Blyss Read Online J.C. Cliff (Blyss Trilogy #1)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, BDSM, Crime, Dark, Erotic, New Adult, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: The Blyss Trilogy Series by J.C. Cliff

Total pages in book: 96
Estimated words: 88115 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 441(@200wpm)___ 352(@250wpm)___ 294(@300wpm)

He pulls me back into his body, and his hands roam up my back in a slow caress, ending at the clasp of my bra. He unhooks it at the speed of light using one hand, and I can’t help but giggle.

He pulls back, looking at me thoughtfully when he asks, “What?”

I shake my head at him, and he moves in to lick my lips as I whisper, “Do men practice that move? They must buy a bra, throw a bromance party, and have a Quick Draw McGraw competition.”

His lips are on mine when he laughs, and I feel the vibration dance over my lips. This sense of familiarity between us suddenly feels so right, like we’re meant to be. “Oh, baby,” he whispers, his sexual prowess picking up speed again as he nips at my lower lip. “What are you doing to me?”

I’m too drunk on desire to ponder what that statement might mean. I return his favor and nip his upper lip, then I run my tongue over it seductively, hearing him groan, “Oh, hell, you’re killin’ me, woman.” I’m proud of myself for having this effect on this strong, sexy man, whose stone wall seems to crumble little by little with each day we spend together. I’m not so far gone that I think his motives are one hundred percent altruistic in nature, but I do, however, think he is genuine in his solicitous behavior.

“You’re making me lose all reason, Travis.” I pant into his mouth. “Why is it that I find myself not wanting to be anywhere but here with you? That thought should scare the hell out of me.” He’s a true comfort to me, a warm security blanket, and a great escape from having to deal with the new reality I’m living in.

Travis lets out a long, low groan. My chest suddenly feels heavy, and as my nipples begin to ache, I rub my chest against his. His breathing turns rapid while he gazes into my eyes with heated lust. “You talk too much. Kiss me,” he demands, and I’m so dizzy with sexual desire I don’t even realize he’s backed me up to the edge of the bed. I run my fingers up through his hair, pulling him into a deeper, more frantic kiss. He massages the globes of my ass through my jeans, pulling me flush with his erection. Oh, God, I think I’m going to orgasm right now as my stomach flutters, and my pussy clenches in need.

The kiss never gets broken as I feel the hard lines of his straining shoulders, his muscles flexing as he lifts me up onto the bed. He unabashedly explores my breasts with his hands, squeezing and kneading, then pinching my nipples between his fingers.

Laying me down flat on the bed, he breaks the kiss and hovers over my body. His breathing is labored, and his eyes are riddled with carnal need as he whispers, “I’m going to make you feel so damn good you won’t even remember your name.”

I’m speechless as I allow him to peel my jeans and panties off my body in one fell swoop. Even though I feel incredibly-exposed, all my inhibitions have flown out the window. My heart is beating a million miles a minute as I think to myself, I want this man. Every sexually deviant thought I had yesterday has resurfaced with a vengeance, and I thank my lucky stars it’s Travis who will put out the fire.


As he spreads my legs open, parting them with his knees, he lets out an appreciative moan. He makes me feel so beautiful, and I tremble as he licks his lips, swallows hard, and whispers, “I want to taste you, Julianna.” He moves his gaze from my opening and pierces me with a riveting and hungry stare. “Can I?”

He’s asking me? I’m flabbergasted. All I can do is nod my head, and he begins running his hands up the inside of my thighs, pushing my legs farther apart, exposing me to the open air. I feel the contrast of the cool air in the room flow across my flaming core, and I can’t get any more turned on. “Travis…please...” I cry out desperately. He’s taking his sweet time, taunting me, teasing me.

“Don’t you know good things come to those who wait?”

Before I can sass back, his entire mouth is upon me. His warm tongue licks between my swollen labia, and I grab the comforter, fisting it violently. Holy shit, I have never…”Oh, my God...Travis…” I gasp for air.

His tongue pushes through my opening and sinks into my core. He flicks it in and out of me with languid, long strokes, tasting the inside of me. My legs uncontrollably begin to quake, the sensations becoming too intense. “I’ve barely just begun,” he breathes over my pussy in a heated voice. He gazes up at me with hooded eyes while he slowly inserts two fingers inside me. I drop my head back, letting the feeling of ecstasy wash over me. “You’re so wet,” he says in awe. His fingers work in and out of my core, and I feel my body building toward something sweet. He spreads and turns his fingers around deep inside me, stretching me, and my mouth drops open as I fight for air. “Does that feel good, sweetheart?”


