Brave & Beautiful Read online Elizabeth Varlet (Sassy Boyz #3)

Categories Genre: BDSM, Erotic, Gay, GLBT, M-M Romance, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Sassy Boyz Series by Elizabeth Varlet

Total pages in book: 88
Estimated words: 85167 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 426(@200wpm)___ 341(@250wpm)___ 284(@300wpm)

“Hmm,” she said, when he paused.


“I’m just wondering why it is you’re isolating yourself?”

“I don’t want any trouble.”

“Why do you assume there will be trouble?” The way she looked at him, all open and curious, made him really wonder if she didn’t know. But of course she did, she knew everything there was to know about his life. So what was the point of her question? He looked at his feet and studied the understated glam of his nude pumps with buckle straps and sheer mesh paneling. They matched his nail polish and were comfortable enough to wear all day. Unfortunately, they didn’t help with the current dilemma.

The obvious answer was because there was always trouble, but he knew from experience that wasn’t what she was looking for.

“I’m afraid,” he answered finally.

Her eyes shone with warmth and understanding. “Of course you are. But you are also very, very strong.”

“I don’t feel strong.”

“That’s because you’ve been giving in to your fear.”

Tam bit his lip.

“How long has it been since you’ve made a new friend?”

His fingers automatically tightened into fists and he had to force himself to swallow past the anxiety that closed his throat.

The two newest members of Sassy Boyz had been around for a few months. They were friends...right? “Hop and Jae—”

“Don’t really count. How about someone outside of your normal circle? Is there anyone at work?”

“Work? No, I—”

Dr. Lee shook her head and the sharp edge of her perfect bob brushed her chin. “You’ve surrounded yourself with a wonderful group, Tameron. You feel safe with them.”


“But is that enough?”

It was true. He had a great support system now, but maybe he’d become dependent on them. Sometimes he could feel himself hiding behind his friends. They had such powerful personalities and were quick to act as his shield.

“What’s the next step?” he asked.

“That’s up to you. What are your goals? Do you want to speak up? Do you want to step outside your comfort zone?”

“My entire life is outside my comfort zone.”

The look she shot him was a gentle reprimand. It was the kind of look a mom would give her son when he wasn’t living up to his potential. It was supportive but with a hint of disappointment and it made Tam want to do better. To be better.

“How far and how fast you progress is completely in your control,” she said.

“I know.” He should make a new friend. It shouldn’t be too difficult. But who?


Tam’s pulse began a deep, resonating throb and his mouth grew dry. Make friends with Driver, the man who’d gotten under his skin within minutes of their first meeting? The one with a voice like pure sin. The one who’d been confident enough to stand around in his boxers. A man whose charisma could outshine the sun.

A man who’d mistaken him for a girl.

The very idea made him want to hide under the covers like a child. But then he glanced up at one of the posters behind Dr. Lee. It was a quote by Jack Canfield, a motivational speaker.

Everything you want is on the other side of fear.

He was so sick of being afraid, of holding back and being cautious by necessity. He’d made it through hell and survived. Now was the time to start living.

* * *

The sound of sirens woke him from a dream about a girl with shapely legs, long dirty-blond hair, a sweet voice, and wide brown eyes.

“Damn it,” he muttered to the ceiling as he shoved his hand under the covers and grabbed his erection. “I was just getting to the good part.”

In the corner, Michelangelo blinked at him.

And there went his hard-on. “Thanks, buddy. You’re a real boner killer.”

The turtle chewed the piece of lettuce half hanging out of his mouth.

Driver sighed and swung his feet to the cold floor, rubbing his face in a futile effort to wake himself up. He’d never been a morning person. Not that it was morning. He glanced at the clock on his phone—shit, noon already? The trip from California must have taken more out of him than he’d realized. He stretched, feeling the tightness of long hours on his bike loosen. His spine cracked and he moaned. Having a roof over his head was great and all, but Harrison’s couch was hard as concrete and he just couldn’t bring himself to sleep in the bed. It felt like a boundary that shouldn’t be crossed.

On his way to the bathroom he grabbed the turtle’s grub and dumped it in the tank. “Chow time, Mikey.”

The tiles in the bathroom were freezing and Driver cursed while he pissed. Felt as though the November chill had truly arrived. He’d have to check with Harrison about turning on the furnace if he didn’t want his balls to turn to ice. He cupped them in protection as if just the thought was a threat.


