Before This Ends Read Online Aurora Rose Reynolds

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary, Erotic Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 94
Estimated words: 89224 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 446(@200wpm)___ 357(@250wpm)___ 297(@300wpm)

“You’re home early,” she says to him.

“I got off early this evening.”

“That’s nice.” Her attention comes to me when I step into view with the taco meat.

“Hazel, Emma. Emma, Hazel,” Miles introduces as she stares at me.

“You’re Emma?”

“I am. Nice to finally meet you. Miranda and Winter talk about you all the time.” I smile, and she smiles back, but it looks forced, which instantly makes me feel awkward.

“Can you call me when Winter goes to sleep?” she asks Miles, the happy lilt her voice held moments ago when she was talking to her daughter and even Miles long gone.

“Sure,” he mutters, then glances over the top of the iPad to Winter. “Finish your call so we can eat, Win.”

“Are you coming to visit soon?” she asks while turning the iPad back around to face herself.

“Yes, hopefully next weekend. I miss the two of you.”

“The two of you.” Not just Winter. Weird.

Then again, I don’t know the dynamics of their relationship, so maybe it’s totally normal for her to say she misses both of them. “Call me before you go to bed.”

“I will. Love you, Mommy.”

“Love you too.” The background noise from the iPad cuts off as the call comes to an end, and Winter slides off the stool.

“I’m so hungry.” She comes around the island and squeezes in between Miles and me.

“I can see that.” I laugh, watching her grab a handful of grated cheese from the bowl on the counter.

“Win,” Miles warns when she reaches into the bowl again.

“Just one more,” she promises, taking another handful, this one bigger than the last, and I laugh.

“Don’t encourage her.” Miles gives me a reprimanding look, and I smile sweetly, then pick up a handful of cheese, just like Winter had, and shove it into my mouth. “So mature.”

“Thanks.” I listen to Winter giggle, then I pick up some more cheese and hold it out to him. “Do you want some?”


“Come on. It’s delicious.”

“I’m good.” He does a crap job of hiding his smile, and seeing it, I stupidly feel like I won the lottery.



Listening to Winter giggling as she walks off toward her bedroom, I glance to the kitchen and find Emma watching her go, a smile on her face. Then again, Winter just made a big show of rubbing it in our faces that she won, and we lost at cards. Not in a spiteful way, but in a cute one that included a victory dance.

“You don’t need to do that.” I get up, taking the empty cups from the table, and join her at the sink, where she’s started washing the dishes from dinner.

“I don’t mind.” She turns her head my way, the smile for Winter still tipping up her lips and making her already beautiful face that much more gorgeous.

Grabbing a kitchen towel, I take the pan she just finished rinsing and start to dry it off, then the two of us work in silence, her washing and me drying, until the sink is empty. When the kitchen is clean and the counters are wiped down, I watch her go to the door and begin to put on her shoes.

It’s on the tip of my tongue to ask her to stay for a drink or just to hang out, but I keep my mouth closed. Asking for more of her time would be opening a door that should stay firmly shut.

“Are you leaving already?” Winter asks, coming out of her room wearing pajamas, her hair wet and brushed back from her face.

“I am, but I’ll see you tomorrow after school.” She gives her a hug and glances at me as I start in her direction. “You don’t need to walk me down.” She grabs her purse off the hook and starts digging for her keys. “I’ll be okay on my own.”


“Seriously, Miles, it’s fine. I’ll message you when I’m in my car.” I raise a brow in disbelief, and she smiles. “Promise.”

“All right,” I give in. “See you tomorrow evening. I’ll call if I’m going to be later than I was tonight.”

“Sure.” She starts to lean into me like she’s going to give me a hug but stops herself and takes a step back, a tinge of pink covering her cheeks. “I’ll uh… see you tomorrow.”

“See you tomorrow, Em.” I watch her walk out the door with my hand clenched at my side, then wait until the elevator doors shut behind her before I close mine.

“I like when Emma is here,” Winter says, going to the living room and turning on the TV. I don’t acknowledge her comment or state my agreement, even though I feel the same way.

There is something about Emma’s presence that adds a sense of peace I’ve rarely experienced in my life. I sure as fuck didn’t have it growing up, not after I lost my mom or moved into foster care. I don’t even remember having it when things were good between Hazel and me. If I’m honest, I’ve only caught glimpses of that feeling from time to time over the years when I’ve been with my brothers and Winter.


