Best I Ever Had Read Online S.L. Scott

Categories Genre: Angst, College, Contemporary, Erotic, New Adult, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 135
Estimated words: 128430 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 642(@200wpm)___ 514(@250wpm)___ 428(@300wpm)

My heartbeat quickens, listening to the details that stood out to him—me. Shifting to see him better, I still feel confused. “I knew I recognized this place.” The hall, the door, and that balcony. I would still like to forget the bathroom. “Why are you upset? It’s quite the coincidence, right?” I smile. “Like the film and how we were the only two in there.”

I get up, thinking there’s more at play here. “Did you feel I would be mad that you knew, and I didn’t?”

“Something like that. I wasn’t sure how you would take it.”

Wedging between his legs, I cup his face and angle him up to look at me. “It’s like the universe keeps throwing us together, and we finally got the message.” Leaning down, I kiss him, and then again for good measure and because I just like kissing him a whole lot. Resting my forehead against his, I add, “There’s no denying it. You and I were destined to be together.”

We kiss again, but this time he picks me up by my ass, and I’m flat on my back in less than two seconds. Now working his way between my legs, he kisses me again, and then says, “There’s just one other thing I need to tell you.”

“What is it?”

He kisses me once more and works his way to my neck. When I’m putty in his hands, he says, “I promised my parents I would be back for New Year’s Eve.”

“Oh.” Not what I expected or what I wanted to hear.

Stroking my cheek, he says, “But I’m not going back without you.”

Oh . . . that changes things. I grin because I’m so in love with him, and I feel his love so deeply. “So we’re spending New Year’s Eve in Haywood?”

“No. New York City.”

Oh. This should be interesting.



“I don’t want to screw this up. Can we go over it one more time?”

“No one’s going to quiz you, babe.” I park the car in the garage of my parents’ building and reach over. Covering her leg, I add, “They’re going to love you. What’s not to love?”

I thought she’d shake the nerves from her system on the drive from Atterton to the city. Two hours should have done the trick. But then they kicked back in as soon as she put on the dress—which is so fucking sexy that I almost took it off her and tried to convince her we should stay in and celebrate in bed.

“I’m not like you, Cooper. I don’t remember ever having dinner at a table growing up unless it was inside a fast-food restaurant or on a picnic bench. I looked up which fork to use, but now all that information has gone out the window. Ask me about the new law that just went into effect in January regarding deductibles on financial gains—I got ya covered. Am I supposed to shake your mom’s hand or hug her when we meet—I have no clue? I’m a hugger, but only when I want someone in my space.” She flips the visor down and checks her face in the mirror. “Otherwise, I don’t really do all that. Are they huggers? Or hand shakers? I’m so nervous I could puke. Help me, Coo—”

“It’s going to be all right. You’re going to be fine. You’re going to be spectacular, actually. Like you always are. They’re going to love you just like I do.”

She’s nodding, taking every word in like it will be on a test. Flipping the visor back up, she takes a deep breath, and then on the exhale, says, “Let’s just get on with meeting the parents and get it over with, so we can enjoy the rest of the night.”

Before she pops the door open, I grab her arm. “We don’t have to do this, babe. We can buckle back up and do anything or go anywhere. The night is ours. Not theirs.”

“You promised them you’d be here.”

“I did, but you’re more important than that promise.”

“Not to your parents. It will be fun. I’m just overreacting because I’m anxious. I’ve never met a boyfriend’s parents before.”

“Trust me, it’s not something I’ve done either, but I’ll stay with you. You have nothing to be nervous about.”

I run around the car and open her door before helping her out. She’s gorgeous tonight. Her hair hangs down over her shoulders in soft waves. Her eyes are lined heavier than usual, making the green pop in the dim lights of the car. I’ve wanted to kiss her pink lipstick right off her mouth since she walked out of the bathroom back at the hotel. Story is gorgeous every day, but tonight, she’s breathtaking.

Every guy is going to be staring at her. I just wish I could keep her to myself a little longer. But duty calls . . .


