Broken (Satan’s Death Riders MC #2) Read Online Sam Crescent

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, MC, Virgin Tags Authors: Series: Satan's Death Riders MC Series by Sam Crescent

Total pages in book: 87
Estimated words: 82930 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 415(@200wpm)___ 332(@250wpm)___ 276(@300wpm)

Dirty saw the tears sliding down her face. Warden was hurting her.

“Kim invited me, but I already had a girls’ night planned with my daughter. I do not make it a habit of passing her over for strangers. I don’t know who you think I am, but I have no reason to sell anyone anything.”

“Warden,” Myth said. “Fritz is on the phone, he figured out who did it.”

This made Warden pull away, and the moment he did, Tanya moved as far away from him as possible.

“Get out,” Tanya said. “Get out of my house now, and you can tell Petal and Rosalie they can stick their job up their asses.”

Dirty turned toward Tanya. This woman was a fighter. With the men in the house that could kill her, she was still standing up to them, and he had to admire that.

“Petal’s been taken,” Dirty said. “The men that took Kim also took Petal, and they’re not known for leaving anything but body bags.”

He left the house intent on learning who had betrayed them.

Chapter Twelve

Petal didn’t appreciate the rocking motion. She preferred it would stop because it was going to make her vomit.

“Stop,” she said, groaning.

“Petal, you’re awake.”

She frowned. Kim. Kim’s voice. This was strange. She opened her eyes and came face to face with darkness, as well as the feeling of her hands being tied behind her back. Her memory was a little fuzzy, and nothing made quite as much sense as it used to.

Slowly, as she began to blink and her reality returned, she became aware of exactly what was going on. Shit. They were taken. She couldn’t make out Kim in the darkness. The rocking was because they were clearly in a truck or something to transport them.

“This is not good,” Petal said.

Everything had moved so fast last night.

“Are you okay?”

“Yeah, yeah, I’m fine. They’ve tied me up.”

“Me too.”

Petal frowned and moved toward the sound of Kim’s voice in the darkness.

“Please tell me this is some kind of test. That we were actually taken by your husband and it’s going to end with you two going off to a cabin for some weird kinky sex,” Petal said.

Kim laughed. “I wish that was the case, but they are not club.”

“They were wearing your patch,” Petal said.

“I know. The Evil Fuckers MC, meddling, stealing, cheating, doing all the bad shit they are known for doing.”

“Shit,” Petal said.

“Yeah, shit. It gets worse,” Kim said.

“It does.”

“Someone at the club sold us out.”

This made Petal freeze. Sitting was awkward with her hands tied behind her back.

“How do you know?”

“I don’t tell anyone where I’m going, just the club. The only way they know is if we’re being followed or if someone knows our secret.”

Petal sat next to Kim and asked, “Why are your hands tied in front?”

“I put up too much of a fight and they were not able to get my hands behind my back.”

Petal wrinkled her nose. Her heart was racing and she felt sick to her stomach. She didn’t like feeling this fear.

“Next time, I will be sure to go all crazy on their ass.” Kim let out a little laugh. “At least we’re … I don’t know, together. I don’t know if that is comforting.”

Kim chuckled. “It’s okay. Warden will find us.”

“Does he even know we’ve been taken?” Petal asked. She was also aware that while Warden would do everything in his power to get Kim, no one, apart from Rosalie, would come hunting for her.

“He knows. It’s Warden, he will know everything and he will be prepared. He always is.”

She had a feeling Kim was smiling. “Can I ask why you’re not panicking?”

“There’s no reason to. Warden will come and if he doesn’t, then … I only have a matter of hours to live.”

Petal shook her head. “I don’t know how you can be so calm.”

“I’ve been in this world a long time. It is not the first time I have been attacked or taken. So far, I have been quite lucky. Warden does not accept anyone taking me, and I know he will not accept it now. He will come for me. He always does.”

She listened to Kim. “That must be nice—being with a man you know is going to stop at nothing to get you back.”

“Warden is my true soulmate, and I know at times he is sad by everything that has happened. I accept it, but he has no reason to have any regrets or feel anything but happiness. I love my husband and even after everything we have been through, no matter what, I would still choose him.”

“Even after … your daughter?” Petal asked.

“Yes, even after Hannah. I have Colt. I have Rosalie, my grandchild, and I have you, and if Tanya makes it out from Warden’s wrath, I may also get another daughter from the mix.”


