Bred by the Mountain Man – Courage County Curves Read Online Mia Brody

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, MC, Virgin Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 28
Estimated words: 26282 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 131(@200wpm)___ 105(@250wpm)___ 88(@300wpm)

He seems to sense my spiraling thoughts because he moves close. He stands behind me and puts a hand on either side of the counter, trapping me. He inhales deeply, the motion stirring the hair on the back of my neck. “No female friends. How about you?”

He's so big and the way he's around me, caging my body, makes me feel safe for the first time in a long time. The scent of his cologne is in my nostrils, and I struggle to think clearly with him standing so near. “No female friends of mine except for Ivy down at the dessert shop. She’s fun.”

He growls, and I feel the vibration through my back. “Do you have any male friends?”


It might be my imagination, but his posture relaxes at my admission. The knowledge makes me brave.

“There’s only one man, but I don’t think he pays me any attention.” My voice manages to come out even despite the way my heart is pounding, and my breathing is erratic. I did it. I put all my cards on the table. Now I can only hope that Roman doesn't break my heart.

“He pays you a hell of a lot more attention than you realize.” His warm lips ghost across the shell of my ear.

My breaths still come in shallow pants. My head spins with this new information. Does he mean me? He has to mean me, right?

The oven timer dings, and I startle, surprised by the sound.

Roman takes a step back, so I can pull the chicken from the oven.

The food is done to perfection, but I can’t focus on it with him so close. I keep my eyes on the stove, when I say, “It’s nearly time to eat. You should wash up.”

He washes in the sink while I set the table.

We enjoy a quiet dinner together. Well, I'm assuming he enjoys it. He doesn't say much. He grunts, even when I try to ask him questions about his business.

After my fourth attempt to make conversation that's met with stony silence, I acknowledge to myself that Roman doesn't like me. Clearly, I misread what happened at the counter. The humiliation burns in my gut.

I rake out the plates with short, jerky movements before I duck my head and hurry to the front door. I slip into my shoes. “This was…”

I wave my hand, not bothering to finish my awkward sentence. Doesn’t matter. I’m never coming back here again. I was stupid and naïve to think that he would see me in his home and be delighted.

Before he can say anything, I’m dashing out the door. Thunder rumbles overhead, and I hope I can get back to the trailer before the skies open up.

I get in my car and put the key in the ignition. But the car refuses to start no matter what I do. I slap the steering wheel, a swear falling from my lips.

It’s at this moment that the clouds decide to open up and unleash all of the rain they’ve been holding back.

I can’t fix my car without my tools, and I can’t go home. I’m stuck with the gruff mountain man for the night. I gulp at the thought. “This is fine. Keep your hands to yourself. No big deal.”

A knock on my window startles me. Roman is standing there, holding an umbrella.

I roll down the window and peer up at him. There has to be a limit to how much humiliation one person can take before the ground opens up and swallows them. I have to be dangerously close to that limit by now. “I can sleep out here.”

He huffs and tugs on the door handle. The next thing I know, he’s unbuckling my seatbelt and pulling me into his arms.

He picks me up like this is the most natural thing in the world, like this is something he does all the time. My stupid heart wishes that were true.

Somehow, he manages to get us both back into the cabin and keep the umbrella covering me. I should insist he put me down. I should scramble out of his arms. The idea feels wrong, and I’d miss his warmth. I settle for squeaking out, “I’ll be quiet.”

He doesn’t acknowledge my words. He grabs my duffel bag, the one I accidentally left behind in my haste to get out of here.

He carries me and the bag into his bedroom. Then he sets me on the bed and presses a brief kiss on my forehead. I don’t understand this man. He’s running hot and cold, barely talking to me but also taking tender care of me.

I’m desperate to be near him for a little longer. Thunder booms and I reach for his hand.

My fingers close around his swollen digits. “Wait. Stay with me?”



“I’m scared of the dark,” I admit, feeling like a wimp. Out of all the people in the world, I don’t want Roman to think I’m a weakling. I don’t want him to feel as if I’m someone he has to look out for.


