Broken (Satan’s Death Riders MC #2) Read Online Sam Crescent

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, MC, Virgin Tags Authors: Series: Satan's Death Riders MC Series by Sam Crescent

Total pages in book: 87
Estimated words: 82930 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 415(@200wpm)___ 332(@250wpm)___ 276(@300wpm)

“We’ll settle the score,” Dirty said.

“It’s time we were heading back. Maybe we could talk to Warden, let him know what we figured out.”

“And hoping he could fill in the blanks.”

They left the hospital room, nodded at Rooster and Pirate, who were manning the door. Warden had made a healthy donation to the hospital to make the security look in the opposite direction.

Stepping out into the sunlight, Dirty knew it wouldn’t be long before the cold would be fighting back, and they were heading toward Halloween and Christmas. His thoughts drifted to Petal, and he was already thinking about what to get her for Christmas.

She didn’t know he had already picked out a ring for her. He wanted to marry Petal, to go all in with her. This time, there was no holding back. No cutting corners. He was going to make her his wife. He didn’t know if he should propose to her right now, wait until Halloween, or save it for Christmas. Patience was not one of his many virtues, it used to be, but with Petal, he didn’t want to give her chance to remember how much he had fucked up. This was going to be a fresh start for them both.

Riding out of the hospital parking lot, he stayed close to Colt, keeping an eye on their surroundings.

Dirty didn’t like the feeling that swept over him. Something didn’t feel right. That was when he saw the gun coming out of the side of one of the cars behind them. He pushed on the brake, moving in behind Colt, who gave a wide berth, and as the gun fired, it moved between them, taking out the back screen of the car in front of them.

They had to get off the road, as more shots were fired. There were not a lot of choices. They had to pick up speed and try to lose them. With Colt close, they weaved through the few cars and then pressed on the gas. Dirty checked his mirrors and saw the car gaining.

“Make a right!” Colt said, yelling.

He didn’t second-guess or question it. They took a right, taking them off the main path and down an old dirt road. Their speed was already coming down, and then he heard the bikes. Dirty glanced behind him, seeing the car, along with three bikes.

“They’re on our tail!” The dirt road opened, and it was to an abandoned ranch. Dirty didn’t even realize how many of the ranches were now abandoned.

More shots were fired, and Dirty felt the burn in one of his shoulders. There was a forest up ahead and he followed Colt through to it. They had no choice but to abandon their bikes.

“You’re hit,” Colt said.

“I can still fucking run. Tell me you know how to get to the fucking clubhouse from here.”

“I know.”

“Motherfuckers. Making me leave my bike, pieces of shit are going to pay for this.”

He took off, running to follow Colt. He had already pulled out his gun, as had Colt, as they took off.

The bikes in the distance stopped, and Dirty didn’t need to look back to know they were being followed.

All too soon, Colt stopped. “We’ve got to take them out.”

Dirty was all for it. He was never the kind of guy to run away, and one of these pieces of shit had shot him in the shoulder. Now, he was pissed.

Finding cover behind a tree, he held his gun, feeling the fire in his shoulder, which he attempted to ignore, and just focused on taking out the men that were following them.

There was silence, and he fucking hated it. Glancing through the trees, he looked for anything that was moving, listened for any noise. He took a deep breath and then seemed to hold it, gaining focus as he spotted one man, and he took out the man’s leg. One shot was all it took. This spooked the other two, who then tried to launch an attack, but he and Colt took each one.

They waited and then, silence. There was no one else coming.

“We should head back. Grab our bikes,” Dirty said.

“No, they’re waiting. We’ve got to go before they send more men,” Colt said.

“You get the sense you’re their target?” Dirty asked.

“I don’t have a sense, I know, but they are shit shots, and we’ve got to get you back to the clubhouse, now.”


Kim looked toward her husband as he hung up his cell phone. She had known Warden most of her life, and she knew that look on his face. It wasn’t good.

Getting to her feet, she went to him. “What is it, honey?”

She felt fear race down her back. If Fritz was dead, the whole club would feel that pain.

“That was Rooster. He was checking in to see if Colt and Dirty had gotten home. They left two hours ago.”


