Broken (Satan’s Death Riders MC #2) Read Online Sam Crescent

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, MC, Virgin Tags Authors: Series: Satan's Death Riders MC Series by Sam Crescent

Total pages in book: 87
Estimated words: 82930 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 415(@200wpm)___ 332(@250wpm)___ 276(@300wpm)

Petal touched her cheek and winced. “Yeah, I’ve seen it, but it is kind of cool, don’t you think? It’s going to make me look like a badass?” She winked at her friend.

Rosalie laughed. “Don’t ever scare me like that again. When you tell me to leave, you have to follow, it’s as simple as that. Leaving you behind wasn’t funny.”

“I know, and I’m sorry, but I needed you to get to safety.” Petal hugged her friend tightly. “I don’t plan on being in any more kidnapping situations. Also, I think it is time I bought a gun and learned how to use it.”

Petal pursed her lips.

“I’ll teach you,” Dirty said, coming close to them.

“What?” Rosalie asked.

“If you want to learn how to fire a weapon, I’ll get you a gun. It won’t happen again.”

Petal sighed. “That would be so cool if I had a gun and they opened up the side of that truck, and I was, like, boom, and you’re dead.”

Rosalie laughed. “Come on, food is already waiting.”

“Food? I thought Kim cooked,” Petal said.

She couldn’t help but glance over at Dirty. Back at her home, she had lost control. She couldn’t believe she had hit him, but his words had hurt just a little. Telling her he loved her, after everything they had been through, seemed a little … cruel to her.

Looking away, she followed Rosalie inside to where the club were sitting, eating and enjoying pizza. There was a large pile of pizzas, and Rosalie reached between the men, grabbed a plate, and stole a couple of slices.

Petal took a bite of that slice to find it tasted so damn good. She didn’t even realize how hungry she was. Within a few bites she’d finished one pizza and reached for a second.

“Is it true?” Rosalie asked.

They found Colt, and Rosalie slid against him. Colt stopped eating to put his arm around Rosalie and kiss her cheek. The two had certainly become a happy couple. Petal was so happy for the two of them.

“Is what true?”

“You tried to convince them that you and Warden were … dating?”

“I tried to convince them that Warden and I were having sex.” She wrinkled her nose. “They had a gun pointed at Kim. They were going to kill her, and I gave us more time.” She looked toward Kim but didn’t see her. “I didn’t upset your mom, did I?”

Colt laughed.

“Not at all. My parents are like this. After what happened, they need some time alone.”

Petal nodded. “Your mom is amazing, I mean, she didn’t break, not once. She was so strong, so powerful. Even when he put the gun to her head, she didn’t flinch.”

“My mom has always been a tough cookie. Dad always said it was her strength he fell for, and of course her beauty.”

“I think I fell in love with her a little today.”

“How are you doing?” Rosalie asked, reaching across the table and taking her hand. “You were willing to sacrifice your life for Kim. That’s not funny.”

“It’s scary,” Petal said. “But Kim is needed.”

“You’re needed, you stupid … ugh, don’t, okay?” Rosalie said, and Petal saw the tears in her best friend’s eyes.

“Rose, babe, please don’t cry. I am trying to act all tough here, and you are going to make me cry.”

“I don’t want anything to happen to you,” Rosalie said. “I love you. You’re my best friend and you’re like a sister to me, and I don’t … don’t die on me and don’t go doing anything stupid. Do you hear me?”

Petal reached across the table and held onto her friend, not wanting to let her go, trying to let her know she was not going to do anything stupid. She did what she thought she could to help Kim. Seeing her friend right now, she knew it was the wrong choice.

She glanced across the clubhouse and caught sight of Dirty. He was standing in the corner, beer in hand, watching her.

He’d said that he loved her. Was it wrong of her to trust it? Did she trust it?

This was not a day for making decisions. This was a day for eating and being thankful she was alive.


“Did you believe her?” Warden asked.

Kim smiled up at her husband. They were already naked, and he’d already been inside her. “No. I had to stop myself from laughing. I nearly laughed so hard.”

Warden smiled down at her. His woman was beautiful. “You know, I’ve never looked at another woman, not since I saw you.”

“Well, that’s because you know any other woman would get my foot up her ass if they even tried to take you away from me.” She stroked his cheek, sliding her hand down to his chest.

There was no need for tears.

“I knew you would come for me.”

“If Petal didn’t say that shit, would you have made it?” he asked.


