Boomtown Read Online Lani Lynn Vale (Freebirds #1)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, Contemporary, Funny, MC, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Freebirds Series by Lani Lynn Vale

Total pages in book: 82
Estimated words: 93284 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 466(@200wpm)___ 373(@250wpm)___ 311(@300wpm)

I tried to curl my arms protectively around my stomach but they stopped with a snap, and I realized that they were secured to the bed post with zip ties. He eyes were scanning my body and finally settled on my stomach. The floor dropped out from under me and I prayed that the babies would be alright.

“Do you know who I am?” the man asked.

I shook my head and willed myself not to cry.

“Malcolm ring any bells?” he asked me, staring me straight in the eyes.

My breath caught in my throat. Oh shit. Oh fuck. I had a feeling, but having it confirmed made my situation seem all the more horrible.

“Y-yes.” I stammered out.

“Good. So you know what happened to Sam’s other girl?” Malcolm asked me.

“Yes.” I whispered.

He nodded and then walked over to the table where the medical supplies were sitting. He picked up a scalpel and then came to me, standing over me.

“The last one wasn’t alive when I did this. You better not move too much or your baby might get hurt.” He said to me.

Pure terror enveloped me. I panicked. I had to get him to talk. I had to stall for time. Sam had to know where I was. I was still wearing my tennis shoes, and Sam told me that he’d planted a tracking device in three pairs of my shoes, which is why I only ever wore my tennis shoes out anymore. I only had to wait a little bit longer and Sam would be here.

“Why are you doing this?” I said, trying to sound strong, but the quiver in my voice betrayed how truly scared I was.

He gave me a reproachful look and reached for the shirt that covered my belly. I could feel the babies moving, and for sure Malcolm was able to see them moving too.

“He doesn’t deserve to be happy. I’m not. I spent four years of my life in prison because of them.” He said. “Now I’m going to take away everything that means something to them.”

He sat down on the edge of the bed and placed his hand on my stomach, feeling them move. I flinched when his palm rested against the skin of my belly. Never had I had someone touched me on my tummy that I didn’t want to. It felt wrong in all ways. His hand felt sweaty, and I recoiled. He caressed my belly like Sam did, and bile rose into my throat. When Sam did it it, it felt beautiful, and now here Malcolm was doing the same thing, tainting the wonderful memory.

He sat like this for a few minutes, almost like he was in a trance.

He placed the sharp blade against my skin on my left lower belly and let the scalpel run lightly over my belly. I didn’t realize that he had actually cut me until blood started welling up into a line exactly where the scalpel had run. It didn’t take long until an excruciating burn followed and I screamed.

“None of that now.” Malcolm said, placing his hand over my mouth.

I was breathing heavily, trying to control myself. It wasn’t a deep cut, but my brain didn’t understand that. All I could think about were those precious faces that I just saw on the ultrasound. My sweet girls. Oh please Sam, please hurry.

“I’ll let the baby live, I’ll place it right beside you just out of your reach so you can’t touch while you bleed out. Then I’ll come back for the baby so Sam will know what he has before he loses it again.” Malcolm said hollowly.

“The baby won’t survive if you take her out this early. She is too small. There is still three more months to go!” I cried out desperately.

“You are as big as that other woman of Sam’s and she was full term.” He said to me.

“It’s twins.” I whispered.

He grinned evilly and stared at my eyes for long moments. Mine were pleading with him to wait.

Malcolm seemed to come to a decision and jumped up off the bed and reached into his pocket. He looked at the screen, punched a few things in and nodded. He threw the scalpel down on the floor and lifted the blanket so it covered my stomach.

“I’ll be seeing you later.” He said to me, and then walked calmly out of the room.

I closed my eyes and breathed a sigh of relief. Thank you Jesus. I prayed that he wouldn’t come back to finish it, and if he did that Sam would finally be here. I felt the blood trickle down the side of my stomach on a warm glide that felt like a tear, and then my eyes started welling with their own tears and slipping over. Never would I have thought I would have to experience something so terrifying. If I hadn’t been pregnant I would have fought, but since I had two other lives to think about now, I played the calm rational person, but I was anything but that. I was freaking out. What kind of monster was he?


My brows furrowed as I saw that Max was calling me. I hope nothing went wrong with Cheyenne’s appointment. Cheyenne was normally the one who called me after the appointments, to tell me how they went.

“Yeah?” I answered.

“Chey’s gone. Her purse and a few pictures were on the floor outside of the office door. Get Jack to pull up her GPS unit.” Max wasted no time in telling me what the situation was.

I put the phone onto speaker and yelled for Jack. He burst into the office at a run at the sound of my tortured yell for him.

I quickly explained, and he had her GPS pulled up in a matter of seconds. This felt like forever though. Every second that I didn’t know where she was, it felt like a little something was breaking off inside of me. I watched Jack work, and her GPS showed that she was located at a motel about ten minutes away.


