Broken (Satan’s Death Riders MC #2) Read Online Sam Crescent

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, MC, Virgin Tags Authors: Series: Satan's Death Riders MC Series by Sam Crescent

Total pages in book: 87
Estimated words: 82930 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 415(@200wpm)___ 332(@250wpm)___ 276(@300wpm)

Dirty kept looking at Myth, and he waited. He was not going to answer that question.

Myth laughed and he leaned back. “You know what, you’re full of shit.”

Dirty waited, not sure what his point was.

“I don’t get it, you say all that shit about Petal, you make her fucking hate you, and now what? You’re still in love with her.”

“And you’re not in love with her?” Dirty asked.

“Petal’s my friend.”

“I know.”

Myth shrugged and he got to his feet. “I’ve got work to do.

Dirty watched him head toward the door, and he knew he should just keep his mouth shut, and he didn’t have a clue why he decided to start talking.

“Have you ever done or said something and the moment you did, you instantly regretted it but you couldn’t stop?”

Myth turned back to him and didn’t say a word.

“Petal was a job,” Dirty said. “I was asked by Colt to distract her. That was my job, and no, he didn’t care if that meant sleeping with her, just so long as it got her away from Rosalie long enough for him to do whatever he needed to do, so I did my job perfectly, or as perfectly as I could. I should have left it alone at the cruise. Got home and ignored her. That was the plan, but Petal is not the kind of woman you ignore. She’s the kind of woman you cannot even stay away from.” He shook his head. “When she told me she was pregnant, I panicked and even as I asked the question, I knew it was mine. I messed up. I didn’t take the news like Colt did.”

“What about after? At the party?” Myth asked.

Dirty looked him straight in the eye and shrugged. “I was jealous.”

“You were jealous.”

“It’s not so hard to believe. You got to see her smiles. You got to see her laugh. You got to see Petal happy, and I didn’t like that.”

“Man, I’m so sorry,” Myth said.

“Don’t be. All of this is my fault.”

“I can talk to Petal.”

“No,” Dirty said. “If she is willing to forgive me, then she will let me know, but until then, I’ve got to live with what I’ve done.”

Myth shook his head. “Am I the only one who wouldn’t mind finding a woman and if I loved her, beg her to have me back?”

“Maybe when you find the right woman, you will realize what it’s like to fuck up, and then know you hurt her. I hurt Petal. She didn’t even get the feeling of having a child for that long. She was still figuring everything out because of what I said, and then it was taken. I hurt her, and she lost our baby, and then I hurt her again. I don’t expect her to forgive me.”

“Petal’s a hard cookie, but she is not unforgiving, and I have a feeling she is still in love with you.”


“What the fuck did you do?” Myth asked, pulling Petal to the side and glaring down at her.

“Okay, look, I know this is bad, or at least it kind of looks bad.”

“You hired Tanya?”

Petal grimaced. “Like I said, it looks bad, but I promise you, she asked for the job, and seeing as she was the only one qualified for the job, and wanted it, I don’t see a problem. Harry at the DIY store is reducing the opening times, and she needs a job. It is no big deal. I promise you. No big deal at all. There is nothing to worry about.”

He stared at her, and she tried to smile back at him, or at least get him to smile at her.

“I swear, this had nothing to do with you. She doesn’t even know you like her. Everyone else was an epic failure, and look, Tanya is awesome. The people love her, and Colt is all for Rosalie not being on her very pregnant feet.”

Again, he still glared at her.

“Stop glaring at me. Look, if you can’t handle it, convince Kim to eat elsewhere. This is not all about you. I’m helping a woman out, and she has a kid. Stop being an asshole.” This time, she glared right back at him. She refused to feel guilty for helping a woman.

Myth’s nostrils flared and she smiled at him.

But, he was done arguing with her, which was a relief. Being Myth’s friend was turning into a full-time occupation. She wondered if she could start charging him by the hour, which sounded so dirty in her head, because she did not want to have sex with him.

With Myth back in his seat, she went to serve some of the orders that had come through. They were busy for lunchtime, and having Tanya working was a welcome relief. She even arrived at the diner super early as well, to learn the new till.


