Cade – MC Sinners Read Online Bella Jewel

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, MC Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 62
Estimated words: 60447 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 302(@200wpm)___ 242(@250wpm)___ 201(@300wpm)



I can’t go down this road again.

I told myself I wouldn’t go after her when she made her choice. I tried, multiple times to help her. I got myself into some serious fucking danger to protect her and she still went against me. I spent my entire fucking life having her back, and when it came down to it, she chose someone else over me. She made the decision to live a dangerous life, and if she is going through hell because of that, it’s on her.

Tossing the paper back, I turn, fists clenched.

I can’t let this get to me.

My phone rings, snapping me out of my thoughts. Spike’s number flashes on the screen, and I answer it with a grunt. “What?”

“We got a situation,” he growls, his voice ragged as he pants.

“Talk to me,” I say, already reaching for my keys.

“Our boy Wesley don’t like us lookin’ for him, and so he’s got some fuckin’ men to harass Adder. He was at the bar, drinkin’, and they came in and beat the shit out of him. Left him for fuckin’ dead. He’s in the hospital, don’t know if he’ll make it. We’re goin’ to find those fuckers. We got names. You in?”

“Fuck yeah I’m in. Give me five.”

Hanging up the phone, I turn to see Addison standing near the kitchen, a towel wrapped around her.

“Trouble?” she asks, her long dark hair dripping and running down her skin.

Fuck I miss her.

Want her so fucking bad but at the same time, I’m so fucking angry at her for what she did.

“Club shit. Someone beat Adder. Don’t know if he’ll make it.”

Her eyes widen. “What? Who would do that.”

“Wesley’s minions. Goin’ to deal with it. I’ll be back.”

She nods, even though concern washes over her features. She knows not to interfere, but that doesn’t stop the concern washing over her face. This is a dangerous world, and it isn’t for the feint of heart.

Walking over, I press a kiss to her forehead before turning and leaving the house. I get on my bike and make my way to the club where everyone is waiting to ride. Nodding, I let them know I’m good to go and we move, heading into town. We arrive at a bar on the outskirts that is known for housing the scum of this place, and it doesn’t surprise me that this is where we’ll find the fuckers who did this to Adder.

Pulling up, I throw my leg over the bike and fall into step beside Spike, who is ready for a fight. His fists are clenched by his sides and his jaw is tight with unshed rage. It’s one thing to mess with the club, it’s another to mess with someone who is on their own with nobody around. That’s a coward’s act, and something we don’t take lightly. Glancing at Jackson, I give him a nod as we step inside the bar.

It's only at half capacity, if that, and the people in here are less than scum. They’re the trash of this earth. Men who have never worked a day in their lives, addicted to drugs and abusers of women. The women, well, they’re basically the same. Hanging off the men like their lives depend on it, their hair matted and their bodies skin and bones. It’s sad, really, because they never had a chance to do anything with themselves.

“You can’t wear those fuckin’ colors in here.”

A man standing by the pool table barks across the room at us when we come in.

I look to Spike, he looks to me, and we both nod.

No words need to be spoken.

“That so?” I say, walking up to the pool table and picking up a cue. “And who made you the boss?”

Seething, he steps around the pool table, glaring at me, baring rotting teeth. I can already tell by his bloodied knuckles and bad attitude that he had something to do with Adder’s attack.

“We don’t accept scum in our bar. You dogs need to get out.”

Running my hand down the smooth pool cue, I tip my head to the side and look around before meeting his eyes again. Spike is beside me, his presence known, and the other guys are spread out, waiting for Jackson to give the order.

“Judgin’ by the look of the place, I’m guessin’ you’re not telling me the truth. All I can see,” I say as I lean in closer, “is scum.”

His nostrils flare and his eyes widen. “I’ll give you one last warning. Get the fuck out or I’ll do to you what I did to the last man who came in here wearing that shit.”

That’s the only answer I need.

Grinning, I tighten my grip around the pool cue. “Yeah, that’s not goin’ to happen.”

With that, I swing it, connecting with his jaw and sending him stumbling backward. The entire bar erupts as men launch out of their seats and begin attacking whoever is closest. My focus is on the man in front of me who stands up, smashing a bottle on a near by table and swiping it at me, going straight for the throat. Fucking savage.


