Big Filthy Cowboy – Courage County Cowboys Read Online Mia Brody

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic, Insta-Love, Virgin Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 33
Estimated words: 30892 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 154(@200wpm)___ 124(@250wpm)___ 103(@300wpm)

He pulls out before he can come and growls at me, “All fours. Now.”

As I’m scrambling into position, he flips up my dress and yanks my panties down before impaling himself. We both groan the moment he slides home. He takes me quickly, thrusting in and out of my hot channel while gripping my wide hips. The entire time he’s inside of me, he’s saying filthy things.

Just as I’m on the edge, he pinches my swollen nub, and I go up in flames. I feel my body milking him, taking every drop of his come.

After he’s finished filling me up, he takes tender care of me. He spreads us both out on the blankets and covers me up. “Such a good girl,” he croons as he puts a hand possessively on my stomach. “You’re going to take my come and make a baby just for me.”

“What if it takes a little while?” I ask. I started reading about fertility yesterday and how it can take a woman up to a year to conceive the natural way.

“Don’t you worry. I’m going to keep you filled with my come. You’ll be dripping every day until your belly is swollen with my child.”

I smile at the future he’s painting for us. I want a dozen of his kids and a thousand more days on the farm just like this one.

Chapter 12


“What do you want to drink? I got water or…water,” Zac says, peering into the mini fridge on his tour bus.

It’s always like stepping into another world when I go to see my brother. He’s a musician. At least, that’s how he sees himself. The world sees him as country music’s golden boy. He pens songs with happy, romantic lyrics and upbeat melodies. Every project he touches in Nashville turns to gold.

But no one knows about golden boy’s struggles. He hasn’t told the world about it. The only evidence is the way his hand shook when he signed autographs tonight after the show. The smiles he gave during the meet-and-greet were forced, but no one else saw it. They all adore him.

I nod and he tosses me the bottle of chilled water. We’re alone together on his bus after the show. Everyone else is out for drinks celebrating. Normally, he’d be there too despite the heavy things he carries.

But this time of year haunts him. It always does. That’s why I dropped Sadie back at her bakery after yesterday’s tour of the farm. I explained that I’d be gone for a few days, and I’d call her every night.

I yank off the cap and take a long swig before asking him how he’s doing.

He flops down on the built-in couch across from me. The two of us have passed a lot of late nights together on this bus. “You know how it is.”

I grunt. That means the nightmares are back for him. He used to wake up screaming for years after. I was the only one who could get through to him. The only one who could calm him.

“Are the pills helping?” I ask, thinking of the anti-anxiety medication he’s been taking for the last two years.

He picks at the edge of his water bottle label with his thumbnail. “How’s Skip?”

“Same as always, I reckon. Met a girl,” I tell him. Nothing I can do for him when he gets into this headspace except distract him.

“You or Skip?” He’s still focused on the water bottle, picking at the label then smoothing it down again.


“Poor girl.”

I toss my empty water bottle at his head, and for the first time all night, he cracks a genuine smile. “She’s going to be your future sister-in-law.”

“Good, I got a real shortage of those. Are you going to show me a picture of her or do I have to wait until the wedding to see her?”

I pull my phone from my shirt pocket and flick through the last few photos on my phone, landing on my favorite one from this past week. It’s Sadie at the mixer in her bakery. She has a soft smile on her face. Behind her, the late afternoon sun streams through the window, giving her an ethereal glow.

“Pretty,” he says when he sees the picture. He’s understating it, and we both know that. But Zac is a smart man. He knows damn well not to stare too long or offer more than an approving word on her beauty.

“I’m going to settle down with her the moment I can get a ring on her finger,” I tell him. While I was on the road, I stopped in at one of the big city jewelry stores and found a ring for my girl. I was texting Dotty while I did it, getting her insights into what type of ring my girl would like.

Zac smiles wistfully.

“It’ll happen for you soon,” I promise him. I still can’t believe how quickly my whole life has changed. Last week I was content being a single guy with his three-legged dog. Now I can’t wait until the day I have a house full of kids and a minivan full of crushed cereal.


