Big Bad Boss – Midnight (Werewolves of Wall Street #1) Read Online Renee Rose, Lee Savino

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Angst, Billionaire, Contemporary, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal Tags Authors: , Series: Lee Savino
Series: Werewolves of Wall Street Series by Renee Rose

Total pages in book: 76
Estimated words: 73722 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 369(@200wpm)___ 295(@250wpm)___ 246(@300wpm)

It’s freaking freezing out. The wind cuts through me, snowflakes hitting my cheeks like tiny razor blades. I hunch into it running toward the two figures standing out by the doorway.

Three beautiful dogs come racing to chase me, but when I holler a greeting at them, they turn and flank me like they’re ushering me in.

I didn’t wait for the pilot to follow, but I’m guessing he’s coming in, too, since we have to stay the night here.


I guess I shouldn’t have risked my life to get these papers to Brick.

A few more people gather at the door by the time I reach it. Brick and Eagle. Billy and Vance.

Sheesh. Like they don’t get enough of each other at work, they have to spend Thanksgiving together, too? Where’s the work life balance, dudes?

“What in the hell are you doing here?” Brick snarls when I reach them. Even in casual khakis and a navy sweater, his cheeks flushed bright from the cold, he exudes power. He looks so angry, so sexy, so Brick, my core clenches.

An older man throws open the door to the… lodge? Woodsy mansion? Whatever you call it, and gestures with his arm to indicate I should go in. Everybody follows me except for the old man, who is possibly waiting for the pilot. He seemed like a butler or servant of some kind.

“There was a document you didn’t sign–their fault, not ours–and the sale couldn’t go through without it,” I explain breathlessly when I’m inside. The sudden warmth hits my cheeks like another assault, and I’m suddenly boiling hot. “Your phone was off, and I couldn’t get a message to you to have you sign it electronically. I figured I’d better bring it myself. They said if it didn’t go through today, the sale was off. Honestly, I think they were trying to make sure this didn’t go through, banking on the holiday screwing things up.” I flip open my laptop, which is open to the page he needs to electronically sign.

He ignores it. “You just flew through a snowstorm.” Brick raises his voice. It has that wind-up quality like he’s getting ready for a tirade. I’ve witnessed plenty of them and been on the receiving end of my share, too, but call me foolish, I was expecting a little more gratitude from him. “For fuck’s sake, it looks like he barely landed that helicopter!”

I mean, here I am going way above and beyond to make sure his business needs are taken care of. I probably just gave up my own Thanksgiving because who knows if I’ll even be able to get back tomorrow, and holy shit–the flight scared the crap out of me. I thought I might get a gold star pinned on my jacket or something, not a classic Brick dress-down.

“I know, and John says we’ll have to spend the night because the storm is too bad to fly back in.”

“Spend the night?” His upper lip curls in horror. “You can’t spend the night here.”

I draw back. Something about it takes me back to freshman year of high school. To Rebecca Whaling’s look of horror when I invited her to my place to study, and she found out where I lived.

Like Blackthroat can’t believe he’s going to have to have the help staying at his gorgeous manor.

I suddenly can’t breathe, but I don’t let it show. I lift my chin. “I’m sure there’s a couch or sleeping bag somewhere. I don’t have to join your holiday festivities or anything,” I snap.

“I’ll make up a room,” said an older woman who I hadn’t noticed until that moment.

“Not in the main wing,” Brick snarls. “Put her in the East wing. Away from the family.”

My stomach twists up even more. Jesus. He’s never made me feel so beneath him before.

My eyes burn. What a dick.

John, the pilot, comes in at that moment, stomping the snow off his boots and looking around at the huge mansion with appreciation, like he’s never been inside even though he flies here every weekend.

“You flew her here in this weather?” Blackthroat booms.

“I didn’t want to, but she told me you’d be pissed as hell if I didn’t. Promised me a bonus and everything. But we’re going to have to hole up here for the night. There’s no way I can get that bird back up in this weather. I barely got us down safely.”

“I noticed,” Blackthroat growls. His eyes look strange in the light. Almost golden.

“Not to piss you off even more, but I have fifteen minutes to get this form signed and submitted.”

“Why didn’t you just sign it for me?” Blackthroat explodes.

I hate that everyone is still standing here like watching me get abused by my boss is a spectator sport.

“Because it requires your social security number to get in and Genevieve in HR is tighter than a vault when it comes to giving out personal info about you or your team.”


