Broken: A Dark Romance Read online Books Willow Winters

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Bad Boy, BDSM, Erotic, Romance Tags Authors: ,

Total pages in book: 71
Estimated words: 66454 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 332(@200wpm)___ 266(@250wpm)___ 222(@300wpm)

I barely shake my head as his eyes pierce into me.

“All you are is mine. All you will do is what I say. I am your Master now. There is no safe word, there is only you obeying what I tell you to do.”

I bite my tongue and resist the urge to snap at him.

“I will always keep you safe. I will never do anything to hurt you. I won't push you beyond what's needed. I promise you that.” I don't believe a word he says.

“You’ll behave now, or things will only get worse for you,” he says in a voice laced with sympathy. He’s not sorry though. He did this to me. He chose to do this. He wants to do this.

I swallow thickly, hating that every part of me is begging to make him happy. I can't avoid the inevitable, but maybe I can prolong it, if I behave.

“You need to be good for me,” he says with a low voice. “You’re going to learn how to be the perfect slave, pet, fucktoy. Whatever it is that’s required from you.” My breath halts in my lungs, and fear freezes my body.

“You’re a reflection of me, and you will be perfect. Is that understood?”

“Yes,” I answer him, feeling completely defeated. The word is choked as it leaves my lips.

“Good girl.” His hand gentles on my back. “Tomorrow you’ll have another chance. Don’t disappoint me.”

The seconds pass slowly and finally he leaves the room. As soon as he’s gone I cover myself, hiding underneath the duvet.

Anger replaces my shame and fear. I don’t care what he does to me, I’ll never break for him. Never.


I wake up to the sounds of Kade moving in the room. I stay perfectly still under the covers; hopeful he hasn’t noticed I’m awake. I can’t see him, so I don’t know what he’s doing. I just want him to leave.

I’ve barely slept at all. I have no way to get out of here, and no hope of leaving. Yet, I tell myself. I just need to get out of this room first. One step at a time.

“I know you’re awake.” His words ring out clear in the quiet room. I hear him push a drawer shut and walk closer to the bed.

“I brought in breakfast. Come.” He gives the order and it pisses me off.

“No,” I say from under the covers, like a petulant child. But I don’t care. I’m not going to go to him.

Silence greets me.

“You’re disobeying me?” he asks in that low threatening voice that somehow fools my body into thinking I should get wet and hot for him. I bite my bottom lip, ignoring him and my arousal.

“Get up and get on your knees.”

I ignore the part of me that’s dying to obey him and hold on to the sane part of me. I grit my teeth. I’m not doing that. I fucking refuse to let him use me. I poke my head up beyond the covers and look him in the eyes.

They’re the softest shade of blue; they could be cold and callous, or forgiving and sympathetic. He could use them to charm women and convince them to be his. They’re eyes filled with deceit. I don’t trust him. I’ll never trust him.

“Fuck you.” I hold his eyes as they narrow and heat with lust. It shocks me to the core. Desire. His eyes flame with desire, and I can’t help that his look makes my own needs flare.

“Is that what you want?” he asks in a deep, menacing voice that only manages to turn me on as he unbuckles his belt. The hardness in his features softens, and a small grin forms on his face as he slides the belt from the loops.

“I wasn’t going to fuck you just yet. But maybe that’s why you’re having such a hard time realizing what you are now.”

My mouth tries to part with lust, but I slam it shut. The tension between us is thick. But it’s wrong, and I hate it. This isn’t supposed to be like this.

He loops the belt in his hand. “I said get on your knees.” With a flick of his wrist he whips the belt in his hand with a loud smack! It makes me flinch and my pussy clench.

I grind my teeth and shake my head. “No.”

Smack! The belt falls hard onto my thighs. I scream out and he pulls the covers back.

“Knees!” he yells at me, and I bury my head into the mattress, huddling into a ball.

He grips my hips and pulls me toward him. I scramble to get away, but he holds me there and presses his chest to my back. I try elbowing him and the first time it works, I hit something, but it fucking hurts me more than it seems to hurt him.


