Captivating You (How to Marry a Billionaire #2) Read Online Helen Hardt

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire Tags Authors: Series: How to Marry a Billionaire Series by Helen Hardt

Total pages in book: 75
Estimated words: 74940 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 375(@200wpm)___ 300(@250wpm)___ 250(@300wpm)

He clenches his hands into fists, his jaw going rigid. “I was ready to pummel you last night, and I’m more than ready now.”

I draw in a deep breath, count to ten. This isn’t River. This isn’t the emotional core of our group, the quiet strength. The one who empathizes and understands. The one who’s so good at articulating all our feelings.

I move back from him. “I won’t fight you, Riv, and I don’t think that’s what you want either.”

River threads his hands through his hair. “Fuck you. Fuck Brett. Fuck Misty. Fuck this whole damned thing.”

“I said I’d escort Sienna. I think it’s best, but I won’t stop you if you want to be the one.” I walk to the door and look over my shoulder. “But one way or another, you are staying until we’re finished here.”

I walk out the door to a stream of F-bombs from River.

I know what has him spooked. It’s got us all spooked. But River will see reason.

He has to.




I pace across the living area of my suite, sure I’m going to wear out the lush carpet. I can’t believe I let Emily kick me out of River’s room—as if I’m the little sister who got sent away so the adults could talk.

Plus...River fucked Emily last night? And she had her pussy in Brett’s face this morning?

Talk about surprises.

I thought I knew Emily, or that we were at least friends.

I huff. Clearly I don’t know anything at all.

Nearly an hour has passed since I left Emily and River. They’re probably having more hot monkey sex while I wait here like a little dingbat. Not that River has shown a bit of interest in me, but Brett and Alex have.

But now between Emily spreading her legs for Brett and June making out with Alex after I left them...

I sigh.

There doesn’t seem to be a lot of room for me here.

Screw it. I’m done waiting. I tear my door open⁠—

“Hey,” Sebastian says, walking toward me in the hallway. “You look mad as a rabid dog.”

I draw in a breath. “Have you seen Emily?”

“Yeah, I have. Saw her leaving River’s room a little while ago.”

“And she didn’t come back to get me?” I shake my head, my anger turning to...

No, I’m not going to cry.

Still, I sniffle a bit.

“Everything okay, Ariel?” he asks, his tone caring.

I shake my head. “I’m not okay, I mean... Maybe I am. I just... I think maybe it’s time for me to leave. I don’t think things are going to work out here.”

“Hey.” He reaches toward me, and for a moment, I’m sure he’s going to touch my cheek, but he doesn’t. “You want to talk? What happened?”

Sebastian and I are supposed to have lunch sometime as a result of me winning the Blind Man’s Bluff game. But who knows when that will happen? Still, with Emily taking Brett and June taking Alex, I think I’d like to talk to Sebastian.

“Sure. Let’s talk.”

“Your room? Mine? The kitchen?” He gives me a warm smile. “I’m starving, so wherever we go, we’re ordering breakfast.”

Wow. This guy oozes charm and charisma. And man, he’s easy on the eyes too, with that long hair and those gorgeous eyes the light brown of sweet tea on a hot summer day.

I grin. “I don’t care...” Except if we go back to my room, Emily may eventually remember she was supposed to get back to me, and then she’ll interrupt us. thanks. “Your room, maybe?”

Sebastian smiles—I nearly melt—and he takes my hand. We head down the stairwell to the second floor where he leads me to his suite. Once inside, I gasp. His suite is twice the size of mine. My gaze is drawn to the emerald-green leather couch flanked by two matching recliners—the kind that can swallow you up and lull you to perfect relaxation.

I can’t even begin to imagine what the bedroom might look like...

“What’s your pleasure, my southern belle?” He walks to the intercom.

“Yes, Mr. Tate?” someone says into the intercom.

“Hi. Could you send up some Belgian waffles with strawberries and cream, some crisp bacon, and hot coffee?” He motions to me. “What’s your favorite breakfast food?”

I don’t even have to think. “Scrambled eggs and biscuits with sausage gravy.”

“Did you hear that?” he says into the intercom.

“Yes, sir. That will be up in a few minutes, Mr. Tate.”

“Thank you.” He flips off the intercom and turns back to me. “All right. Tell me everything. By the end of this conversation, I’m going to convince you that you should stay, so I need to know all the reasons you think you should go.”

I’m not sure where to begin, so I just start blathering. “I’ve had a good time for sure, but I’m so young compared to the other women, and I’m nothing like them. Emily is so beautiful and worldly. Sienna is gorgeous and smart as a whip. June is just plain perfect, and Heather has so much personality. I don’t know Misty that well, but⁠—”


