Bound Together (Torn and Bound Duet #2) Read Online K. Webster, Nikki Ash

Categories Genre: Angst, College, Drama, Funny, GLBT, M-M Romance, New Adult, Romance, Sports Tags Authors: , Series: Nikki Ash
Series: Torn and Bound Duet Series by K. Webster

Total pages in book: 97
Estimated words: 94135 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 471(@200wpm)___ 377(@250wpm)___ 314(@300wpm)

Fuck him and his hot, sexy mouth.

“Your boyfriend’s about to take my ass because yours is too wrecked to take it again,” I taunt, unable to help myself.

Brayden laughs and then bites my neck. “After I wreck you, Mia will be the only one left.”

His finger slips out of me and then he’s pushing in two. Fuck it hurts, but I’ve missed the feeling of something inside my ass. I hate to admit that, but it’s true. Before Mia, I lived for this shit.

“Ride him so we can watch,” I command, my voice husky and raw. “Please.”

Mia grins at me. “Since you asked so sweetly.”

Drew flops onto his back and grabs a couple of condoms from the nightstand. He hands one to Bray and then he tears open his. I watch eagerly as he rolls it on his dick that I know from experience is fucking perfect.

“Get on that big dick, baby. Make your tits bounce. I fucking love watching your tits bounce,” I rumble. I stroke my cock, watching as she gets on her knees.

“Mine,” Bray growls, biting me hard enough I release my dick.

“Mean ass,” I grumble.

He removes his fingers from my ass, leaving me empty and aching, and then he tears the foil with his teeth. I can hear him lubing himself up behind me, but I’m focused on the way Mia straddles Drew’s waist. Her small hand grips his dick and then she’s sliding down over him.

I hold my breath.

Waiting for my world to explode.

To want to die inside.

But all I feel is love and warmth and need.

Mia bounces like a good girl, Drew’s hands tugging at her nipples hard enough to make her yelp.

“I want to look at you when I fuck you,” Bray says, kissing my neck again. Fuck, I love when he does that. “Do it before I make you.”

“Bossy fucker,” I complain, though not too hard.

I scoot onto my back, enjoying the better view of my girl as she fucks my hot roommate. Bray prowls over me like a fucking starving lion. I’m drawn to the Adam’s apple that’s so goddamn lickable in his throat. He’s rough—just how I like it—as he jerks my knees apart. Then, he dips down, licking his way up my dick from root to tip. Holy shit.

“All that abstinence with your boyfriend makes you a dicksucking pro, dude bro Bray,” I rasp. My fingers dive into his hair, urging him to suck me. His lips wrap around my cock, his tongue lashing eagerly at me.

“So hot, oh my God,” Mia whimpers.

“Fuck yeah,” Drew groans, his voice strained.

I want to look at them, but Bray has me captive with his hungry stare. He sucks me as though I can nourish his goddamn soul. And, like the generous fucker I am, I give it to him. My nuts tighten and then I’m coming in his perfect mouth without warning. The little pro gulps it down like he needs it. He pops off my dick, saliva running a stream from my dick to my navel, and he crawls up my body.

“You’re so fucking hot, Ashton,” Brayden murmurs against my mouth. “So hot.”

I moan against his mouth, accepting his deep kiss as his dick probes at my asshole. We both groan when he enters me swiftly. He doesn’t have the gentleness and care he had with Drew. It’s more feral. Needy. Desperate.

I love it.

I love him.

I nip at his bottom lip, digging my fingers into his shoulders. He bucks into me hard and claiming. When Mia makes a sound, we both pull from our kiss, unable to keep from looking at them. Drew’s hand is tangled in her hair as he devours her mouth with his. She’s fucking him like she’s crazed with need.

That’s my dirty girl.


Fucking my sexy roommate.

Also mine.

Brayden drives into me hard, drawing my gaze back to him. Burning brown eyes. Knowing smirk. Sharp jawline. Hot-ass hockey boy who drives me fucking wild.

“Mine,” I murmur to him, kissing him hard.

Mia cries out, signaling her orgasm. Drew makes a grunt as he follows her. I’m overwhelmed by the sensations of the three people in this bed with me.

Brayden’s dick—fucking huge, stretching me as his mouth devours mine.

Mia’s hand curling around mine and squeezing.

Drew’s fingers toying with my hair.

I just came, but my dick is weeping to come again. As though he understands, Brayden grips my cock, driving into me in tandem with the way he fists my cock. It’s ragged and savage. I fucking love it. Brayden has fucking stamina because he brings me to orgasm before he reaches his peak. When he finally does, his cock swelling in size, he collapses on my sweaty, messy chest. His lips find my neck for a kiss and then he chuckles.

No one says anything for a long time. Even after Brayden climbs off me to fetch something to clean us up with. Even when Mia slips to the bathroom for a moment. Even when Drew disappears to turn off lights in the cabin.


