Broken: A Dark Romance Read online Books Willow Winters

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Bad Boy, BDSM, Erotic, Romance Tags Authors: ,

Total pages in book: 71
Estimated words: 66454 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 332(@200wpm)___ 266(@250wpm)___ 222(@300wpm)

They can be used for pleasure, angel. “Can” being the operative word.

I could try to kill him. The thought sneaks into the crevice of my mind. There are paddles and whips and other tools of the trade at my disposal. I could grab one and try to overpower him. If I hit him just right when he walked back in, maybe I would be able to kill him or at least knock him unconscious.

But then what? I’d have to sneak up the stairs and try to find my way out without anyone noticing. And then run? I don't even know where I am, or what's outside. And I'm completely naked.

There are so many fucking people here. Men I’ve never met all know my name.

And if they found me running…

Kade said he’d give me my freedom. He said he’d protect me from them, and he’d be the only one to touch me.

And I believe him. I tear my eyes away from the back wall and concentrate on the concrete floor.

As horrid as this room is, I can’t deny I’m turned on. It’s Kade--his hands, his voice, his authority. Everything about him turns me on.

Every time I got into a position, he’d move me slightly. His firm grip would spread my legs wider, and then they’d linger on my body. Every touch was like a jolt of electricity. But I’ve done my best to keep my mind on the training.

I just need to do this right, and then I can leave.

As the thought hits me, the door opens and I quickly move back to the right position. I stay perfectly still and stare at the ground.

I hear Kade’s footsteps, but then the faint pitter-patter of bare feet.

I have to seriously resist the urge to look up and see who else is with him. But I don’t have to wonder for too long.

“Talia, kneel in front of my angel.” Kade sounds confident and sure of himself.

I lift my eyes but not my head as the beautiful woman displays herself in front of me. At least she's wearing a dress. Our knees touch for a moment and then she sits back on her heels.

He brought in someone else.

I remember her from the first night.

Anxiety races through my blood. I have to blink back my tears.

“Talia,” Kade says, “Olivia has been a very good girl. I’d like you to comfort her.”

I watch Talia cautiously as she reaches out to me and gently places her hand over mine. My body tenses at her soft touch.

My heart races, and I look up at Kade. I don’t understand, but I don’t like this. I don’t know why he brought her in here, and I sure as shit don’t need her comforting me.

Talia takes my hands in hers and gently rubs circles on the backs. “It’s alright, Olivia. You’re doing so well.” It’s the first time I’ve heard Talia’s voice. It’s low and soft, but also soothing. “He’s so very proud of you.” My eyes reach hers and my brow furrows. I don’t like that she knows anything about us. Her eyes flash with fear as she takes in my expression, and her smooth motions falter.

Her lips part and then close, and she clears her throat before looking up to Kade. “I don’t know how, Master K.”

Master K. I remember how Kade said to call the other men sir. That calling them Master meant you wanted to be theirs. The memories of that night flash before my eyes. Those men who fucked her that night. Did she call them all Master? Anger slowly courses through my blood, at her and then at this situation. At Kade.

But mostly because I’m fucking jealous. She’s staring up at Kade, a man I’m trying to keep at bay, and she wants him. I know she does.

I’m fucked up in the head for being jealous, but I am.

I rip my hands away from hers and scoot back so that my back hits the wall behind me and I pull my legs into my chest.

He brought her in here to hurt me. That fucking bastard.

“Angel?” Kade says my pet name, but I ignore him. I can’t respond right now. I’ve worked so hard to be good. I was even going to suck him off! Tears prick my eyes. I was going to be his good slave, and he brought in another because why? I didn’t move fast enough for him?

“What’s wrong, Olivia?” Kade asks, but his voice is stern.

“Did I hurt you?” Talia asks with sincerity.

“Yes,” I croak out and harshly wipe at the unshed tears before they have a chance to show themselves. Try to be good. Earn your freedom. Somewhere these thoughts are in the back of my mind, but fuck them both is the voice that takes over.

“Why don’t you just take her if you want her?” I sneer at Kade. My eyes snap to his, and I instantly regret the decision.


