Because I Want You – Sin & Deceit Read Online Claire Contreras

Categories Genre: Contemporary, Crime, Mafia, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 99
Estimated words: 96129 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 481(@200wpm)___ 385(@250wpm)___ 320(@300wpm)

“What’s up with your house guest?” Rocco asked.

“Are you here to work out or chit chat?” I glared at him, standing up straight and locking the bar again.

“I already worked out. Now I’m here to chit chat.”

“Well, I’m not.” I unlocked the bar and started again.

“By the way, Anthony collects payments tomorrow,” Rocco said casually, taking out his phone.

“What?” I stood up straight again and locked the bar. “Do you know at what time he usually goes?”

“Nah. I just know it’s on Thursdays.”


“Is this about Gabe? Or the Rosie chick?” Gio asked. I glared at him. He smiled. “The Rosie chick then.”

“Her name is Roselyn. Stop calling her the Rosie chick like you’re Russo or something,” I said. “And this is about my brother.”

“Right.” Gio switched weights.

“Did you tell him she’s staying at your place?” Rocco asked, looking at Gio who was on the verge of laughter. “To ‘take care of her.’”

“Right.” Gio chuckled. “Like it isn’t you she needs to worry about.”

I scowled, finished my set, and moved on to the bench, ignoring them.

“Tommy’s people have been quiet about the club thing,” Gio said. “He either got a relative to buy it and kept it in the family or changed his mind. I guess we’ll find out soon enough.” He glanced over at me. “I hope that doesn’t mean Rosie will go back there. I heard the escort thing is going well for her.”

Rocco laughed and I knew these fuckers knew. I was going to kill Veronica for this.

“She won’t go back there,” I said, setting the bar on the rack and breathing out.

“Of course, she won’t. Not when she’s on geriatric duty,” Gio said.

At that, we all laughed hard. I wasn’t going to deny it. All of the clients I’d set her up with were over eighty. She had two shows today, one in the afternoon for a field trip, and another in the evening. She’d gotten a ticket for Billie to go watch her show tonight. The topic of conversation moved back to business, and amongst the topics, we discussed the theoretical possibility of taking over everything from Amsterdam to Riverside, if Tommy just so happened to forfeit it or disappear for good.



When I asked Yari if all of her clients at Oui were old, she’d laughed loudly and agreed that Dominic was definitely the reason for my schedule being a little on the older side. I wasn’t sure if he was doing it for his benefit or mine, but I appreciated it. I hadn’t seen him since we slept together and if it were up to me, I wouldn’t see him again. Ever. Even with my back turned to him, even without kissing him, even without looking him in the eye, he’d made me feel things I had no business feeling. Not with him, anyway. I was opening the back door to the theatre when my phone buzzed in my hand. I glanced at it. Normally, I didn’t pick up the phone for unknown numbers, but it could’ve been my dad. My heart sped up as I answered.

“Rosie.” It was Gabe.

I let out the longest breath. “Oh my God. Where are you? Are you okay? What happened?”

“I’m fine. Everything is fine.” His words were rushed. He sounded like he was someplace windy.

“Where are you?”

“I can’t tell you. I had to drive across a border to even make this call from a burner.” He let out a laugh. “I’m okay, though. I’m here willingly, for a job.”

“What kind of job?”


“But you left without a trace. Everyone’s been worried sick,” I said unnecessarily, as if he didn’t know what the fuck he did. “I didn’t know if you were on some kind of drug binge or working or what. Your co-workers don’t even know where you went.”

“I know. I’m sorry. I swear I’m completely sober,” he said. “Are you okay?”

“Yes. I’m fine.”

“Is Anthony still hurting you?”

“Wh . . .” Before I denied it, I sighed into the line. “No. I haven’t seen him. I quit Tempt.”

“I thought you couldn’t?”

“I found a better paying job and I’ll be able to pay Tommy back quicker.”

“He just let you go, just like that?”

“I’m not sure.” I felt myself frown.

“Has my brother been in contact?”

“Yes. He’s making me stay with him.”

A stretch of silence greeted me.

“Gabe?” I said, after it felt like he was quiet too long.

“Anthony won’t bother you again then,” he said.

“Because of Dominic?”

“Dominic and his crew, yes.”

Now, it was my turn to stay quiet a while. “You mean Rocco?”

“Rocco is one of many, but yes.” Gabe let out a laugh. “You know what they call Dom and Rocco?”

“What who calls them?”

“Everyone. Behind their backs, they call them Ghost Assassins, because you never see them coming, and once you do, it’s too late.” He said it casually, but I could tell it bothered him more than he’d ever admit. My heart squeezed. I understood that feeling. The moment my dad started getting involved with Tommy Costello, I felt the same way.


