Beneath This Man Read online Jodi Ellen Malpas (This Man #2)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, BDSM, Contemporary, Erotic, Romance Tags Authors: Series: This Man Series by Jodi Ellen Malpas

Total pages in book: 214
Estimated words: 202638 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 1013(@200wpm)___ 811(@250wpm)___ 675(@300wpm)

‘Coral, do you want to come to my office?’ Jesse asks, way too soft and gently for my liking. She nods, and I can see her eyes brimming with tears. ‘Come on.’ He turns to me, offering an apologetic smile before leading her away with his hand placed at the bottom of her back, leaving me sat wondering what the hell is going on and mentally demanding him to remove his hand from her.

John gives him a nod as they pass at the bar entrance, and then proceeds to notify everyone that dinner will be served imminently. There is a bustle of bodies’ that make for the summer room, the women flicking me curious stares as they pass. I ignore them; I’m too busy wondering what Jesse is doing with the mystery woman.

The silence that has fallen in our little group is broken by Kate. ‘Who was that?’ She helps me down from my stool.

I glance at Drew and Sam, who both shrug denial of any knowledge, but I can tell by their sudden discomfort that they know exactly who Coral is. ‘I don’t know. I’ve never seen her before.’ I say on a frown, following the mass of people into the summer room. ‘Jesse seems to know her, though.’ I add dryly.

We find our table, and I’m beyond relieved to find myself sat with Kate, Sam, Drew and John. I’m not so pleased that Sarah is also with us, though. Another man, who I’ve not met, joins us. He’s introduced as Niles – a cute, floppy haired public schoolboy type, not the kind of man I would expect to find at The Manor at all. But what is The Manor’s type?

The summer room has been completely emptied of sofas and occasional tables, and in their place are masses of round tables, seating between eight and ten people. I can’t even count them, I lose track at table thirty. The colour scheme is black and gold. I wonder if that’s an accident.

Candles are burning everywhere, enhancing the key ingredient; sensual. It was on Jesse’s specification for the extension and at the time, when I was oblivious to The Manor’s activities, it was a weird request, but now the descriptor it cropping up everywhere I look.

A band is set up in the corner, but it’s the four men with saxophones who are providing the music throughout dinner. The chair next to me is still empty and the one next to that has Sarah perched neatly on it. I’m guessing she arranged the seating plan and was most pissed off when she had no choice but to sit me on the other side of Jesse.

Where is he?

Kate picks up a gold, structured, satin bag and waves it in the air at me. They must be the gift bags. I decide that I’m not even going to look inside mine, and my decision is only reinforced when Kate shoves her nose in and then snaps the bag shut with wide blue eyes. Sam tries to snatch it from her, but she bats him away and he grumbles, grabbing the men’s black equivalent that’s positioned at his place setting. He does the same little rendition as Kate, but instead of a wide eyed, stunned look, he looks at Kate and grins from ear to ear, prompting her to make a grab for his bag. He pushes her away.

A starter of scallops is served, and I’m momentarily distracted from my speculating by the divine dish. The Manor really does do food very well.

‘So, Ava, I’m told you carried out the works at Lusso.’ Niles says across the table. ‘Quite a feat.’ He smiles, raising his glass to me.

‘It didn’t hurt the portfolio.’ I reply casually.

‘You’re modest.’ He laughs.

‘She’s good,’ Kate pipes up. ‘She’s working on the extension upstairs.’ Kate points her fork towards the ceiling of the summer room in the most unladylike manner.

‘I see. Is that how you met Jesse?’ Niles asks, a little surprised.

‘It is.’ I confirm politely but elaborate no further. I’m not comfortable talking about me and Jesse, especially with a stone faced Sarah within touching distance. Niles has also just reminded me that he is still nowhere to be seen. ‘What do you do?’ I ask to steer the conversation away from Jesse and my curious mind.

He puts his fork down and wipes his mouth with his napkin. ‘I supply Jesse’s stock.’ he says on a small smile.

I just about manage to stop myself from asking the most stupid question I ever would. He doesn’t supply food or drink to The Manor. No, Niles supplies other essentials – essentials for the top floors of The Manor. I nod my acknowledgment, not wanting to push that line of chat any further.

Sarah jumps into the gap of conversation, asking Niles how his recent trip to Amsterdam went. I’m thankful, even though I quickly turn my attention away from where that discussion is heading too.


