Cade – MC Sinners Read Online Bella Jewel

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, MC Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 62
Estimated words: 60447 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 302(@200wpm)___ 242(@250wpm)___ 201(@300wpm)

Without letting me say another word, he turns and disappears.

Well, fuck.

Things just keep getting more complicated.



Rage unlike anything I’ve ever felt rips up my spine as I stand across the street beside my bike, watching them. He kisses her, and she stands there, looking up at him, her arms around his waist. I’ve never felt so fucking sick in all my life. I knew following her was a bad idea, but I never thought this is what I’d see.

A cop.

He’s a cop.

I know because I looked into him when she told me about her past. He helped her, and he’s someone she’s familiar with. He’s the one she called when her mom died, and he let her run without ever looking for her. He knew what she did, but he let her be free. Now, here they are, coming out of a bar, him putting his fucking lips on my woman.

I’ll kill him.

Fists clenched, I turn, panting, and get on my bike.

I can’t think.

I can’t fucking feel.

Nothing about the way things are going is how I saw my life turning out.

She was meant to be my happy ending, so why the fuck have things gone so bad?

By the time I make it back to the compound, I’m bursting with rage. Moving through the house toward the bar, I smash everything in my way. Nobody stops me. Nobody fucking dares. I snatch a bottle of alcohol, whatever I can find, and then I go to the open garage and sit on a chair, chugging it until my throat burns and my stomach clenches.

Jade sidles up to me when I’m halfway through the bottle, slipping onto my lap.

Usually, I’d stop her, but right now I want Addison to hurt because she is fucking making me burn.

“Aw, you look like you’ve had a bad day. I can help.”

Running her hands over my chest, she leans in, flicking her hair across my face. I want to shove it out of the way and toss her across this room. There is no possible way my dick would get hard for her, but I’m too angry to give a fuck. I let her run her hands over me, not giving a single fuck when I hear the gasp at the entrance. I know it’s Addison, because I know she just got Skye from daycare and came here, like she always does.

“Oh, oh, oh hell no.”


Turning my head slowly, I stare at the two women in the open space, the wind brushing through their hair as they stare at me, horrified. Spike and Jackson come up behind them, and Jackson’s brows immediately furrow. Before he has a chance to speak, Addison hands Skye to him and then she’s storming toward Jade, her green eyes flashing with rage. She’ll put her on her ass, and I’m here for it.

Because right now, I don’t fucking care.

“What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” Addison barks, taking Jade by the hair and flinging her off my lap until she lands on the ground with a thud.

Jade spits a curse, leaping to her feet and swinging at Addison, who dodges it with swift efficiency. She knows how to fight, but better yet, she knows how to dodge a punch. I bring the bottle to my lips, the warmth spreading over my body as I take three long gulps. Jackson stares at me, utterly fucking wild, and hands my daughter to Serenity before Spike and he walk in and break up the fight about to unleash.

“Get the fuck out,” Spike orders Jade. “Right fuckin’ now.”

“She started it,” Jade cries, throwing her hands up. “If he didn’t want me on his lap, he could have said so.”

Spike takes Jade by the arm, hauling her so close that his mouth is only inches from hers. “Know your mother fuckin’ place bitch, or you’ll never step foot in this club again.”

Then he shoves her toward the exit.

She curses with every step she takes.

Addison spins on me, her eyes flaring with rage, her fists clenched by her sides. “What the hell, Cade?”

“I thought these were the new rules,” I mutter, my voice clipped. “We go around doin’ whatever we want with other people.”

Confusion washes over her features, and then her eyes widen. “You’ve been following me.”

“Good thing, too. Otherwise, I wouldn’t have seen you kissin’ that fuckin’ cop.”

“What?” Jackson barks. “What the fuck is goin’ on? Someone better start talkin’ right now.”

I look to him, slowly. “Your girl here has been cozyin’ up to a cop, caught her kissin’ him.”

“I wasn’t kissing him,” Addison growls, stepping up closer to me and crossing her arms. “He kissed me and if you had seen the whole thing, you would have known I told him I’m taken and very happy with the man I’m with. Although I’m starting to wonder if that’s actually true.”


