Bodyman Read Online Lucy Lennox

Categories Genre: Contemporary, M-M Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 19
Estimated words: 17401 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 87(@200wpm)___ 70(@250wpm)___ 58(@300wpm)

I shook my head. “All good here.” I knew better than to ask Kenan. He’d already made it clear he would follow my lead, and the press team had strongly advised him to appear polite and as unintimidating as possible. Thankfully, he hadn’t interpreted their instructions so strictly as to not sit up straight. You could take the man out of the military, but you couldn’t take the military out of the man, apparently.

As I glanced at him, I noticed he was regulating his breathing. It was a technique he’d taught me a while ago, so I took a moment to do the same.

When Sam officially began the interview, I sat up straighter and reached over to take Kenan’s hand. I’d like to say I took his hand without thinking, but that would be wrong.

I’d never in my life been able to take a man’s hand in public without thinking.

But this time, finally, I could take it after only a split second of wondering whether or not it was the right thing to do.

It absolutely was.



I was so fucking proud of Garner Ashley. If anyone had ever wondered whether this man was presidential enough to hold the office, this interview right here would have answered it once and for all.

He managed to carry himself with a calm that was somehow both regal and humble. He radiated confidence and power while he explained that he’d finally found the love of his life in an old family friend he’d known for years.

“This country was founded on freedom,” he continued. “Freedom from persecution. Freedom to live our lives the way we want to without infringing on others’ rights to do the same. And today, I’m living that freedom with my friends and family and with my partner, Commander Kenan Harper.”

He took a breath and turned to meet my eyes. Verdant green reached inside me and took root around my heart. “Henry Truman once said, ‘The truth is all I want for history.’” His eyes sparkled as my belly swooped. Damn that man to hell.

He turned back to Sam and the cameras. “I agree wholeheartedly with Truman’s famous words, but I don’t simply want my truth. Kenan and I would like everyone around the world to be able to live authentic lives for the sake of their love, their future, their ease and comfort, and yes… for the sake of history.”

As Sam began to lob his softball questions at us, I marveled at how easy this part was. Claiming my love for President Garner Ashley was as easy as explaining what type of flower the nearby roses were. It was a truth simply stated and unimpeachable.

So when Sam Tetlow turned to me and asked what I would tell people who criticized my personal relationship with the president, I smiled and answered truthfully. “Truthfully, I hope I would simply ignore it. What would I wish I could tell them?” I grinned. “That often the deepest hate comes from the deepest desire.” I shot a teasing glance at the man beside me. “Garner’s not the only one who can break out a famous quote to make a point. Mine was Socrates. Who happens to pre-date Truman by a good two thousand years.”

Garner laughed and squeezed my hand. I turned back to face Sam and the cameras. “The truth is, we will be criticized. But if we—and by that, I mean anyone—let criticism keep us from living our lives, then that leaves us with half a life. I can’t think of anything more miserable than making choices based on what a stranger thinks is best for me rather than what I know is best for me. And Garner Ashley? He’s the best for me. Hands down, without a doubt.”

I felt the warmth of Garner’s gaze on the side of my face. Later, I would watch the interview and see how clear his love for me was in his expression. But I didn’t need to see it to feel it. The connection between us was real. Strong. Undeniable.

Sam wrapped up the interview and stuck around to congratulate us on an exciting new venture. “It will seem like this is the most scandalous thing to hit the country in the entire history of the world,” he cautioned. “But if there’s one thing I know for sure after doing this for several decades, it’s that what seems scandalous today will seem ordinary tomorrow. Believe me when I tell you it’s just a matter of time.”

He offered his unwavering support for the future in any way he could give it, which was nice to hear.

Because the following days and weeks and months were hard as hell. But Sam Tetlow was right.

Another scandal came along less than a year later and blew ours out of the water.

Six months after that, another one landed.


