Built for Temptation – Storm Hogs MC Read Online T.O. Smith

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, MC Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 18
Estimated words: 15704 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 79(@200wpm)___ 63(@250wpm)___ 52(@300wpm)

I had no idea what I had ever done to deserve a man like Elliot. Last night had been…incredible. I was used to being a little more of a take-charge kind of woman, and usually, that was off-putting to the men around here. But Elliot? He just rolled with the punches, seeming to love everything I did.

And God, the way he looked at me… Like I hung the moon and the stars. Like I was the reason the night turned into day. He hadn’t cared about my cellulite or my rounder belly or how it rolled when I sat up. No matter what position I moved into or what part of me Elliot saw, he only looked like he wanted to devour me.

“Girl, where in the hell are you at today?” my best friend, Elsie, asked me. Her perfectly done brow was arched in question, a hand on her thin hip. Elsie was similar to me in personality, but when it came to appearances, we couldn’t be more different. She was thin with a perky ass and trim waist. She’d gotten her hair done while we were off work yesterday, and today, her normally kinky, black curls were replaced with purple box braids that hung down to her ass, clashing beautifully with her dark skin.

“Here,” I told her sheepishly. “Sorry.”

“That look on your face tells me you’re somewhere else—probably your bedroom. Who’s the lucky guy?”

A blush stole over my cheeks, which definitely wasn’t like me. I wasn’t a blusher, but Elliot was different. Everything about him was nothing like I’d been expecting. He was sweet and charming and just a good guy down in his soul.

“His name is Elliot. He’s the Sergeant at Arms of the Storm Hogs MC.” Elsie’s eyes widened in surprise, then gleamed at the juiciness of it all. I laughed lightly. If there was one thing my best friend loved, it was juicy gossip. “My stupid car broke down, and he found me stranded on 540 trying to get a signal so I could call for a tow truck. He took me home. I ran into him at the grocery store a couple of days later, and we exchanged numbers, and yesterday evening, we had our first date in my living room because I didn’t feel like going out anywhere. He brought food and even gave me a massage without wanting anything in return.”

“A massage?” Elsie let loose a low whistle and then wiggled her brows at me. “Please tell me you gave him something in return though. A man who gives a massage of his own free will deserves to get something in return.”

I winked at her, and she laughed out loud. “Hell yes, girl. Was it good?”

A dreamy sigh spilled from my lips. “So good,” I assured her. It was the best sex I’d ever had. Elliot had let me take charge in the bedroom, but he still knew how to work that thick cock of his.

A patient in one of the ER rooms Elsie was assigned began shouting for her nurse. Elsie sighed and turned on her heel. “Alright, Mrs. Betty, we can’t be screaming down these walls,” she said as she stepped into the older lady’s room.

My phone buzzed in my pocket, and I pulled it out, smiling at Elliot’s text.

Elliot: I hope you’re having a good day, baby. I can’t stop fucking thinking about you.

Harbor: Me either. Yesterday was great, and I don’t just mean the sex, which was phenomenal by the way. I enjoyed your company.

Harbor: Care to do it again tonight? No massage needed. Just food and a movie. I’ll order—just please pick it up on your way over.

Elliot: You just give me the details, baby, and I’ll do the rest.

I was going to fall head over heels for this amazing man. I knew it without a shadow of a doubt.

I just hoped he didn’t wind up leaving me heartbroken once it was all said and done. Because I already knew Elliot would be impossible to recover from.



“Look what the fucking cat dragged in,” Remi announced when I stepped into the building we were doing a remodel on. The guy we were working for had purchased two stores right next to each other in the strip of stores beside Walmart, and he wanted the wall separating the two stores knocked out to make it into one big store. Not really a complicated job—just a lot of hard labor.

The city had a fucking field day with that one, but the lucky son of a bitch eventually managed to get them to agree to his plans. Hadn’t been without a long fight though.

I looked around before bringing my to-go cup of coffee from McDonald’s to my lips. “I don’t see a cat anywhere, fucker,” I retorted.

Remi rolled his eyes. I just cracked a grin before walking over to Harlan so we could finish what we started yesterday near the back of the store.


