Broken (Satan’s Death Riders MC #2) Read Online Sam Crescent

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, MC, Virgin Tags Authors: Series: Satan's Death Riders MC Series by Sam Crescent

Total pages in book: 87
Estimated words: 82930 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 415(@200wpm)___ 332(@250wpm)___ 276(@300wpm)

Just like Dirty fucked up his time with Petal.

“Thanks, anyway. If I need you, I’ll let you know.” Colt slapped him on the back and made his way over to the two women.

Colt offered Petal a beer, which she took, and he watched as she had a small sip. She rarely drank, at least from his experience with her.

Rosalie went into Colt’s waiting arms, and the three of them talked.

Dirty couldn’t take his eyes off her. She looked amazing. And that smile she had on her face … if he didn’t know her as well as he did, he would have thought that was real.

Time ticked by, and a couple of women came to him, wanting to spend some quality time. He moved them along. He didn’t want to be with them. There was only one woman he wanted, and she’d stepped right into the lion’s den. All he had to do was wait for the right moment, and it presented itself faster than he expected.

Petal left Colt and Rosalie and made her way to the bathrooms. This was his chance to talk to her, especially while everyone was distracted. He made his way toward the bathroom, and he saw only one stall was in use. The sound of the toilet flushing let him know she was seconds from coming out. When she left the stall, she took one look at him, froze, and then shook her head.

“What are you doing here?” she asked.

“Do I need to remind you this is the clubhouse? There is nowhere else I’d rather be,” he said.

She moved past him going toward the sink, but he saw her hesitate.

“There’s no need to be afraid of me. I’m not going to hurt you,” Dirty said.

Petal laughed. “Yeah, okay.”

“Look, I get that we had a bad spell, and that is fine. We’ve dealt with some pretty intense news, and that is okay as well, but I think if you get on the pill and I wear a condom, you and I could make it good again.”

Petal dried her hands on some paper towels. For several seconds she stared at him without making a sound. The echo of the towels filled the room.

“Make it good again? Get on the pill?” She turned toward him with a frown so deep on her brow. “Have you lost your fucking mind?” Petal asked.

The anger in her voice startled him. He wasn’t expecting her to be quite so aggressive. She looked ready to scream. She tossed the paper towels into the trash.

Within seconds, she stepped up toward him. “Do you really think there is a chance I’ll ever be with you again after what you did?”

“It was a reasonable question.”

“It was insulting. You insulted me, and you think, what, because it has been a couple of months, I’d get over it, that I would in some way just forget what you said and like a fucking doormat get back in bed with you?”

“We were good together,” he said.

She laughed. “Fuck you. You’re right, we were good together, and you ended that. There is never going to be a you and me. We’re done, Dirty. We were done the moment you asked me if the baby I carried was yours. I’m not one of the sluts you pass around.”

“Is there a problem here?” Kim asked.

He’d been so focused on Petal that he’d not even heard the door of the bathroom open. Dirty didn’t know how much Kim had heard.

“No problem at all,” Petal said. “I’m just clarifying a few things, which I have now done and we’re good here, aren’t we?”

She didn’t wait for a response. He got one last lingering look, and Petal grabbed her beer and left.

Dirty had every intention of leaving but Kim stood in the doorway.

“You know, I told you not to use that girl,” Kim said. “I remember our conversation very well. I warned you from going any further, even if my son asked. I know what happened. I can fill in the blanks from there. I suggest you leave her alone.”

“You don’t know everything,” Dirty said.

“I know enough. According to Petal’s medical records, she lost her baby. According to the notes, she was not too far along, which I know puts you in place of being the father. Now, I don’t know exactly what happened between the two of you, but I know you did something to hurt her. I lost my daughter because of this club. I lost Gabrielle because we were not able to protect her. I refuse to lose any more people, and if you have any respect for me at all, you will leave Petal well enough alone.”

Dirty knew that was all the warning he was going to get.

Chapter Three

Petal finished putting the last of the laundry away as the bell rang. She frowned. Other than mail, she rarely had any visitors. Mail had already arrived, and she’d not ordered anything. Skipping downstairs, she went to the door and came face to face with Kim. After her encounter with Dirty last night, she had made her excuses and left the party. She hadn’t wanted to go but forced herself so Kim wouldn’t come hunting for her. Rather than go to her parents’ house, she’d come straight home.


