Beneath This Man Read online Jodi Ellen Malpas (This Man #2)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, BDSM, Contemporary, Erotic, Romance Tags Authors: Series: This Man Series by Jodi Ellen Malpas

Total pages in book: 214
Estimated words: 202638 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 1013(@200wpm)___ 811(@250wpm)___ 675(@300wpm)

‘What are you grinning at?’ he asks, completely amused as he approaches me.

‘Do you not find it strange that you don’t know those things?’ My voice is critical and intended to be. It’s ridiculous that we don’t know these basic facts about each other.

He grabs my hand and leads on. ‘Your point being?’

‘My point is that we don’t know much about each other.’ I say. He can’t argue with that. It’s a perfectly accurate statement.

He pulls me to a stop. ‘What’s your favourite food?’

I frown. ‘Smoked salmon.’

‘I knew that,’ he smiles. ‘What deodorant do you use?’

I roll my eyes. ‘Vaseline.’

He looks up to the heavens and blows out a fake, relieved breath before returning his eyes to mine. ‘I feel like I know you so much better now,’ he mocks. ‘Happy?’

He thinks he’s clever. He just won’t admit that it’s unusual not to know these things. ‘We’re driving?’ I ask as he opens the passenger door for me to get in.

‘Well, I’m not walking and I don’t do public transport, so yes, we’re driving. Anyway, we need to shoot over to The Manor to check everything is in place for tonight.’

I think I just about disguise my inward groan. Great, I get a day off work to spend with Jesse, and I’m being dragged to The Manor day and night. I get in and wait for Jesse to slide in beside me.

We take off towards the city, the morning rush hour traffic not bothering Jesse in the slightest. Oasis sing Morning Glory, and I watch Jesse as he hums along, tapping his steering wheel and performing his usual swerving, cutting in and general poor road manners. He looks so trouble free and happy with himself. This is the easygoing Jesse who everyone keeps telling me about. After the more recent revelations, I feel like a weight has been lifted. I know he has a history and a pretty sordid one at that, but it’s in his past. He loves me. I don’t doubt it for a minute.

‘What?’ He glances across, catching me studying him.

‘I was just thinking about how much I love you.’ I say casually as I let the window down a bit. It’s hot in here.

‘I know you do,’ He reaches over and grasps my bare knee. ‘Where am I heading then?’

Well that’s easy. ‘Oxford Street,’ I reply. ‘All of the stores I like are on Oxford Street.’

His face screws up disapprovingly. ‘All of the stores?’

‘Yes.’ What’s the matter with him?

‘Isn’t there just one shop you go to?’

Just one shop? He thinks I’m going to find a dress in the first shop I walk in? ‘I want some new shoes as well. And maybe a bag. You won’t find it all in one store.’

‘I would!’ he says, stunned at my intention to drag him around more than one shop. I can’t imagine Jesse shopping for clothes. Men’s shopping is a lot simpler than women’s. If he’s expecting a similar experience to when he goes shopping, then he’s in for a shock.

‘Where do you go?’ I ask.

‘Harrods. Zoe sorts me out every time. It’s quick and pain free.’

‘Yes, that’s because you pay for the service you get.’ I reply dryly.

‘The service is second to none and worth every penny. They’re the best at what they do.’ he says firmly. ‘Anyway, you’re not buying the dresses, so I get to choose the shopping style.’

My head snaps up. ‘One dress, Jesse, you owe me one dress.’ I remind him. He shrugs, completely ignoring me. ‘One dress.’ I affirm.

‘Lots of dresses.’ he says to himself.

Oh no! He is not buying my clothes. I’ve had one shopping experience with him, and he nearly had an epileptic fit over the length of my dress. Yes, I only bought the stupidly expensive thing in a childish revenge fit, but the point is; he thought he could dictate what I wear. He wants to buy my clothes so he can choose them.

‘You are not buying my clothes!’ I say with all the disgust I truly feel.

He looks at me like I’ve just grown another head. ‘I fucking am!’

‘No, you’re not.’

‘Ava, this is not up for discussion. End of.’ He removes his hand from my knee to change gear.

‘No, you’re right, it’s not. I buy my own clothes.’ I turn Oasis up to drown out any counter attack. I’m not budging on this. I will buy my own clothes. End of!

We travel the rest of the way with only Oasis filling the silence. I catch him chewing his bottom lip and the cogs are turning so fast I can almost hear them. I smile because if we were not in public, I would be having a sense fuck right about now. Instead, though, he’s thinking about how else he can go about getting his way.

He parks up then turns to face me. ‘I have a proposition for you.’ he tells me confidently.


