Becoming His Mistress Read online A.E. Murphy

Categories Genre: Erotic, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 142
Estimated words: 138526 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 693(@200wpm)___ 554(@250wpm)___ 462(@300wpm)

I blink, surprised by the vehemence in his tone. I thought we were okay. He sulked and said it was weird when he found out I’d spent Christmas with Ezra’s family, but accepted that it’s not like he offered for me to go with him. “You’re hurting me.”

“Sorry,” he mumbles and releases my arm. “I’m just saying that this isn’t okay. You’re mine, right? I’m yours?”

“We don’t own each other.”

“No, but you already spend enough time with your fucking boss.”

“Our boss,” I correct, keeping my voice low.

“You should have come to see me.”

I gape at him. “I’ve been with you all week. You sound like a jealous idiot.”

“And you sound like you’re fucking Mr. Conti. Everybody says it and now they’re definitely going to say it after that.”

“Listen to what you just said. We were in there with a ten-year-old girl… his daughter… shooting silly string. Are you trying to say I’d have sex with my boss in front of his daughter?”

“No, but they don’t know she’s in there!”

“Lower your voice,” I command, glaring at him. I point to myself. “Do I look like I’ve had sex with anybody? And if I was having an affair, I’d probably be going with them to his house to shower, instead I’m going to my house to shower.” Then I shake my head. “I can’t believe I’m even having to explain myself. This is my job. Maria is special to me. The Contis are my friends, sorta. Why do we keep having this conversation? I’ve done nothing to earn your distrust.”

I walk away before he can say anything else, leaving him seething with madness. I press the button for the elevator and step inside.

He joins me and pushes me into the wall. “I don’t like it,” he breathes, kissing my lips, keeping his foot in the elevator door so they don’t close. “But I’ll try not to give you hell about it. I know I’ve been driving us both crazy with it lately, it’s just, the thought of you with anybody else sends me wild. I’ve never felt like this before. I hate it.” Pulling more string from my hair after kissing me again he smiles and shakes his head. “You look ridiculous.”

“I’m sorry I didn’t come to see you first,” I whisper, and I mean it. I would have probably been perturbed too if he came to the office on his day off and didn’t bother to stop and say hello. “I’m new to this relationship stuff, you’ll have to bear with me.”

“I’ll definitely bare with you later,” he jests, flashing his eyes at me.

The clearing of a throat has us both straightening up. It’s Mr. Conti and Maria. Maria is grinning from ear to ear, Mr. Conti is scowling like he has smelled something bad.

“Sorry, boss.” Pax smirks, kissing my unresponsive lips once more. “Have you seen her? I can’t get enough of her.”

Laughing bashfully, I shove him out of the doors and Mr. C and Maria step inside.

“Is that your boyfriend?” Maria asks. “I didn’t know you had a boyfriend.”

“We’ve only been dating a little while,” I reply, giving Mr. Conti the side eye because he still looks annoyed. “I’m sorry, sir… I know you don’t like public displays at work but he’s really… persuasive.”

I thought he’d laugh and roll his eyes but he just silently seethes and I don’t understand why.

I’ve said sorry, although this is probably the fourth time he’s caught us making out where we’re not supposed to.

“Am I forgiven?” I ask softly, reaching for the cuff of his jacket and giving it a little tug.

When the doors open, he doesn’t look at me as he bites out, “Don’t let it happen again, or next time it’ll be your job.”

My heart stops and my hands start trembling.

“See you soon,” Maria calls when he pulls her out of the elevator, reminding me that I still have to meet with them soon despite the fact he’s a complete ass.

Although I suppose he’s just treating me how he’d treat any other employee. I must respect that. Just because we’re friendly doesn’t mean he can be lax.

I watch him walk away with Maria skipping along beside him.

At soccer practice less than two hours later I sit at the end of the bleachers furthest away from him. He smiles and cheers his daughter on, and I wonder why I bothered coming at all, but then I remember how upset Maria would be if I didn’t show up.

I’m too nice. But I guess I’m just clinging on to a family that I never had. Maria represents a childhood for me that I always wanted and never got. I’m living vicariously through her all the while trying to make hers a little more memorable too.

Pax: Where are you?

Rose: Maria’s soccer practice.

Pax: What time will you be home?


