Boys Who Hunt Read Online Clarissa Wild

Categories Genre: BDSM, College, Dark, Erotic, M-M Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 169
Estimated words: 167671 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 838(@200wpm)___ 671(@250wpm)___ 559(@300wpm)

I take a last swig of my drink before I waltz out of the dance room.

I’ve made my decision.

Fuck these boys. They deserve everything coming for them.

I head into the bathroom and lock myself inside before I take off my bag and pull out a hoodie and black surgical mask, covering everything until only my eyes are visible. I open the door and look around again to make sure no one watches me as I head up the stairs. The people attending the party are too busy dancing and chatting to notice me going into the hallway upstairs.

I rummage every room until I find one that’s unlocked and not occupied by people having sex, and I head inside. Books line the walls of this room, and the bed in the back seems unkempt. The scent of burnt incense meets my nostrils as I head toward the closet and open every drawer, searching through the clothes. Boxers, black pants, black shirts with skulls and spiders on them, studded belts and necklaces. This must be Heath’s room.

I get to the next closet and throw everything out until I find a very expensive-looking box from Cartier. “Well, hello there,” I murmur, tucking it into my bag.

I check the rest of the closet, but there’s not much else, and I’m definitely not getting the shoes, no matter how expensive they might be.

I open up some more drawers for some leftover dollar bills as well as an actual new, unused phone. Who keeps a phone carelessly in a box like it’s a fidget and not a whole goddamn phone that probably cost a thousand bucks?

I doubt he even bought this himself.

Men are rich … but boys? Boys don’t deserve the wealth they’ve been handed on a silver platter by their loaded parents. They don’t even pay for their admission to this university. Silas’s mom and dad own the RIVERA clubs across the globe, and his dad is the dean at this college. The parents of these boys bought their spots long ago, while the rest of us have to work our entire lives to earn a scholarship to such a prestigious university.

I stuff the phone box into my pocket before I head to the room right next door.

A ton of skulls are all over the place like someone started a collection, and I don’t know whether they’re real, but I don’t have enough time to care either.

I grab the wallet on the desk, fish out all the credit cards and bills until it’s empty, then snag some rings from the top drawer. Then I filter through his closets, opening up a box in the back that makes my eyes almost bulge out of my head.

“Money shot,” I murmur. There are stacks and stacks of dollar bills, hundreds of them, maybe thousands.

And now they’re all mine.

I take the whole box out and empty it into my bag, which is starting to feel heavy. Then I look around the room and underneath the bed, where I find a particularly strange little box. The lid is closed, but it’s easy to break into as it looks like one of those boxes kids use to hide stuff in. I crack it open with one of my smaller keys, hoping to find some interesting loot.

Instead, there’s a shiny, plastic red flower inside.

Why is he keeping this in a box?


The sudden noise makes me stop and look up.

What was that?

It sounded like … footsteps.

Panic bubbles to the surface.


With the box still in my hands, I bolt out of the room, but the second I spot Silas’s black-and-white hair and those eerie tats running all up the back of his neck as he walks up the stairs, I immediately go back inside and shut the door, holding my breath.

Shit. What the hell do I do?

I check the room and find two windows in the back. One is bolted shut, but the other is opened a little bit.

Can I fit through that?

Silas’s footsteps make the wooden floor creak.

There’s no time.

Without thinking, I tuck the little box in my bag and run to the other end of the room. With all my strength, I push open the window and slip through, one leg after the other, squeezing my body through the narrow gap, ripping my bag half open at the zipper from the hook on the window.

“Goddammit,” I hiss, pulling it through as I land on the balcony.

“What the fuck?!”

Silas’s deadly voice makes all the hairs on the back of my neck stand up.

Guess he found the mess I left.

I look over the balcony, but there’s no way to go down except a big-ass tree in front of the house.

Should I risk it?

“Whoever’s in my room, you’re dead if I catch you!” Silas’s loud growl is all I need to make the jump.

I grab the tree’s branches and catch myself just before falling, but fuck me, my heart’s shooting through the roof. This stuff had better be worth it.


