Boss Daddy’s Girl Read Online Lena Little

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic, Insta-Love Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 35
Estimated words: 31579 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 158(@200wpm)___ 126(@250wpm)___ 105(@300wpm)

"It's fine," I cut in, smiling at the distraught desk clerk. "I'm sure we'll manage."

"I am so, so sorry. Of course, we'll be reimbursing you the cost of the entire weekend," the clerk continues, looking as if she's about to start crying.

"It's fine," I reassure her.

She still looks terrified, but Ellie finally nods, and I grab the keycard. "You don't have to bring any bags up; the bellhop will be happy to take them. And if there's anything you need, please let us know, and we will be happy to⁠—"

"Yes, thank you. That will be all," Ellie interrupts. She turns on her heel, and I'm forced to follow her, staring at her ass again, of course.

The elevator ride is silent. Ellie is leaning against the wall, trying her best not to look at me. She's nervous.

"It's not a big deal. Really, Ellie."

"We work together. It's ... unethical," she says, turning her gaze towards me.

I can't help but laugh. "Are you suggesting what I think you are?"

Ellie is red-faced. "No!" she yells. "I'm not. I don't want that. I just … it's weird! We're both adults, and we work together, and this is just … so ..."

"Strange," I supply. Exciting, I think, but I keep that thought to myself.

"Embarrassing," she counters. "But I guess it will be fine. We're going to be so busy I'm sure there will be minimal time in the room itself."

Her words are becoming a nervous babble, and I can't help but laugh. My sweet, brave Ellie being so shaken by sharing a room is almost hilarious.

"Don't worry," I say. "I'm a gentleman."

Her blush deepens, and she doesn't respond.

"Your silence is telling."

"Well, I didn't think you'd be happy if I called you a liar."

Ah, there she is. My witty, sarcastic spitfire of a girl. It's taking everything in me not to celebrate here and now, right in her face, the fact that we're sharing a room. I've hungered for this woman, in her sinfully tight pencil skirts and silky blouses that give me tantalizing peeks at her lacy lingerie, since the moment I laid eyes on her. That want morphed into a genuine, soul-shaking need when, during that first interview, she called me an asshole and stormed out. After dozens of interviews of would-be assistants bowing and scraping and nearly begging to kiss my ass, her fire was like a breath of fresh air.

But my Ellie is all professional, at least most of the time. It's all 'sir' this and 'Mr.Evans' that. I so rarely get to hear her say my name, and only usually when I've royally pissed her off, but damn, when I hear it roll off her tongue, I go hard as steel.

This must be karma for being such a stubborn prick my entire life—wanting the one woman on earth that I really should leave well enough alone.

The elevator dings at the top floor of the hotel, and it's time for us to face the music. A funeral dirge in Ellie's mind surely, but a romantic, sensual song in mine.

The convention is being held at the Salt Palace Convention Center, and the attached Regency Salt Hotel is a beauty even by my high standards. Funny that I'm fine sleeping in a tent on the side of a mountain at any time, but I have no patience for cheap lodgings when I'm playing the part of owner and CEO of Dragon Ascent. I might as well enjoy the perks of all my hard work.

The building is tall, all mirrored glass from the outside and luxury inside. It's packed with people in town from all over the world for the conference, which will be held in the other part of the building. It's a new building, and it shows.

The honeymoon suite we've been accidentally booked into is a different story. It's clearly been built and decorated for amorous couples, and Ellie is blushing as I watch her take in the decor and the gigantic bed that dominates the main room. There's a roomy balcony with a hot tub, a separate sitting room, an oversized bathroom, and a fully stocked kitchen.

"It's beautiful," she sighs, wandering towards the windows.

I can't help but agree. It's her.

The first order of business is to take our things to the bedroom. And I'm going to enjoy every minute of watching her try not to react. It's done tastefully, with dark wood and cream colors, and the bed is large enough for a small orgy.

"I'll take the couch," I offer, smirking at her.

"No way! I'll sleep on the couch," she insists. "You're too tall!"

I shrug. "Too bad. You want first dibs on the shower?"

"Um, sure," she says, clearly flustered.

"Great. I'll be in after you." I set my backpack on the ground and walk towards her, crowding her into the room.


I take her suitcase from her, setting it on the bed. "Ellie, it's fine. I'm used to sleeping on all kinds of surfaces."


