Boyfriend Material – Hawthorne University Read Online Ilsa Madden-Mills

Categories Genre: College, Contemporary, New Adult, Romance, Sports Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 90
Estimated words: 88646 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 443(@200wpm)___ 355(@250wpm)___ 295(@300wpm)


“It’s you. I want you.”

Tears appear from out of nowhere and drift down my cheeks. He wipes one away.

“I love you, Julia. I meant those words in the poem. My world kind of begins and ends with you. You see me for who I am, the ugly parts, the good parts.”

My throat tightens as a sense of wonder washes over me. “Oh, Eric, I love you too.”

He smiles and laughs. “Jesus. Thank God. Thank you, thank you, thank you.”

Happiness fills me up as he brushes his lips over mine, tentatively, as if it’s our first kiss. I melt in his arms as his mouth touches my eyelids, my nose, my forehead, my cheeks. I quake under each gentle touch, tingles dancing over my skin.

His big hands cup my cheek. “I’d do anything for you, Julia.”

“When did you know, you know, that you loved me?” I mock-glare at him when he smirks. “What? Girls like this stuff. We’re gooey inside.”

He thinks for a moment. “I knew it was real the night I held you in my arms after your mom’s stroke. Then there was this morning after we had sex. The sun was shining on your face. I don’t know, it’s dumb—but my heart was just happy.”

“If only Boone and Reece could hear you say those sappy words.”

He mock-glares at me. “What about you?”

My hand touches his face. “Prep school was the beginning, but it didn’t dawn on me until the night of the party at your parents’. The loss I felt when you didn’t come outside, it was as if part of me was destroyed . . .”

His eyes shut. “I’m sorry.”

I press a kiss to his lips. “No, we need battles to win the war. We’ll make mistakes, then work it out. No more space between us, though. I can’t do that.” I gaze down at the ring I slipped on my finger. “Thank you for this. It’s exactly the kind of thing you’d do.”

“To everyone else, I’m a stone-cold badass with no feelings, yeah?”

My hand trails down to the strong column of his throat. I lean on his chest and inhale the spicy aftershave. I soak in his strength. “Take me to your place.”

“Can’t. There’s a hockey party.” His eyes twinkle. “Yours? But I need to hit a drive-through first.”


He waggles his brows. “Yes, my love.”

“Oh, is that going to be a thing now, ‘my love’? What would the hockey players think?”

He gives me a wry grin as we pull out of the parking lot. “I really don’t care. I’m The Miracle.”



Later, we sit on the couch in the living room and stare at each other. My chest tightens at the emotion that arcs between us. I’m thankful she’s giving me another shot.

“I want you with me after graduation,” I say. “You’re my family. You’ll come with me to Washington?”

She winces. “My mother . . .”

“She can come. I still have my trust, and my signing bonus will be enough for us to get started, maybe find an apartment, plus get that printer you wanted to start your business.”

“Are you sure?”


“Okay!” She throws her head back and laughs, the sound full of happiness. “This is so exciting.”

Relief washes over me. I didn’t realize how terrified I was she’d say no. That she would say she had other plans for herself that didn’t include me.

After a soft kiss, I pull her to her feet and sweep her up in my arms.

She giggles as I carry her up the stairs to her room.

I set her down and close the door. There hasn’t been anyone for me since the night I saved her from Connor.

I walk backwards to the bed and tug her into my lap, my nose trailing up her neck, dragging in her scent, again and again.

I tease the soft skin of her throat with my lips and teeth as she curls her limbs around me.

Her ass is in my hands, her breathing fast.

She massages my shoulders and I groan.

I’ve spent the last three periods getting beaten, but she heals every bruise with her touch.

I want to sink into her.

Devour her.

Emotions inside of me demand to be released.



I slant my lips against hers once. Twice. Over and over.

“I love you,” she says, her voice quiet as she tries out the words again.

“I love you, too,” I say as I nudge her coat off her shoulders. I set her on the bed and trail my hands down her body. Her gorgeous breasts. The small waist. Her curvy hips.

I’m fucking lucky to have a girl like her. Authentic. Strong.

I lean over to kiss her, teasingly. Little nips.

I want to make love to her mouth.

She sits up and raises her arms. I tug her top over her arms, then her bra, grazing my fingers over her pert nipples.

We don’t break eye contact as I shimmy down her jeans, then her white lace thong. I grab a fistful of my shirt and pull it over my head, then strip down to nothing.


