new. Too clean. Too minimally invested in for a typical saurian construction.

“What happened? Last place get burned down?”

“How did you know?” Avel looks at me in surprise.

I shrug. “Just a guess.”

It was a good guess, though. His confirmation tells me the criminal element aren’t all completely terrified of the alphas. There’re saurians in this city who are fighting back against the twin tyrannies of law and order, and they’re prepared to go so far as to tear down parts of the infrastructure. Interesting.

I’m led back to a cell in a series of five or so cells at the very back of the building. They dog leg off the main entrance hall, and they’re all empty. Avel takes me all the way to the farthest end, where I am confronted with a box-shaped enclosure about nine feet by nine feet. There’s a sink, a bed, and a toilet all built in one big modular lump. Again, these don’t look saurian in design. They look like they were made by off-planet creatures and sold to Avel and his ilk. I bet if I looked under the rubber mat thing that passes as a mattress, I’d find some kind of interstellar trader’s stamp there.

“What is this place? Why is it so ugly?”

“You were expecting a prettier jail?”

“I was expecting something a little less soulless. This place is creepier than the bone temple thing.”

Avel snorts softly and nudges me into the cell. The only traditional thing about it is that the entire frontage is barred, so you can be seen by anybody who walks past. No privacy whatsoever. That means using the bathroom subjects you to one of the many little humiliations of captivity. I’m sure Avel would enjoy that.

I go in, because I know I have no choice. He could just as easily toss me in here as let me walk in, and at this point, dignity is at a premium. My jaw still aches slightly from the mouth fucking he gave me, and I do not think the taste of his seed is going to abate any time soon. I keep getting little echoes of it somehow, as if it burrowed into the crevices of my teeth and is releasing little taste reminders of what it feels like to be flooded with a saurian executioner’s cum.

He closes the door behind me. I hear that awful clang of a heavy jail lock engaging, and for a very brief moment, I feel a surge of panic.

“You can’t fucking leave me here.”

As pleas for mercy go, it’s not the best. I already know that. I also already know that no amount of pleading is going to change Avel’s mind.

“Of course I can, my little pirate mutineer. This is where creatures like you belong. You could have avoided this at any stage by listening to the warnings I was giving you, but you chose to rebel and now you are where all the other rebels go.”

“Fine. Then fuck you.”

He laughs at me, not concerned by my cursing at all. I have to keep reminding myself that he is an absolute monster, and nothing I do can actually get under his skin. He’s immune to cursing and to hitting, and probably to most weaponry I could find. I can’t hurt this fucking guy no matter what I do, and he has to try very hard not to hurt me.


