Before I Die Read online Nikki Ash

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Bad Boy, Billionaire, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 114
Estimated words: 108141 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 541(@200wpm)___ 433(@250wpm)___ 360(@300wpm)

“Oh. My. God! Ethan!” she cries, tugging so hard on my hair, I about see stars—or maybe it’s the fact I just came harder than I ever have before and I wasn’t even in the woman.

“It’s okay… Ride it out, baby,” I tell her, so she knows what she’s feeling is normal.

She goes quiet at the same time her body goes limp against mine. She releases her hold on my hair, and her head nuzzles into the crook of my neck. For a few minutes, we sit in silence, the only sound coming from her as she works to catch her breath. My cum is sticking to my skin beneath my briefs, but I don’t want to rush her.

When she finally lifts her head, her eyes meet mine and she hits me with the most gorgeous, shy smile. Her cheeks are flushed a beautiful shade of pink and her eyes are glossed over, like she’s high on the most exquisite shit.

“How was it?” I ask, unable to help myself.

Her cheeks and neck turn a deeper shade of pink, and her nose crinkles. “Good,” she admits, her smile widening. “I was so tense, and then it was like… I was flying. My head got all foggy and I think I saw fireworks.” She shakes her head and then hides her face against my shoulder.

I chuckle, wanting to beat my fist against my chest like a goddamn caveman, because I did that to her. I gave her that orgasm. Made her see fucking fireworks. And fuck if I don’t want to do it again and again.

I wrap my arms around her and rub her back for a few more minutes, until she sits up, looking slightly more composed. That is until she attempts to climb off me and feels the aftermath of her orgasm.

“Oh my God! Did I…” Her face turns crimson. “Did I pee on you?” She scampers off me and stands, her eyes going wide when she takes in the sight before her.

I glance down and see the huge wet spot and laugh. “Baby, that’s not pee…That’s your orgasm.”

I stand. “I’m going to get cleaned up.” Stepping toward her, I lift her chin with my thumb and forefinger and give her a soft kiss on her mouth. “What happened is perfectly normal. It’s your body letting go.”

She groans. “Are you sure?”

“Yes, trust me. Did it feel good?”

“Yes, very good.” She grins for a second, then her brows dip in the middle. “What about you?”

“What about me?” I ask, unsure what she’s referring to.

“Well… I heard you moan… Did it feel good for you too?” She averts her eyes out of embarrassment.

“Look at me, please,” I say, turning her face, so she’s forced to look at me. “It was good for me, too.”

“But… I mean, we didn’t…”

“Sex isn’t the only way to get off.” I laugh when she glances down. “Yeah, I came in my pants like a pubescent teenage boy.”

Her eyes light up as she comes to understand what I’m saying. “You…came in your pants?” She giggles, and the sounds does weird shit to me that I choose to ignore.

“You think that’s funny?” I growl.

She nods and covers her mouth to try to hide her laughter.

“I’ll show you funny.” I scoop her up off the ground and throw her over my shoulder.

“Ethan!” she screeches as I haul her ass upstairs. I don’t put her down until we’re in the master bathroom and I’ve turned the water on.

Once she’s on her feet, I lift my shirt over my head and throw it into the hamper. Nevaeh’s eyes rake down my body as I push my sweats and boxers down my thighs.

“Ethan!” Her hands fly to cover her eyes. “You’re naked!”

“The last time I checked, people don’t shower in their clothes.”

She peeks out from between two of her fingers. “I don’t think we’re there yet… Seeing each other naked.”

Her voice is soft, and I suddenly feel like a fucking asshole. I’m so used to women throwing themselves at me. Being more than comfortable in their own skin. I just gave her her first real orgasm…through our clothes. Of course she wouldn’t be comfortable getting naked yet.

“I didn’t think,” I say, pulling my drenched pants back up. “Shower in here and I’ll go shower in the other bathroom.”

Before she can respond, I’m out of the bathroom, closing the door behind me and heading down the hall to the bathroom I’ve been using. I shower and change into clean sweats. Figuring Nevaeh will need some time to herself, I lie down in bed, grabbing my laptop and cell phone so I can get some work done.

I don’t know how long I’m working when there’s a knock on my door.

“Come in.”

The door creaks open, and standing there is Nevaeh, dressed in another pair of my boxers and club T-shirt. “Didn’t I pack you pajamas?”


