Breathless Read online Madison Faye (Winchester Academy #6)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Winchester Academy Series by Madison Faye

Total pages in book: 48
Estimated words: 48306 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 242(@200wpm)___ 193(@250wpm)___ 161(@300wpm)

“You don’t want to keep going down this road,” I hiss.

Waverley’s lips tighten.

“Well maybe I do!” She reaches back, one hand on the doorknob to my office. “Maybe I feel so bad about the way you’re yelling at me right now that I just decide to go tell the whole school about—”

“The fuck you will.”

I growl the words as she starts to turn the knob, and I lunge right at her. Waverly gasps, trembling as I grab her wrists in my hand and push her back, pinning her to the office door. My pulse thunders, and I can feel hers racing in the veins of her wrists. The whole room around us seem to throb and pulse. And when I move right against her, fire blazing trough my sins, we lock eyes—panting, both of our hearts racing.

“Or what,” Waverly snaps, her big blue eyes darting over mine.

Fuck, I can smell the lavender of her shampoo. I can feel the softness of her skin under my fingers. I can feel the way her tight little body rocks against mine, her breath catching sharply in her chest.

I growl lowly. “Did I piss you off? That what this shit is? You’re just mad I made you do laps or something? Pissed that I’m pushing you to be a better—”

“I’m pissed that you’re still talking to me like I’m a little girl!” She yells.

“Then stop fucking acting like one!”

The room seems to throb around us, and suddenly my big hands are dropping from hers. I back away, my jaw tight as my eyes burn into hers. Her chest rises and falls with her breath, her teeth still chewing at her bottom lip before those big baby blues narrow at me. She whirls angrily and yanks the door open before she storms away, long auburn hair billowing behind her.

…And I watch that tight little ass of hers in that skirt every fucking step.

And by the time she’s out of sight, I know I’m trouble. Because there I am, pulse racing and my cock hard enough to cut diamonds, wanting nothing more than to run after her and grab her. Oh, and with a phone full of naked pictures of her in my hand.

I’m in serious fucking trouble.



“Hi honey, how was practice?”

I hear the words, but I don’t really hear them. Not with the thunder still roaring in my ears and my pulse still skipping a mile a minute, just like it’s been the entire drive back from campus. Just like it’s been since the second I stepped into his office.

I drop my bag in the mud room off the kitchen and shuffle to the fridge.

“Um, hello? Earth to Waverly?”

I blink, turning and smiling at my mom.

“Sorry,” I mumble.

She just smiles. “Long day?”

You could say that.


“Tough practice too, I take it?”

I just raise my brows, nodding as I turn to the fridge and grab a lime and peach seltzer water.

“That Coach Kirby,” my mom whistles. “He’s good, but man is he hard.”

…Take a wild guess what instantly pops into my head. What pictures, that are in my phone in my sweatshirt pocket this very moment, pop into my head.

“Yeah, he’s…” I blush, shrugging.

My mom sighs.

“I mean, I know he has to be, but I worry that he’s on you too much, you know?”

I cringe.

“You know, that he might be riding you too hard?”

The worlds most x-rated thoughts dance through my head as I blush furiously and quickly take a gulp of lime and peach.

“He’s, uh…” I shrug again, swallowing the heat from my face or at least hoping I am before I turn back. “He’s fine. It was just a long day.”

She blows air through her lips. “Tell me about it.”

“Everything okay?”

“Yeah, just this whole thing with…” her mouth snaps shut, and she frowns. “Just with Miss Hayes leaving so abruptly. I’m not thrilled with her replacement.”

Miss Hayes—Emily—was our art professor at Winchester up until a few weeks ago, when she suddenly got a job offer in Chicago and just sort of bounced. Of course, the gossipy high school rumor mill had a blast with the fact that Ethan Scott—one of Winchester’s resident bad boy students—also left Winchester, also abruptly, also, at around the same time, and also to head to Chicago. I mean, it’d be pretty scandalous if the rumors were true, but I’m pretty sure it really is just that she got a job offer and he was bored with school, tested out, and got into the Art Institute of Chicago.

“Anyways, I don’t really feel like cooking tonight. How do you feel about Greek delivery?”


Mom smiles. “Perfect. I’ll order in a little bit.”

I turn to head upstairs and start in on tackling homework when she stops me.

“Oh, I forgot to ask! How’d the project go last night!”

I cringe, thankful that I’m not facing her as my cheeks turn pink. I may have told my mom that I was going to Brynn’s room back at the dorms to finish a project for our English Lit class. I actually hate lying to her, and I never really do. But what was I going to say? Hey, I’m on my way to a dive bar dressed like a slut to get fucked by my swim coach who thinks I’m a stranger?


