Broken (Satan’s Death Riders MC #2) Read Online Sam Crescent

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, MC, Virgin Tags Authors: Series: Satan's Death Riders MC Series by Sam Crescent

Total pages in book: 87
Estimated words: 82930 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 415(@200wpm)___ 332(@250wpm)___ 276(@300wpm)

“I can drive home.”

“Again, do I look like I give a fuck? As you said, I am pregnant and currently temperamental with my hormones. Stop being a baby. Colt won’t mind, and in fact, I bet he would like me to have the company, especially if it’s my bestie.”

Petal was not going to argue. She was so tired. It had been a long day at work.

Climbing out of the car, she followed Rosalie to the front door. Colt had a nice place, and according to Rosalie, he’d been working on it for some time before he married her.

Petal had her own room. Colt didn’t have a choice but to turn one of his bedrooms into her room as she did stay there regularly. Again, she and Rosalie had been best friends for a long time, and an MC or a man or two were not going to come between them. They were solid friends and no one and nothing would take that away from them.

Entering their home, Rosalie had to type in the code, and Petal was already making her way over to her bedroom.

“I’m going to shower and sleep.”

“See you tomorrow,” Rosalie said.

Petal gave a wave but went straight to her room. She knew Colt had gotten a reward for giving her a room. Rosalie had fallen that little more in love with him for it. As for Petal, she just appreciated that he finally accepted her, although she did believe he considered her as more of a furniture piece.

Entering her room, she kicked off her shoes, dropping her bag on the floor, and heading straight to the shower. Pulling out her hair, she climbed beneath the water and tilted her head back. She tried not to think about Rosalie’s question. It was so absurd, and yet totally understandable.

Yes, she did still love Dirty, and he had broken her heart. She was not going to forgive him. She sighed, opening her eyes and staring straight ahead. She didn’t know if he was with other women. There were plenty of club women always throwing themselves at the men, she didn’t know if he was going to be one of them.

Pushing those thoughts out of her mind, she focused instead on getting washed. She wanted to sleep.


“Petal’s here,” Colt said.

“That’s fine.” Dirty entered Colt’s home, kicking off his boots. Warden was pissed but he also agreed with him. This was one avenue none of them had considered, but Daemon would have.

The peace treaty had been an illusion. Daemon always had some plan, and now, whoever was leading the Evil Fuckers MC had started to put it in motion.

Warden had handled the dead body and the driver, but the sheriff said there was trouble brewing. There was only so long he could look the other way before people started to question it.

They had Fritz working on identifying everyone associated with the Evil Fuckers MC. So far, they only had three names to go on that they had seen—Nasty, Slime, and Wrench. Dirty remembered them because they had been at the compound whenever they had visited.

He couldn’t remember the others. Wrench had a scar from his neck going up to his chin. Daemon often told the tale that none of their enemies could kill Wrench. There was no blade thick enough, and he apparently even had a bullet go straight through his heart. An elaborate story, but no one has disputed it. They allowed Daemon to talk his bullshit about the men in the club.

Nasty and Slime were two trackers, and anyone that needed to be found was found. They worked together. No one could slip between them, and anyone who did dirty with the Evil Fuckers MC answered to them.

The club was made up for more than three players, but it was a strong three to still survive.

“What do you think their next move is going to be?” Colt asked.

They were talking quietly.

Dirty blew out a breath, rubbing the back of his neck. “I’d start hitting places.”

“You would?”

“Think about it, they have now made their presence known. We know where they are, we know what they are capable of. It is only a matter of time before we find them or they make a mistake. The longer they leave it, the more mistakes they make. Also, now that we know they’re close, we’re going to start checking our members.” Dirty didn’t like this.

“There’s no way they could have been at the club.”

“There is. Especially when we were all partying.” Dirty sighed. “Either way, they didn’t get into church, I reckon they would have tried to stop the last couple of runs we did.”

“Warden didn’t announce them in church, he did so privately,” Colt said.

“A lot of bad shit going around.”

Colt nodded. “We’re going to have to put the men on protection detail, all of our businesses, and the diner, everywhere.”


