Broken (Satan’s Death Riders MC #2) Read Online Sam Crescent

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, MC, Virgin Tags Authors: Series: Satan's Death Riders MC Series by Sam Crescent

Total pages in book: 87
Estimated words: 82930 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 415(@200wpm)___ 332(@250wpm)___ 276(@300wpm)

After plunging his tongue deep inside her for multiple thrusts, he then drew his tongue back up. He started to stroke her clit, going back and forth. At the same time, two of his fingers moved toward the entrance of her pussy, and he worked them in, going in and out. His fingers were no match for his tongue.

She cried out, thrusting up against him.

He was taking his time. Torturing her, making her wait, and then, when she got close to the edge, Dirty had a way of making her desperate, and only when he was ready to send her over the edge did he allow her to go. She screamed his name, so lost in the moment, and then her orgasm began to ebb away.

Dirty moved up, kissing her stomach, then each breast in turn before joining her and taking possession of her mouth. She whimpered as he started to kiss her and deepened the kiss.

She felt the hard ridge of his cock as he found her core and started to press his length inside her. It had been too long, but Petal knew she didn’t want him to stop. Inch by inch, he glided inside her, going deep, and she cried out, feeling each inch.

“Fuck,” he said.

He grabbed both of her hands, locking their fingers together, and then pressing them either side of her head. Dirty pulled back, stared down at her, and moved in closer, kissing her lips, deepening the kiss, then he began to slowly move within her. Each thrust seemed to go deep, as he pulled out then slammed back inside her.

She cried out, not wanting him to stop. He felt so good, and this felt so right. She met him, thrust for thrust.

She hadn’t even realized this was what she was missing. She missed Dirty, missed being with him, but she knew she didn’t want to go back to the way it was before. She didn’t want to be a secret, nor did she want to be a job. This time, she wanted the real deal.

Chapter Sixteen

The moment Dirty woke up, he knew Petal was gone. The coldness by his side, the faint lingering scent of her perfume, and the fact she was no longer in his arms.

He’d not slept properly in a long time, and being inside Petal, and then having her in his arms, he had fallen asleep like a baby. And now, he was awake and Petal was not there.

He didn’t like this, but he sat up, rubbing his face, and glanced around the room to see if he could find a note or some indication that she had even slept the night. There was nothing.

Her stuff was gone, including her lingerie.

Had she snuck out and changed outside?

He’d never been this kind of deep sleeper. Getting to his feet, he made his way into the bathroom, used the toilet, flushed, washed his hands, and quickly brushed his teeth. He glanced at his reflection and quickly splashed some cold water onto his face to liven himself up. Once that was done, he changed into a pair of jeans, a fresh shirt, and grabbed his leather cut, heading downstairs with his laces still undone.

Entering the main clubroom, he winced, seeing the state of the naked bodies. Had Petal made her way through this? He didn’t know, and his head was giving him a fucking temper.

He needed some coffee and painkillers. Walking into the kitchen, he saw Colt and Rosalie at the table. Rosalie was on Colt’s lap. There was no one else in the kitchen. They looked like a happy couple.

“Morning, Dirty,” Colt said, looking mightily happy with himself.

“Why are you so cheery?”

“We’ve got the delivery of our first baby furniture,” Rosalie said.

She spun the catalogue they’d been looking at and pointed to a crib, along with a stroller and several other items.

If he and Petal hadn’t lost their baby, he wondered how far along she would have been. She’d have been close to giving birth.

“And you guys are excited about this?” Dirty asked.

“We want to be prepared,” Colt said.

Rosalie chuckled. “Don’t worry about it. He’s grumpy because Petal snuck out on him this morning.”

Colt looked toward his wife, then toward him.

“You saw?” Dirty asked.

“It wasn’t exactly hard. I was craving cookies for breakfast, and I came downstairs to eat them and saw Petal making her escape. I put two and two together, and seeing as Myth is a friend and you look pissed, it wasn’t hard. Also, I know Petal, and she would never sleep with one of your club brothers, or anything like that.” Rosalie shrugged. “Plus, Petal’s still in love with you.”

“She is?” Dirty asked.

Rosalie looked up, and she was still eating cookies, even though it was breakfast. Kim had already given them the warning that a woman’s cravings during pregnancy were not to be questioned.


