Boss Me Around (The Mcguire Brothers #3) Read Online Lili Valente

Categories Genre: Contemporary Tags Authors: Series: The Mcguire Brothers Series by Lili Valente

Total pages in book: 67
Estimated words: 62620 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 313(@200wpm)___ 250(@250wpm)___ 209(@300wpm)

Wally dove in head-first, collided with some old farm equipment we had no idea was hiding beneath the surface, and stayed under so long we all started to panic.

Thankfully, my cousin Theo was sober and had enough presence of mind to shout for us all to shine our flashlights on the water as he waded in to look for Wally. Theo pulled him out, administered CPR, and we were able to get our friend to the hospital in time.

But it was close.

Too close.

That night instilled in me the value of following the rules. If you don’t, people can die. Or get hurt really, really badly.

Starting something with Starling would hurt her, I have no doubt of that. She can talk about “knowing what she’s getting into” all she wants, but I know Starling. She’s a lover and a caregiver and a connector. I can’t imagine a world where the fact that we’re fucking on the regular means nothing to her.

It would certainly mean something to me.

Just sneaking into the office with her last night, chatting as we crept through the darkness and coaxed Bella out from under the desk, was the best “date” I’ve had in years. Her smile makes me smile, her sense of mischief calls to mine, and that’s a recipe for trouble.

Hell, look what she’s gotten me into already. I’m in possession of a contraband creature and we haven’t even kissed. I can only imagine the chaos we’d create if we started dating.

It’s best if I steer clear of the woman and stick to kissing people like Carolina. Safe women. Women who won’t tempt me to get attached or make things awkward with my family if our relationship is discovered. My brother Matty is currently the “problem child” of the McGuire clan, and I’d like to keep it that way. I’m too old and set in my ways to go back to being the one Barrett wants to punch or Drew sits down for a talk.

Still, I’m thinking of Starling the entire time I’m kissing Carolina, and I end the kiss far sooner than I usually would have.

I can’t help it. Now that I know Starling wants to kiss me as much as I want to kiss her, other women’s lips hold no appeal.

“A kissing booth, how fun!” a familiar voice chirps as I pull away from Carolina’s lips.

I turn to see Starling standing a few feet away, as if manifested by my unruly thoughts.

But my thoughts clearly have nothing to do with this. Even my sexually fertile imagination isn’t inventive enough to summon Starling in full Sex Princess regalia.

Fuck, she looks…incredible.

The silky blue-green dress hugs her curves and brings out the sparkle in her emerald eyes, her hair is pulled up in complicated coils I’m dying to bury my fingers in, and whatever she’s got on under the dress is doing something fantastic to her breasts. The creamy white mounds bounce lightly on her chest as she laughs, making my mouth go dry as she says something about cooties that I can’t decipher through the lust haze.

“Oh, I agree,” Carolina says, nodding seriously. “Absolutely a cootie-spreading gig. That’s why I’m only kissing on the cheek or with closed lips from now on.” She reaches out, giving my arm a familiar squeeze. “But Christian’s special. Ex-boyfriends get the full kissing booth experience.”

“You two used to date?” Starling’s brows lift as she glances my way.

“We did,” Carolina says as I continue to gape at Starling in her princess outfit like the simple man beast I am. I do a good “savvy human who’s been around the block” impression, but at heart, I’m like most men—easily bowled over by a gorgeous girl with incredible cleavage.

“But don’t worry about it,” Carolina continues. “If you two are dating, I have no interest in getting in the way. Chris and I broke up over a year ago and I’m with an amazing guy who’s all about commitment.” She shrugs one bare shoulder. “But Victor’s a pilot and gone on a trip this weekend, so he couldn’t be my first customer.” Her dark eyes flash as she adds, “And he doesn’t mind if I kiss another man every now and then. He’s actually kind of into it. When we go dancing, he likes it if I start making out with someone else, just so he can barge in and act mad about it after. Then we go home and have amazing makeup sex.”

She blinks, biting her lip as she glances between Starling and Nora, Barrett’s neighbor, who I’ve only just realized is standing behind Starling. “Is that oversharing? My sister says I have an oversharing problem, but I just want to be sex positive. It’s weird that Americans are still so squeamish about sex. Right? Like, corporations can use it to sell everything from socks to lip balm to tractor parts, but we can’t talk about it in public without being embarrassed? So weird.”


