#BURN Read Online Devon McCormack (Fever Falls #2)

Categories Genre: Gay, GLBT, M-M Romance, Romance Tags Authors: , Series: Fever Falls Series by Devon McCormack
Series: Fever Falls Series by Riley Hart

Total pages in book: 101
Estimated words: 96922 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 485(@200wpm)___ 388(@250wpm)___ 323(@300wpm)

We pulled into the drive of his townhouse, and he put the truck in park, twisting his body toward me as he took my hand. “Dax, I got lucky as far as parents go. Maybe not at first, but it came around for me. I’ve seen a lot of shit through my friends and their relationships with their parents, and I can tell you, the worst thing is when a parent can just walk away without giving thought or care to the ones they leave behind. But Serena’s here, and she was back in your life before all this, so she does want to be here for you. She’s not perfect, but who is? I can tell she’s got issues, but I do think she really loves you, if that’s what you’re struggling with.”

I appreciated his words, and while I could understand what he meant, it didn’t change my frustration with the parts of her that had betrayed me…time and time again. And how everything happening now brought back those moments when I was Lil’ Donnie Gibson and she was trying to desperately ride on my coattails.

He unfastened his seat belt and leaned in to me. I did the same so we could share a kiss, which as usual, eased me right up.

His hand found its way to my face, his thumb running through my facial hair. He pried his lips from mine and said, “I think Sexy Donnie Gee needs me to make him feel better.”

“Seems like the least my boyfriend could do…”

He made good on his promise as we headed back into his place, struggling to get up the stairs because our hands were all over each other. As soon as we reached the bed, I fell back and he crawled on top of me, and we took care of what we both had surely been wanting to soothe—seeing each other working all wet with sweat and water all day made us crave each other’s bodies as much as ever.



I threw the ball, and Mac went racing across the dog park for it.

“Good boy, good boy!” I called before Mac gave up and started running back to me. “Oh, no, no, no!”

Dax threw his arm over my shoulders and said, “Well, I think he’s getting better. At least he’s actually starting off heading toward the ball.”

He’d seen my numerous failed attempts at training Mac to fetch, but I convinced myself we were making progress. As we trekked toward the ball, I said, “I think we’d have more luck bringing Carter out here to play fetch.”

“I have a feeling, if you mentioned it, he’d be totally down for that.”

“He’d be down, alright.”

“On his knees.”

As we reached the ball, I stooped down and grabbed it, popping back up and glancing around. Usually, the dog park in my neighborhood was pretty busy, but that evening there were only a few families. A man and a woman waved politely at us and we waved back, but outside of that, it was all fairly quiet, fairly routine.

“This is nice,” I noted.

“What? Having a quiet moment?”

“Having a quiet moment with you outside.”

I turned to him, just to appreciate that we could have that. He wore a red polo and shorts, his sunglasses on top of his head.

“Aren’t you supposed to have these covering your eyes?” I asked, reaching for them and starting to pull them down. “Seems more fitting for today.” I made like I was going to put them on for him, but stopped and placed them back on his head. “Kidding. Don’t want to block my view.”

I enjoyed gazing into those eyes, as I had so many other times before then.

But there was something different about looking into my boyfriend’s eyes that day.

We’d shared the craziest of adventures over the past few months. He’d allowed me to explore some of the most satisfying experiences I could have possibly imagined. That slick facade he showed so many others had come down for me, and in its place was a man who had changed it all.

I’d never been interested in dating before, and now I kept thinking about how much I wanted to pull him into my world…and be a part of his.

“What is it?” Dax asked, surely detecting there was something on my mind. He certainly knew me well enough by now.

“Just appreciating how pretty you are, while we have the moment to ourselves. Also, thinking that you’re gonna be watching Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason tonight.”

“Oh, no. Please don’t.”

But even as Dax said it, I could tell by the way his face was all lit up that he really wanted to.

“Yes, we gotta push you through these. And we’ll have to start it sooner rather than later, because you know I have to be up early for work.”

“Yeah, that’s right.”

He sounded disappointed, and I was bummed too. I didn’t want to be on the clock when Dax was here. I was only working a few days, since I was still under contract with Hacksmore, but it would have been nice to be able to cherish every moment with Dax…to have him without having to work around my job and all the events.


