Built for Goldie – Storm Hogs MC Read Online T.O. Smith

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, MC Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 19
Estimated words: 17129 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 86(@200wpm)___ 69(@250wpm)___ 57(@300wpm)

I spilled inside of her, my entire body trembling with the force of my orgasm. I banded my arms around her, holding her close. Her heart was pounding against my chest, and I kept her against me until I felt her heart rate slowing. Christ, I’d never had sex that was so explosive.

“You good?” I managed to get out as I eased back from her a little, my softening cock slipping out.

A dazed sort-of smile tilted her lips. Her cheeks were flushed, and she had my mark behind her ear. My dick threatened to come alive again at the sight.

“More than good,” she breathed.

I grinned and cupped her cheek, pulling her lips to mine.

“I love you,” I murmured against her lips.

Her hands spanned my chest, and I growled when she gripped a handful of hair, lightly tugging on the strands. Pain exploded, but pleasure quickly followed, my dick rising for a second round.

“I love you, too,” she whispered, her lips brushing mine as she spoke. “But I’m not done with you yet.”

I pulled back and shot her a wicked grin before I dropped to my knees between her thighs and yanked her to the edge of her desk. Her fingers latched onto my hair for purchase. “Sure as fuck don’t have to tell me twice, goldie.”

Her moan was music to my ears when I buried my face between her thighs.



The wind was freeing as I headed down the highway toward Mikayla’s house. We’d spent the night together last night, but she had to go to work for a few hours, so I had gone to the clubhouse to help get things ready for the barbecue. And while I knew Mikayla was more than capable of driving herself, I wanted her on the back of my bike.

Fuck, I wanted to show up with her on the back of my bike. I’d never let another woman on my bike before her, and I knew it would make a statement if people around town saw her clinging to me.

I was possessive as hell of her. I wouldn’t even deny it. Mikayla was mine. My goldie. And I was never letting her go.

I slowed as I neared her apartment complex before turning into the parking lot. She was waiting for me at the bottom of the stairs in a pair of leggings, sneakers, and a thin hoodie. Her hair was french-braided against her head, and the two ends hung over her shoulders.

It was downright fucking adorable. And I had a vivid image of twisting those braids in my fist and fucking her from behind.

“Hey,” she said, smiling at me.

“You look fuckin’ incredible,” I told her honestly. “And the pigtail thing you’ve got going on does it for me.”

She laughed, a light blush stealing over her cheeks. Remembering how to get on my bike from the last time she had, she gripped my shoulder and swung a leg over, the helmet I’d left at her place this morning in her hand. She settled it on her head and flipped the visor down before wrapping her arms tight around my waist.

After giving one of her hands a gentle squeeze, I turned the bike around and headed out of the apartment complex. Once we hit the highway again, I dropped one hand to hold her thigh. She pressed closer against me, tightening her arms around me. A shiver raced down my spine at the feel of her soft breasts pressing against my back.

I’d ride forever with her on the back of my bike if I could.

It didn’t take us long to get to the clubhouse. Everyone was already outside when we got there. Ash, Athena and Seb’s little girl, and Robin, Cecily and Adler’s son, were playing in the sandbox Seb and Adler set up a few weeks ago for them. Harbor had Oliver on her hip as she chatted with Cecily and Athena.

“Bout time you got here!” Harlan called, raising his beer in greeting to us. I rolled my eyes at him. Once Mikayla had slid off from behind me, I got off as well, pulling my helmet off my head and letting it dangle from the bar. I took Mikayla’s from her and set it on the seat before grabbing her hand in mine to lead her over to my family.

Because they were my family. I’d grown up in the foster care system, and after graduating high school, I went straight into the military. After finishing my four-year contract, I came back here and joined the Storm Hogs MC. I found a family, a brotherhood, here with them. Stability and structure. Something I’d never truly had. Not in the way they’d given it to me.

“This is Adler,” I told her once we came to a stop, nodding my head in the direction of the president. “He’s the president and also calls the shots when it comes to Storm Hogs Construction.” Seb passed me a beer, and I nodded my head in thanks. “This is Seb. He’s quiet. Doesn’t talk much. Athena more than makes up for it though.” Seb’s lips quirked up in a smirk, not the least bit annoyed I was taking jabs at his wife. She was more than capable of taking up for herself if she wanted, and he knew it.


