Boyfriend Material – Hawthorne University Read Online Ilsa Madden-Mills

Categories Genre: College, Contemporary, New Adult, Romance, Sports Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 90
Estimated words: 88646 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 443(@200wpm)___ 355(@250wpm)___ 295(@300wpm)

I wave my hand at the camera bag on the floor. “Make this go away and I’d be thrilled.”

He nods almost immediately and heads over to the other officer. He pulls him away and they have a discussion.

Eric joins me. “What did you do?”

“Pushed my weight around.”

Officer Thomas clears his throat as they finish then walks back to us. “Sorry to interrupt your day over a misunderstanding. We’ll return this camera and put into the file your side of the story and that you were helpful. That should settle the issue.”

“Thank you,” I say with grim satisfaction. I did that. Myself.

Eric shakes their hands. “We appreciate that, officers.”

Once they are gone, my smile disappears and I go inside. I’ve been using that camera. The first thing the newspaper editor asked me was if I had my own equipment. I’d said yes. Kind of a lie. Stupid. I should have known I’d have to return it.

I can’t afford equipment like that. Another thing to add to the list.

“Was that young cop one of your clients?”

“He’s been in a few times,” I reply.

“Private dances?”

I roll my eyes. “You are so jealous, and no.”

“Good. ’Cause I’d hate to chase after him and get arrested.”

“You can’t do things like that—even if we are dating.” My eyes twinkle.

His big hand engulfs my cheek. “The only person I want seeing you half-naked is me.”

I stand on my toes and brush my lips over his. “Thank you for caring.”

I pull my shirt over my head as I take the stairs. “I’m going to bed, hockey player. Wanna come with?” I throw a look over my shoulder at him.

His gaze darkens as he follows me, tight on my ass.

I’m nearly to the top when he catches me. I shriek as he turns me and picks me up, my legs wrapping around his waist as he takes off to my room and rushes inside.

He tosses me on the bed sideways as his eyes lower to my cleavage. “I want you.” His eyes burn down at me. I revel in it.

“Same,” I breathe.

He tugs one bra strap off my shoulder, then the other. He eases the cups down, revealing my breasts. Air ghosts over the erect nipples as goosebumps rise. My back arches in anticipation.

He stands back and takes me in. “You deserve to be worshipped like the fucking goddess you are.”

“I’m not a goddess,” I say weakly. “But if you insist on calling me one . . .”

“I do.” His fingers graze my skin, sending bolts of fire through my nerves. He rubs the pad of his thumb over one nipple, and it peaks under his callouses. Then he draws it into his mouth, sucking. Caressing the other, his tongue draws lazy circles on the rosy pebbles.

He unbuttons my jeans, sliding them to the ground, then wraps his hands around my ass, kissing the V where my thighs come together. “Lay back. You don’t have to do a thing.”

He scoots me up on the bed. He starts with my chin, then moves to my neck and shoulder, to my upper arms, his stubble brushing against my sensitive skin. He delivers a series of tiny, nibbling kisses down to my navel, across the curves of my hips, and down over each thigh. He spreads my legs wide, and I wait desperately to feel his mouth.

But he doesn’t.

Maddeningly, he continues down, kissing my knees, my shins, right down to my toes.

I’m writhing, senseless with need.

He stands up, pulls his shirt over his head, and sheds his jeans. “Come here,” he says, sitting down on the bed and hoisting me onto him so I’m straddling his lap. I’m naked on him, his cock nestled between my legs, and I want nothing more than to feel it inside me.

He opens a condom and I help slide it on. His cock is flushed red and bobs against his stomach. With one hand around his neck and one on his length, I lift so that his tip is right at my entrance. I inch him inside me, slowly, then fully seat myself. I move my hips in a slow, circular motion, then speed up. He holds my waist, helping me keep a steady rhythm.

He cups my ass with his hands as he groans. “Your show. Do what you want. Use your power.”

My breath catches. He understands that I need someone to remind me that I’m strong even though my life feels out of control.

He wants me to come to the party. I’m his girlfriend.

It’s not an admission of deep feelings, but with him . . .

It means something.

His erection thickens and my own body responds as juices drip between us. The air smells like him, me, us. I kiss him savagely, our lips tearing at each other.

Lust builds between us, higher and higher.

He rocks me back and forth, but I dictate the pace, the depth, the angle.


