Broken Hill Havoc Read online Sheridan Anne (Broken Hill High Series #5)

Categories Genre: College, Romance, Young Adult Tags Authors: Series: The Broken Hill High Series by Sheridan Anne

Total pages in book: 86
Estimated words: 80257 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 401(@200wpm)___ 321(@250wpm)___ 268(@300wpm)

“How dare you compare ‘Game of Thrones’ to this crap. This is completely make-believe. At least the characters in my show are actually real.”

“Ha,” she scoffs. “Correct me if I’m wrong but doesn’t the hot blonde have a few dragon babies? And I swear, I saw an episode with some kind of creepy spirit. ‘Game of Thrones’ is just as make-believe as this is. It’s fantasy.”

“Whatever,” I laugh, completely giving in. I mean, she has a point. I have no argument left to give without making myself look like a complete idiot. “I’ll make you a deal. I’ll watch this stupid show if you cook all weekend.”

“When was the last time you cooked on a weekend?” she questions, raising a smug eyebrow my way.

Damn. She has a point. I should have come up with something better.

“How about this,” she continues. “You watch this show with me and I won’t make you help me cook all weekend.”

I hold my hand out with a proud grin. “Deal.”

Brooke rolls her eyes and laughs and I have to admit, I love the sound of it. It’s been a few days since the whole Lukas thing came out and then the whole Maxen thing which followed it up, and so far, the little cow has left me in the dark. I’m desperately in need of some answers and I have a plan to get them tonight. I haven’t pushed her on it yet, but I’m hoping after opening a bottle of wine or two, she might get a little chatty.

She’ll probably just tell me if I asked, but she’d be reserved with her answers. With a little liquid courage floating through her system, she’s sure to give me all the juicy details, and probably the details I really don’t want to hear. Either way, talking with my best friend is always a blast when we’re both too drunk to remember it the next morning.

I keep my eyes trained on the screen, pretending that I’m taking in whatever rubbish it’s spouting and secretly cheer when the screen goes black, though it’s not just the screen, the whole house plunges into darkness. “What?” Brooke questions, watching the blackness for a little longer. “What happened?”

“I think the power went out,” I murmur as she reaches the remote and tries pressing every single button, knowing that it’s not going to turn back on, not unless one of us trudges outside to check the power box. “I guess neither of us are watching this stupid show.”

“Yeah, well you’re still helping me cook.”

“Damn it.” I look to Brooke with a cringe, really not wanting to be the one to go out in the dark. “Scissors, paper, rock?”

She laughs and naturally, two seconds later, I lose.

I go to get up when a creaking coming from the back door has my blood running cold. My eyes flick to Brooke, wide and alert. “Did you hear that?” I whisper.

Her eyes are just as wide as mine as she silently nods her head. “Is someone in our house?”

I reach for her hand and pull her up before putting a finger against my lips, silently begging her to keep quiet. My heart races. I need to get to my phone. I need to call Nate. Or the police.

Holy shit, I need the police.

I indicate with a jerk of my head towards the door. If anything, we need to get out of here. The fucker can do whatever he wants to the house as long as me and Brooke are safe. That's all that matters.

Brooke nods and I avoid looking at the tears of fear pooling in her eyes. She's usually so strong but the overwhelming emotions of the last week has drained that strength out of her. Right now, she's just as terrified as I am. I need her to hold it together just a little while longer.

We start tiptoeing towards the front door as we hear another creak coming from the back with the familiar sound of the door clicking into place.

Shit. This is really happening.

We take another step when I hear what sounds like claws on glass. My head whips up to the window and in the dark all I can make out is a hooded shadow on the other side, looking straight at us.

Fuck me. I’m frozen to the spot.

Someone is watching us while someone else is creeping in through the back of the house. This is not a good situation to be in. I would never wish this upon anyone, but I'm so fucking glad I'm not alone right now.

A hand slams down on the glass and I jump, holding back a scream. Heavy footfalls start creeping through the house, getting louder and faster.

Brooke squeezes down on my hand, threatening to break the bones within.

My heart can't take anymore. My breath is coming in hard and uneven gasps. My palms sweat and my eyes flick around the darkness, terrified this could be the end.


