Biker’s Baby Girl Read online Jordan Silver

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Bad Boy, Biker, Erotic, MC, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 97
Estimated words: 87908 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 440(@200wpm)___ 352(@250wpm)___ 293(@300wpm)

I tried breathing exercises, counting fucking sheep, everything I could think of to take down the swelling in my too tight jeans, but nothing worked.

I wanted her and I wanted her now. It was only years of discipline that kept me from turning her to her back and sliding in between her thighs. She had no idea the whole time of the war that was going on within me as she rested against my chest.

I let my mind drift, anywhere but here and now. I mulled over what I had to do next to make up for the complete fucking mess I’d made of things.

The one good thing was that she still seemed pretty well rounded and sweet as fuck even after all that she’d endured. I was going to do everything in my power to erase the ugliness from her memory, but there was no way I was ever gonna forget.

I didn’t let my mind dwell on what she’d told me, I couldn’t lose my shit in front of her. I never wanted her to fear me and I know me in a rage was sure to do that.

I kept my lower body well away from her even as I held her in my arms, because contrary to what I’d thought when I came over here, her nearness alone was enough to leave me hard as fuck.

I didn’t ask her anything more, just held her until she calmed down and dropped off. I didn’t want to move, she felt so right there in my arms, just like I knew she would. I kissed her hair, I figured I could give myself at least that much, and she sighed and snuggled closer.


I listened to the rhythm of her breathing until it evened out in sleep. A quick look at my watch told me that it was already close to three in the morning. She had to be tired so that should give me a solid five to do what I had to do.

It had taken me longer to get here because she was on the back of my ride, but if I make the trip solo it would take me half the time. Back and forth, in and out, this shit could not wait.

I made doubly sure that she was out, left a message just in case she woke up before I got back, secured the door and headed out. No one was getting past that door I made sure of that shit.

I hadn’t planned on doing this now, had thought I’d put some more distance between us, get the whole story shit like that. But what she’d shared with me tonight was more than enough.

My crew will pitch a fit when they find out I’d done something on my own, they’ve become over protective old women lately. Like they think success had broken my teeth and turned me into a fat cat with no more spine.

Then again that can’t be true, they know I still fuck shit up, but they like to think they’re protecting me. My fucking entourage!

I should probably call Law as backup, but somehow that wouldn’t be the same. I needed to do this on my own, needed the satisfaction of seeing their fear, and being the one to exact vengeance for what they’d done to me and mine.

I could hear her little voice and see her body tremble as she relived the horror of that disgusting fuck standing over her pulling his fucking plug. I’ma give that fat fuck something to pull on. A fucking stub!

I ate up the distance between us, making it in half the time. The streets tend to be empty at fuck this shit o’clock in the morning; people got shit to do when the sun comes up.

It was just me the open road and my thoughts. I had to talk myself out of killing them both once I got there, but I couldn’t see doing that shit while she was in a hotel room all vulnerable and shit. I couldn’t take the chance of backlash; nothing was going to come between me, and her.

When I do them there won’t be a fucking whiff of my scent anywhere near. With that shit finally set firmly in my head I was able to think clearly again. I might not be able to end the disgusting fuck, but I was gonna make him sorry he’d ever even had the fucking thought to touch her, the fuck.

I killed the lights and the engine a little ways down from the house and walked in. The lights were out but he hadn’t gone anywhere, the pieces of his ride had been picked up and laid up against the garage.

I made sure to keep to the shadows just in case some enterprising night owl was lurking about as I headed for the backdoor.


