Blush (Black Rose #1) Read Online Helen Hardt

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, BDSM, Erotic, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Black Rose Series by Helen Hardt

Total pages in book: 85
Estimated words: 87629 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 438(@200wpm)___ 351(@250wpm)___ 292(@300wpm)

Jeez. “Okay. Tell him I’ll be right up.”

So much for preparing for the meeting. I’ll be fine. I’ve had to wing it more than once. It won’t be the first time. It’s not my standard MO, but I can do it.

Braden’s office is on the floor above mine—a lush corner office that’s even bigger than Ben’s. Braden is the CEO of Black Inc.—the brains behind the innovative construction goggles that put the company on the map.

I’m not nervous exactly. More…apprehensive.

“Hey.” I clear my throat. “Mr. Black wants to see me.”

Braden’s assistant nods. “Go ahead in. He’s expecting you.”

I walk toward his door. I haven’t done anything wrong. Ben loves me and my work. So what the heck is this about?

I knock.

“Come in.”

I open the door. Braden sits behind his giant desk, his tie loosened. He pushes a folder out of his way and meets my gaze.

“You wanted to see me?”

“Yes, Jackson. Sit down.” Braden motions to one of the chairs facing his desk.

I take a seat.

“I understand you were at the club last night.”

Okay. This doesn’t have anything to do with work. It’s about the club Braden Black owns.

“I was.”

“And you brought a guest?”

“I did.”

“All the necessary paperwork was signed, so your guest is bound by our nondisclosure agreement.”

“Of course. I’ve invited guests before.”

“You have. We’ve never had a problem. But this time, you didn’t make sure she was collared.”

He’s right. I didn’t. Claude gave me the collar, but I didn’t put it on Mandy until we left the private suite. Perhaps I knew, if I tried to collar Mandy, she would balk at it.

Which she ended up doing when we left the suite.

“The members of the club are decent people,” Braden goes on. “I’m sure you know this. However, when you bring a submissive—or even just a guest—to the club, you are required to collar them for their own safety.”

“I’m aware of that. Claude gave me the collar, and I realized my mistake before the evening was over. I did not let her walk around the club alone.”

“I understand. We all make mistakes now and then, but I have to ask why.”

“Just a mistake. It won’t happen again.”

“Good. I’m glad to hear it. I don’t normally call employees into my office on personal matters such as these, but I tend to be overly cautious where the club is concerned.”

“I understand.” I rise. “Was there anything else?”

“No. You’ve always been a responsible member of the club. We’re done here.”

I nod. “Thank you. I appreciate your concern. And your discretion.” I turn, until—


I look over my shoulder. “Yes?”

“Be careful.”

I raise an eyebrow. “Are we still talking about the club?”

“We’re talking about the woman you brought to the club. I was there last night, and you seemed more…taken than normal.”

A sliver of warmth hits my neck, and I bristle at the suggestion. “I think you were seeing things.”

“Maybe I was. But if you feel something for this woman, make sure you never bring her to the club without a collar again.”

I nod.

Then I turn to leave without saying goodbye.

I’m not sure if I should be pissed or flattered. I guess I’m both. I’m flattered that Braden thinks highly enough of me to speak to me about a club issue without simply canceling my membership. I’m also pissed that he’s sticking his nose into my personal business. Then again, he owns the club, and that makes him responsible for everyone’s safety, including my own.

He’s wrong, though.

Mandy is gorgeous. She’s the only one who doesn’t see herself that way. And I’d be lying if I said I didn’t enjoy every minute of our interlude last night. Why did I neglect the collar? It’s unlike me, and Mandy means more to me than anyone I’ve ever taken to the club, so why wasn’t I more cautious instead of less? I thought about it last night, so much that I couldn’t sleep.

And I realized it’s because I don’t think of Mandy in that way—as a submissive. But damn…she acted like a submissive last night. My body is reacting just thinking about it.

But Braden doesn’t have to worry.

Mandy will never step foot in the club again.

I’ll make sure of it.

The best way to make sure of it? I need to find someone new. Someone I can slake my desires with. Someone who is not Amanda Thomas. Someone whose innocence and naivete were taken long ago.

And I know just the one.

Once I’m back in my office, I send a text.

You going to the club tonight?

The three dots and then her reply—

Absolutely. See you there at nine thirty.

Chapter Seventeen


Five o’clock. On Friday.

As usual, I have no plans for the evening.

No problem. Once I’m free for the day, I pull up my search engine and type Black Rose Underground into the bar. Then I add quotation marks around the words.


Well, it’s a private club—a private BDSM club, so of course it wouldn’t have a huge website or anything like that.


