Beautiful Vengeance – Ruthless Legacy Read Online Kenya Wright

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic, Insta-Love, Mafia Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 112
Estimated words: 112567 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 563(@200wpm)___ 450(@250wpm)___ 375(@300wpm)

The silence returned as we walked.

It was so strange to me for Monique to be quiet like this.

Something is definitely wrong.

Monique’s expression turned worried. “So. . .I have a lot of questions.”

For some reason, that statement shoved me on edge.

I led her further away from the curious eyes of my fighters. “What questions do you have?”

“You rule a gang called the Four Aces?”

I stiffened. “I wouldn’t call us a gang. We are a family.”

“But you all deal with. . .gangster shit?”

“We do.” I studied her and tightened my grip on her hand. “How do you feel about that?”

“I’m not stupid. With all the guns and everything, I knew you all were dangerous, but. . .”

“Now it is hard to ignore?”

“Yes.” She let out a long sigh. “Honestly, what you do is none of my business. I’m more pissed that Banks and Marcy are still up to criminal bullshit.”

I snickered. “Marcy.”

She paused and scowled at me. “Do not call him that. Duck did and I’m sure it didn’t help things.”

“You do not understand, Monique.” I gave her a sad smile. “Marcelo annoys the shit out of all of us. Calling him Marcy would be sweet revenge.”

That scowl grew intense. “But you will not call him that.”

I stifled my groan of annoyance and nodded. “For you, I will make sure I don’t call him that.”

“Could you order Duck to not call him that either.”

The line of my jaw twitched. “I can do that too.”

“Thank you, Mountain Master.”

I quirked my brows.

“So. . .can you tell me why they call you Mountain Master, or is that a secret part of the Four Aces?”

I chuckled. “It isn’t a secret.”

“Okay. Then, why are you called that?”

“Mountains are often used as symbols of strength, stability, and authority.”


“For us, the metaphorical mountain is the Four Aces itself, and I am the master. The one who controls everything. The highest point.”

“Wow.” She parted her lips.

We walked deeper into the camp and passed the western edge that housed the cooking area. This was marked by a large open-air kitchen with several wood-fired stoves and ovens. Copper pots and pans hung above long granite countertops. Steam rose from huge woks where several chefs busied themselves with preparing lunch. Mouthwatering aromas wafted through the camp.

I moved my gaze back to Monique. Under the brilliance of the noon sun, her brown skin glowed.

She’s so damn breathtaking.

I licked my lips.

She caught me watching her, blushed, and put her view back in front of her. “I will have to talk to Banks today and explain what is going on.”

I frowned.

She continued, “With the way everything played out today, I already know he doesn’t want me with you all.”

I didn’t like where this was going.

“But. . .” She cleared her throat. “Banks couldn’t stop me from being around you.”

My body stilled.

“Plus, I made a promise that I would have your back until you. . .fought your father.”

My nerves calmed.

We strolled down a pathway dotted with blue tents. Their flaps waved lightly in the mountain breeze.

Then, we entered the bathing area towards the east of the camp. A mountain stream had been ingeniously diverted to form a cascading waterfall that spilled into a large stone pool.

I stopped us there and drank in the peaceful view. Crystal water flowed continuously. This space always offered a refreshing retreat after any grueling day of training.

Monique faced me. “However, Lei. . .I need to know one thing.”

I gazed at her and got lost in those beautiful brown eyes again. There was an intensity there, a profound depth that spoke of her strength, her resilience, and her open heart.

For some reason, my body heated.

“Lei,” she began, her voice barely above a whisper, “do you have Chanel’s body?”

I blinked.

The question was so unexpected.

It shoved me off the edge.

Memories of Chanel, of my obsessive love for her and her untimely death, came rushing to my mind with a painful clarity. A knot tightened in my chest. The wound that had slowly begun to heal felt as if it had been ripped open anew.

I let go of Monique’s hand and edged away.

She observed my reaction.

In that moment, I wanted nothing more than to avoid answering this question.

In fact, I would have been happier with returning to Hu and his grueling sparring session. Let ten or even twenty men rush at me with knives, daggers, and swords. It would have been easier to knock them down one by one, then shatter Monique’s view of me.


Fear seized my body. There was a chilling dread that the truth would send Monique away, that she wouldn’t be able to comprehend or accept it.

What do I say? What do I do?

I couldn’t lie. Not to Monique. Not when she had been so accepting with my possession of her. So compassionate with my struggle to battle my father.

Swallowing, I gazed into her eyes.


