Beneath This Man Read online Jodi Ellen Malpas (This Man #2)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, BDSM, Contemporary, Erotic, Romance Tags Authors: Series: This Man Series by Jodi Ellen Malpas

Total pages in book: 214
Estimated words: 202638 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 1013(@200wpm)___ 811(@250wpm)___ 675(@300wpm)

What the fucking hell is that?

Chapter 25

I spit toothpaste all over the mirror on a shocked gasp, the toothbrush clattering into the sink. I stare down at my left hand, which suddenly feels like lead, and clench the edge of the vanity unit to steady myself. I blink a few times and shake my head, like it might go away, like it’s a hallucination or something. But no, I’m face to face and being blinded by a dirty great big diamond, sitting loud and proud on my ring finger.

‘Jesse!’ I screech, and then start feeling my way along the edge of the vanity unit until I’m close enough to the chaise lounge to stagger and collapse onto it. My head goes between my legs as I try to control my breathing and my sprinting heart. I think I’m going to pass out.

I hear him fly through the bathroom door, but I can’t persuade my heavy head to lift from between my legs. ‘Ava, baby. What’s wrong?’ His voice is freaked as he collapses to his knees in front of me, spreading his hands on my thighs.

I can’t speak. There’s a lump in my throat the size of the diamond that’s weighing my left hand down.

‘Ava, God help me! What’s happened?’ He gently pulls my head up and searches out my eyes. His are flooded with despair while mine are flooded with tears. I don’t know why, I’ve said yes, but the sudden appearance of this ring on my finger has sent the gargantuan reality crashing down around me. ‘Please! Tell me.’ he pleads desperately.

I swallow in an attempt to spit some words out, but it’s not working, so I resort to holding my hand up. Oh, God it feels so heavy.

I watch through glazed eyes as his frown line jumps into position and he flicks his confused eyes from mine to my hand. ‘You found it then?’ he says dryly. ‘You took your bloody time. Jesus, Ava. I had a thousand heart attacks.’ He takes my hand and presses his lips to the top of it, right next to my new friend. ‘Do you like it?’

‘Oh God!’ I cry incredulously. I’m not even going to ask how much it cost. This is too much responsibility. A rush of breath escapes my lips as I quickly lift my hand up to my chest in search of my other friend.

‘It’s in the safe.’ He grabs my hand and pulls it down to join my other in my naked lap. I sag in relief as he rubs his thumbs over the tops of my hands and smiles. ‘Tell me, do you like it?’

‘You know I do.’ I look down at the ring. It’s platinum, without a doubt, the flat band loaded with a dazzling square cut diamond. I feel hot. ‘Wait there a minute.’ I look up at him. I know my brow is wrinkled in confusion. I might need that botox voucher after all. ‘When did you put this on my finger?’

His lips form a straight line. ‘Right after I cuffed you.’

My eyes widen. ‘That’s rather confident of you.’

He shrugs. ‘A man can be optimistic.’

Is he for real? ‘You call it optimistic. I call it pig headedness.’

He grins. ‘You can call it whatever the fuck you like. She said yes.’ He dives on me and tackles my naked body down to the cold, hard bathroom floor, rolling me onto my back and burying his face between my boobs. I laugh as he ravishes me.


‘No!’ He bites my boob and sucks it into his mouth. ‘I’m marking you.’ he mumbles around my flesh. Even if I could stop him, I wouldn’t. He’s the only one who will see me. I let him do his thing and thread my fingers through his hair, gaping again when my eyes fall on the ring. I can’t believe he put it on before he asked me, the arrogant arse. How did I not notice it?


‘There.’ He kisses his mark chastely. ‘Now we match.’

I look down at the perfect circle he has made on my breast and then to Jesse, who’s studying his handiwork with satisfaction. ‘Happy?’ I ask.

‘I am. You?’


‘Good, my work here is done. Next job; feed my temptress. Up you get.’ He pulls me up to my feet. ‘Are you coming down anytime soon?’

‘I’ll be five minutes-ish.’

‘Ish.’ he mouths and leans in to bite my ear. ‘Be quick.’ He slaps my bum and leaves me again.

A huge smile spreads across my flushed face. I said yes. I have absolutely no doubts, none at all. I belong with Jesse, it just is. How crazy.

I resume teeth brushing duties, have a quick shower and shave before grabbing his dress shirt from the floor and putting it on with some jersey shorts. I cross the landing and remember the post that I’ve still not given to Jesse. Taking a quick detour to the cream room, I grab the post from the unit before taking the stairs, ignoring the fact that I have been away from him for twenty minutes-ish and I miss him already.


