Brutal Beast – Planet of Kings Read Online Lee Savino

Categories Genre: Alien, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 68
Estimated words: 63709 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 319(@200wpm)___ 255(@250wpm)___ 212(@300wpm)

“Pu-lease,” Kim sounds breathless, “getting shot probably increases sperm count, too—”

I wave a hand, and the orb goes black. Not a moment too soon. At the last Kings’ Council, Aurus smugly informed us that he was going to breed his Omega. Now that I have met his Kim, I doubt the Golden King has any control over her.

These human Omegas are not what they seem. They are brave and wily and have more power over us than we realize.

That’s something to think about. But I must think fast, because when I check the orb for the nesting room, I find my Rose is awake and, once again, she’s trying to leave.



This morning when I wake, I don’t linger. I grab a sweet cake and stuff it in my mouth. After a quick stop in the bathroom, I rush down the hall to the balcony Rogue led me to last night.

When I get to the doors, I can see a bolt has been slid into place across them, locking them. I reach out to shift it but my hand never makes it to the surface. Something invisible cushions it, stopping me from touching it.

Bestian said he had conjured a magical barrier around the perimeter of the castle. Maybe he put one around the palace now, too.

The hem of my dress flares. Rogue has found me. It flows around my ankles, playing with my boot laces.

“Good morning,” I say. “Can you show me another door?”

The little wind obeys, tugging my hem forward. But every door or window it leads me to is locked, and the same forcefield prevents me from unlocking or smashing through them. I pick a random window and try to break it using throw pillows, a vase, my left boot, and a chair. Each item bounces off—but slowly, like the forcefield is syrupy and wants to let each item down gently.

“Damn him.” I tug my boot back on and tie the laces. I can’t get out of the palace. Not this way. But this place is huge. There’s got to be some exit Bestian forgot to block. A fire escape or something. Isn’t barring all exits a fire hazard? Or maybe the doors will open in the event of an emergency.

It’s more likely the wind servants will douse any fire, fix any problem, before it can cause damage.

That reminds me—Bestian promised he’d send whisps to check on Ma.

“Have you seen Ma?” I ask Rogue. I get silence, which I take to be a no. “Did one of your wind friends see her?”

The whisp blows in a circle around me. I’ll take that as a yes. “Was she all right? Did she need anything?” Two questions, but Rogue blows harder. A nearby blanket flies off the settee it was strewn over, and settles around my shoulders.

The little wind is trying to comfort me. “I’m okay,” I tell it. “I want to see her. Can you help me?”

Rogue goes silent. I’m about to accept that answer as a negative when it flurries around my legs and zooms down the hall, making curtains flare in its wake. I scurry after it.

It leads me to a long gallery hung with portraits. On the left side, the wall is broken up by a small alcove lit by glow orbs. The wind tugs me towards one.

“What is this?” There’s a bench hugging the walls of the alcove. As I stand there, Rogue brings one of the orbs out to hover in front of me. The thing looks like a witch’s gazing ball, with stormy gray tendrils of fog writhing over its smooth surface. I reach out to touch it, but a forcefield repels my hand, just like the one barring all exits. It has to be some kind of spell.

“I’m not sure what—” I begin, then the image on the ball’s surface changes. Ma’s cottage appears in the mist, the picture coming into focus. There’s Ma, digging in her garden, and Leelah is standing beside her.

“Any word from Rose?” Leelah’s voice comes through clearly but sounds as if she’s far away.

“Not yet. The king sent word that she was safe. Plus a formal notice that she is the king’s choice in the Queen Covenant. There will be an announcement soon.”

“That’s wonderful!” Leelah claps her hands. “Who would have thought your Rose would be chosen? Such a great honor.”

Ma glowers at her, then glances at the cottage gate. There’s a cluster of Alpha soldiers just beyond the wall. Are they guarding Ma? Or imprisoning her?

“Perhaps,” Ma says. “I’ll celebrate after I’ve spoken to Rose. The king didn’t mention whether he’ll allow her to visit, but knowing my Rose, she won’t take kindly to being told what to do.”

I open my mouth but Ma can’t see or hear me. It’s like watching a movie. Or security cam footage.


