Blood Money (Marchesi Loan Sharks #1) Read Online Silvia Violet

Categories Genre: Dark, M-M Romance, Mafia Tags Authors: Series: Marchesi Loan Sharks Series by Silvia Violet

Total pages in book: 78
Estimated words: 75585 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 378(@200wpm)___ 302(@250wpm)___ 252(@300wpm)

I wanted to protest that if they’d threatened him, he wasn’t really to blame, but I knew better. “So what about the inheritance? Did they take that as well as my father’s life?”

He shook his head. “No. Your father hid his safe deposit box key for you. The letter included a hint you would understand, but they couldn’t decipher it.”

“Is that why they are after me now? Are they still after the money?”

He paused as if considering the question. “That is possible, but you are well-protected. I have men tracking down the bastards who have come after you, and any other McConnells they can find. They will be eliminated.”

“Thank you, sir.” I had to try not to think about the total death count that I’d end up being partially responsible for.

“Now, it seems we have more things to discuss. I understand it is your intention to marry into the Marchesi family.”

I wouldn’t compromise with him over that. “Yes, sir. I am going to marry Valentino.”

“It would be proper for you to ask my permission first.”

“I already promised myself to him before I knew of you.”

He studied me for a moment. “That is true. If you will agree to the terms I’ve set, I will allow your breach of etiquette and approve the marriage.”

I wanted to yell at him and tell him that wasn’t his right, that I could marry anyone I wanted, that he had no hold over me, but I knew that as much as I wanted that to be true, it really wasn’t. “What are those terms, sir?”

“If there is any business we need to discuss with the Marchesis, I will call you, and you will come and speak with me about it. If they need to communicate with us, I will expect it to be you that they send.”

I didn’t like it, but so far it was exactly what Val had said.

“Also, you will come and spend time with us each week. I will get to know you, and you will get to know the prominent members of this family. I won’t have you living with another family and knowing nothing of your true roots.”

I liked that even less, but for Val, I could live with it. “Yes, sir.”

“Know this. If for one moment I think you’ve done anything to betray us, I will seek you out, and I will end you. And if the Marchesis go to war with us, and you do not immediately leave them and pledge your loyalty to me, you will be considered our enemy just as they will. You will not be able to play both sides.”

I heard footsteps behind me, and I was sure it was Val approaching, Cathal looked up at him and held up a hand. “Back away. This is family business.”

“Valentino is my family. He’s going to be my husband. I will be a liaison between you and the Marchesis. I will spend time with you. I will get to know you and anything you want to tell me about my history, but my loyalty lies with my husband.”

“I have killed family members for less than that,” he said.

I stood still, and I didn’t break eye contact with him. There had been so many chances for me to die over the last few weeks. I was getting really fucking tired of my life being on the line. “I’m sure you have, sir. But I won’t lie to you. I hope that you value honesty as much as I do.”

Lucien rose again. “I trust that is sufficient, O’Keefe. You have other business as you previously said, and so do we. We will inform you when the marriage has taken place, and I am certain Liam will honor his commitments to you. Do we have a deal?”

Cathal looked at Lucien, then back at me. “Yes, I give my blessing to this marriage and agree to the terms we have set.”

I almost sagged to the floor as relief hit me. I wasn’t sure I fully accepted that this was real yet, but I’d survived. I’d stood up to more mobsters in one day than I’d ever thought I’d meet.

“Before you leave, you need the key to your father’s safe deposit box.” Cathal snapped his fingers at one of the young men sitting on the O’Keefe side of the table. The man rose and hurried away. He returned a moment later, holding out the key and a folder to Cathal before returning to his seat.

Cathal looked over the objects, then addressed me. “The box number is on the key and the password the bank will ask for is your father’s birth name which you would have learned from the letter. It is Brian O’Malley.”

How had my father had two names I’d never know about? It was going to take me a long time to process all I’d learned about my family.


