Bloody Royals (Bloody Black Skulls MC #1) Read Online T.O. Smith

Categories Genre: Romance Tags Authors: Series: Bloody Black Skulls MC Series by T.O. Smith

Total pages in book: 95
Estimated words: 86823 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 434(@200wpm)___ 347(@250wpm)___ 289(@300wpm)

She nodded and walked off. The manager came over to me, and I smiled at her. “It took me a minute, but I’ve seen your face enough times to know that it was you, Katie,” she whispered. I frowned. “What in the hell are you doing here? This is the last place you need to be.”

I guess she had heard the news of Nicholas being out for Holland blood. That didn’t surprise me. Nicholas never did know how to keep his mouth shut.

I leaned back in my chair and crossed my arms. “Pam, what’s been going on around here?” I asked, completely ignoring her question.

She scanned the crowd worriedly. “Shit’s bad,” she said softly – like she was afraid of being overheard. “Like, really bad. Ever since Nicholas and Henry joined together, the club has been going downhill, and it’s dragging the town down with them. So many members have turned up dead that it’s unbelievable. Nicholas has no control over the club anymore.”

I sighed. I figured this was going to happen. “The moment that I got word of what happened, I figured shit would get bad. Nicholas has no leadership skills. He’s too bloody-thirsty and power-hungry.”

The girl handed me my drink, and I smiled at her. She rushed away, probably worried that she would get fired by Pam if she stood around talking. I watched her carefully. I’d never seen her around before, that was for sure. I didn’t think she was from around here because if she was, she would have known about the Bloody Royals. Everyone in town knew about the Bloody Royals.

I nodded my head towards the girl. “What’s the story on her?” I asked.

Pam shrugged. “I don’t know. She came in here asking me if she could have a job, saying she really needed it. I gave it to her. I think she’s new in town. She’s really scared around all of these bikers.”

I grabbed my drink and stood up. “You might want to talk to her about that. The Bloody Royals are like animals; we can sense fear.”

I walked over to a booth where a lone Bloody Royal sat. I knew him fairly well. He was the most loyal person to my dad, even more loyal than Nicholas had appeared to be. My dad had found him almost dead on his way back from one of his runs and brought him back home. He had taken care of him and nursed him back to health as if he were his own child.

He had been loyal to the Holland name ever since.

“Liam,” I whispered, taking a seat across from him, “what in the hell has been going on?”

His eyebrows pulled together, confusion crossing his features. “I’m sorry; do I know you?” he asked quietly, his eyes scanning the crowd as if someone was going to shoot him for talking to a stranger. Hell, someone probably would.

I nodded. “I’m Katie. I cut my hair.”

He blew out a breath, looking relieved. “Shit, for a moment there, I thought you were someone Henry or Nicholas has sent to lure me to the clubhouse and kill me. You can’t just run up on us anymore, Katie.” He shook his head. “What in the hell are you doing back in town? You’re supposed to be with Travis. You’re safer with him.”

I rolled my eyes. “Not if Nicholas and Henry get what they want.”

Liam leaned back and slowly looked me over with his eyes, pursing his lips. “So, you know about them wanting you all dead?”

I nodded, taking a sip of my cappuccino. “I need your help, Liam. I need you to tell me everything that’s going on.”

He leaned forward and placed his arms on the table, lacing his fingers together. “I’m not telling you anything unless you give me your word that you’ll watch your back and Amy’s but still do something about this fucking problem. It’s got to stop.”

I nodded at him, looking him dead in the eyes. “You’ve got my word, Liam – as a Holland.”

He nodded once, accepting it, knowing us Holland’s never broke our word. “Your dad’s death wasn’t an accident as it had been claimed on the news. He’s still out there somewhere because he didn’t show up at the hospital, and his body isn’t anywhere to be found. It’s got Nicholas and Henry on edge. Anyone that even looks at those two guys the wrong way gets shot, no questions asked. A lot of the members have gotten killed for drunken mistakes, and it’s terrifying everyone, including the people in the town. Katie, people are moving because they’re so scared.”

I cursed and rubbed my hands down my face. It was worse than I had originally thought. “For fuck’s sake, please tell me that this isn’t going to get worse.”

He sighed. “Sadly, Katie, it gets a lot worse. They’re wanting to eliminate everyone that comes across as a threat and anyone that has access to anything they want. Travis is considered both, therefore, he’s got to go first. He’s got access to ports that the Bloody Royals have never been able to get close to having. Henry and Nicholas both want them; they’re power-hungry. Travis also has the connections to have Henry killed and to take over the Black Skulls. That’s a huge problem for them because then, Nicholas would never have any chance of getting what he wants.” Liam snorted. “Personally, I hope Travis kills Henry. He’ll be doing the world a fucking favor.”


