Bull Read online Penny Dee (Kings of Mayhem MC #6)

Categories Genre: Biker, Dark, MC, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: Kings of Mayhem MC Series by Penny Dee

Total pages in book: 117
Estimated words: 113996 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 570(@200wpm)___ 456(@250wpm)___ 380(@300wpm)

“Bull…” I moaned his name as I started to come. I pressed my palms into the thick muscle of his shoulders and trembled, my eyes losing focus as I fell to the mercy of an exquisite ecstasy, after months of wanting him, craving him, fucking needing him. My head fell back and my breath left me in a rasp, my eyes closing as I was rocked to my very core by my shattering climax. I trembled against him and Bull groaned, latching his lips to my throat as I came floating back down to Earth.

“You look fucking amazing when you come,” he rasped.

Still trembling, I slumped against him. My heart pounding. My body throbbing. My breath panting.

I found his lips and kissed him again. My orgasm had been mind-blowing. But it wasn’t enough. Especially when I could still feel the thick, hard outline of him pressing into my soaked panties.

“Fuck me on your desk,” I whispered against his lips.

He chuckled, and with a delicious groan, lifted me up in his powerful arms and placed me onto the desk. Without a word, he parted my thighs and pushed my dress up to my waist, my face flushing with heat as he slid my panties down my legs.

He stood above me, his eyes dark, his face a mask of raw need. As he reached for his belt buckle, his gaze burned into me. “Are you ready for me, little bird?”


I’ve never fucked anyone in my office.

No pussy was going to break the sanctity of the president’s office while it was mine. Unlike the presidents before me, it was a rule I’d remained steadfast to for the past ten years.

But now, fuck me, I was going to blow that rule to smithereens.

She had gotten me so hard rubbing herself against me, so fucking turned on that wild horses couldn’t stop this from happening. After weeks of wanting her, of fantasizing about her, hell, I’d almost lost it myself and come undone beneath all that grinding.

But now I was going to savor the moment. Temper the urgency.

I slid her ass across the desk and lowered my mouth to kiss her, while she reached between us, opening my zipper and springing me free. I groaned into her kiss, my heart almost pounding out of my chest.

Jesus, just the touch of her palm against my flesh sizzled and brought me close.

I was desperate to be inside her, and she was desperate for me to be there. But I wanted to take my time with her. We had been leading up to this moment ever since we’d met outside of Noah’s school, and I wanted to soak in every sensation.

My hands slid up her thighs until I found the slick flesh and it suckled at my fingers. She groaned against my mouth as my thumb found the sensitive nub of nerves, and she trembled, her gasp falling between us as I teased her, rolling my thumb in circles until she was quaking with need.

She said my name into my mouth, but my mind was already gone, lost in the warmth and sensation of my fingers sliding into her, and her hand rolling up and down the hard length of me.

She ripped her mouth from mine and looked up at me with heavy eyes, her face ravaged with lust. “I need you inside me.”

The feeling was mutual.

I had a condom in my wallet. I ripped it open with my teeth, and once sheathed with that important layer of latex, I pressed the head of my aching cock into the soft, dewy lips of her pussy.

“Look at me,” I growled, and she did, just as I slowly pushed my rigid length into her, inch by fucking inch.

Her face shimmered and her hooded eyes darkened as every hard inch of me filled her. She bit down on her lip, and it drove me crazy. I started to rock into her, slow strokes so we could hear how wet she was. She widened her legs, and we both watched, fascinated and on the brink, as I slid in and out of her body, her pussy sucking my cock, the noise and sensation driving us both wild.

Wrapping my hand around the base of my cock, I eased out and rubbed the thick head through the lush, velvety skin. I found her clit again, and began to torture it with tight little circles, bringing her to the edge, but pulling away from the swollen nub before she could fall.

“Please…” she begged. “I need to come.”

My smile was wicked. “You’re so greedy.”

Her fingers pressed into the muscles of my shoulder. “Fuck me, goddammit.”

Only too happy to oblige, I plunged into her, and she cried out at the sudden intrusion. At my size. At the way I thrust deep and hard into her, making her gasp, making her claw desperately at the wooden desk beneath her. Grinding my pelvic bone against hers, I pressed harder, my hips straining to be as deep as I could ever be, while rubbing against the sensitive bud of nerves.


