Boss From Hell – Billionaire Office Romance Read Online Georgia Le Carre

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire, Contemporary Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 84
Estimated words: 79963 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 400(@200wpm)___ 320(@250wpm)___ 267(@300wpm)

Coldly, I stared her up and down. She was quite something in the looks department, but if she thought her sex appeal would cut it here, she had another thing coming. True I had a thing for women in tight pencil skirts, but only in totally different circumstances.

When I was at work, I was purely and totally in work mode. Oh well, maybe it was a good thing she was here. Work was starting to pile up.

“Fine. Get me a coffee. Black, no sugar.” I turned to go to my office before I remembered: I was cutting down on coffee. “No, don’t,” I said irritably. “Get me some water. None of that plastic stuff, make sure it’s in a glass bottle. I have a running account at the deli down the street.”

I entered my office, and even before the door had shut behind me, I had already turned on my computer. I logged onto my email account. Hell, without a personal assistant, my inbox was flooded with emails. I scrolled through, opening important ones and responding with brief replies where necessary. I was completely lost in my work when a knock sounded on my door, I looked up impatiently. A crack sounded from the back of my neck. I’d been sitting in the same position for too long.

“Come in,” I thundered.

The door swung open and Miss what’s-her-name strolled in. Her lack of briskness annoyed me.

“Your water, Mr. Frost.”

I massaged the back of my neck and looked at my new PA properly for the first time. She was surprisingly quite ravishing, with lustrous long blonde hair tightly held back in a ponytail.

A heart-shaped face and plump lips, all good things on my list of wants, but those eerily blank blue eyes. Imagine fucking that! My gaze dropped down to her slim-fitting skirt. She had curves, if you liked that sort of thing.

I did, but not at work.

I made a mental guess of how long she would last. Probably less than a week. Despite her nice packaging, she was probably like all the others. Inefficient snowflakes. All with no exceptions expected special treatment as if it was my job to make it nice and comfortable for them when they fucked up.

I raised my gaze and met her cool one, staring right back at me. Another woman would have reacted to my shameless examination in two ways. Red-faced embarrassment, or the disgusted feminist’s chin upturned pose.

My new PA did neither.

She waited for me to finish my inspection. Her non-reaction, and those eyes that should have creeped me out, did something completely unexpected. They made me want to fuck her. Right there on my desk. I wanted to bend her over my desk, bunch that pencil skirt around her waist, and give her the riding she deserved. I wanted to see those calm blue lakes ripple with unbridled lust.

Heat whipped through me and rushed to my cock.

What the-?

I’d never had such a violent reaction to any of my assistants. I preferred my women to be willing, anonymous hookups.

“What’s your name?”

“Lillian Hudson,” she answered calmly.

“Once you leave here, take a trip to HR and get them to sort out an email for you,” I said, and opening the top drawer of my desk pulled out a file. I’d had so many assistants over the last two years I’d made a special binder to give them a crash course in what they needed to know to work for me.

You’d think that being handed all the instructions in one place would make it a breeze, but of course, it didn’t. I had the misfortune of getting saddled with fools and idiots.

“Read that,” I said, sliding the folder towards her.

Silently, she picked up the folder.

Then I pulled out another folder that contained some projected numbers and calculations for some of my projects and handed it to her. “Feed the info in these files into the relevant databases. I want it done before you leave the office today.”

Okay. Maybe I didn’t need the whole thing done by today, but I was curious to see how calm and collected Lillian Hudson would be after hours of heavy, monotonous work.

Would she think she was too big for data entry and quit today? If she was a quitter, better still. I didn’t quite like that she was so distracting anyway. I’d rather she left so I could get back to things the way they were before she arrived. I wanted to go back to thinking with my brain.

I told her briefly what to do and curtly dismissed her.

She didn’t make a move to leave, but she did flip through the folder. A frown pulled at her very kissable lips.

“All this?” she asked quietly. “You want it all done today?”

I swung a black look at her. “Is that a problem?”

Her facial muscles moved and produced that supercilious smile again. “Not at all, Mr. Frost.”


