Blade (Shadowridge Guardians MC #10) Read Online Pepper North

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, Contemporary, Erotic, MC Tags Authors: Series: Shadowridge Guardians MC Series by Pepper North

Total pages in book: 54
Estimated words: 50753 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 254(@200wpm)___ 203(@250wpm)___ 169(@300wpm)

“She’s such a good girl,” Bonnie praised. “I love watching her learn new things.”

“She is. Sapphire showed her how to draw on paper. Now she loves decorating everything. My hallway became an art gallery last week,” Ellen shared.

“Make sure to use that special tape on paint,” Bonnie urged.

“Oh, no. I mean, the actual walls are an art gallery.”

Sapphire tried not to laugh. “She got quiet for a few minutes, huh?”

“Exactly. When I found her, my makeup was almost depleted. Do you know how hard it is to get lipstick off a wall?” Ellen asked.

“Scrape off and then use white toothpaste,” Bonnie counseled. When both her daughters turned to stare at her, she added, “Sapphire lured you into joining her decorating efforts a lot until I learned to put my makeup on the top shelf.”

The women laughed together, drawing the attention of the cousins who had been talking a few feet away. This time when Amelia and Aaron joined them, they were much better mannered. Sapphire actually enjoyed the gathering.

When they got ready to leave, Blade sent Sapphire to the bathroom with her jeans. She returned a few minutes later to find him chatting with her parents. “Here, Blue Eyes,” Blade said, holding her jacket out for her to slip into.

“Don’t you get hot in that?” her father asked.

“It’s better she’s protected in case something happens. Once we’re on the road, the breeze makes it comfortable,” Blade answered easily.

“Oh, I hadn’t thought of that. You see kids on bikes all over in T-shirts and shorts. Even flip-flops,” Bonnie said.

“That’s before they have their first accident. Skin grafts are not pleasant,” Blade pointed out.

“I’m glad you’re taking care of Sapphire,” Grant said, quietly.

“She’s important to me. I’ll always do my best to keep her safe and happy,” Blade answered before Sapphire could think of something to say.

“Thank you for joining us, Blade.” Bonnie stepped forward and gave him a hug.

Her dad shook his hand and patted him on the shoulder. “We’ll look forward to seeing you next time.”

Happiness flooded Sapphire’s brain. She’d worried about bringing Blade and he’d fit into her family with ease—by being himself. She shook her head mentally and vowed to trust Blade in new situations.

Her parents stepped back as Blade put on his helmet and fastened Sapphire’s into place for her. She waited for him to throw his leg over the bike and lift it into position. When she moved to settle behind him, Blade balanced the bike between his powerful thighs and pulled her close. He zipped up the front of the jacket before telling her, “Now you’re ready, Blue Eyes.”

Sapphire slid onto the seat and wrapped her arms around his waist. Amelia opened her mouth, and snapped her jaw closed when Aaron elbowed her. What an amazing difference! Sapphire knew it wouldn’t last. They’d soon fall back to their crappy ways, but for today, she’d take this as a win.



Blade slid the last tub of supplies into his closet. Leaving half-completed projects, tools, and his own cache of weapons out around his rooms was okay when he was alone. Sapphire was going to spend the night at the clubhouse tonight after dinner. He didn’t want her to feel like she lived in a battle zone or to hurt herself on one of the fine edges he prided himself on creating.

Scanning the room, he thought it looked bleak. Crap!

He whipped open the door, planning to go check in the supply area if there were any decorations or knickknacks to make the place homier.

“Whoa,” Steele said, tucking Ivy behind him. “You’re in a rush.”

“Sorry. I was headed for the storage area.”

“What happened to all the stuff?” Ivy asked as she peeked into his room.

“I’ve figured out my decorations are things Little girls could get hurt playing with,” Blade admitted.

“I hope you find what you’re searching for,” Steele said, tugging Ivy down the hall.

“Wait, Daddy. This place needs a lot of work. It’s scary in there,” Ivy declared dramatically. “All empty spaces and shadows. I bet it echoes.”

She paused before calling, “Hello?” into the room.

Blade listened for a response before catching himself. “That’s silly, Ivy. It’s not that bad.”

The Little girl shook her head to refute that statement.

“Blade! There’s a guy in the shop who wants to talk to you about decking out his vintage hog,” Kade called down the hall.

“Ivy, I need some help. Would you mind asking a few of the other Littles to spruce up my apartment so I won’t frighten Sapphire?” Blade asked. “Don’t lift anything heavy or climb ladders. No paint. Just throw a few pillows around.”

“I’ve got you, Blade. I want an exchange,” Ivy said quickly.

“What’s that?” he asked suspiciously.

“Can you make me something I can wear that I can use as self-defense? Like a necklace or a bracelet? I still get scared leaving the bank at night,” Ivy confessed.


