Beautiful Vengeance – Ruthless Legacy Read Online Kenya Wright

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic, Insta-Love, Mafia Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 112
Estimated words: 112567 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 563(@200wpm)___ 450(@250wpm)___ 375(@300wpm)

“My father does not deserve a glorious death.” I reluctantly took the wooden box from my uncle. The damn box weighed heavy in my hands. “But. . .more innocent people cannot die.”

Uncle Song nodded. “You have been and will continue to be a smart and humble Mountain Master. Therefore, I assume you agree to the battle.”

I spoke through clenched teeth, “I agree.”

“Eight days. The location will be given on the seventh day.” Uncle Song looked at Chen and then Duck. “Take Lei to Mount Utopia. Train him. Increase his moments of meditation. Have him perfect Azure Dragon’s Spiral, Golden Phoenix, and Jade’s Serpent. Those are three moves that Leo has always had difficulty defending.”

Duck’s bottom lip quivered.

“Make sure that Lei fasts the night before the fight.” Uncle Song touched the side of his head. “Lei’s mind must be clear.”

Together, Duck and Chen gave a half bow. “Yes, Father.”

Uncle Song looked at me and sighed. “Lei, I know this is difficult for you. But remember, this is not just a battle between you and Leo. It is a battle between the old ideals and new. You are fighting for the honor of our people, and for the legacy that your father left behind.”

“I only want revenge for Chanel and Romeo.”

“Then, you will be fighting for that too.” Uncle Song placed a hand on my shoulder. “You can do this, Lei. I have faith in you. And remember, your father loves you. He may not show it, but he does.”

With that, Uncle Song bowed, turned, and left the room, leaving me alone with Monique, Chen, and Duck.

Monique looked up at me, her eyes filled with worry.

I carried the box over to the table and placed it there.

Duck walked over. “What do you think is inside, cousin?”

Chen got to my left. “It is definitely a sword.”

I traced my fingers over the ancient carved wooden box. It felt like I was touching history itself. My gaze drank in the intricate carvings, a labyrinth of swirling designs that danced across the wood.

I looked at Chen. “What do you think about the battle?”

“It will be good for the East, but. . .”

I raised one eyebrow. “But?”

“I do not know if it will be good for you. Perhaps, Duck or I can take your place.”

I returned my view to the box and unlatched it. “My father wants a legendary story for his death. A battle between father and son. Something the East can tell their kids for generations.”

I lifted the box’s top. The soft creak of the hinges sounded like a whispered secret—a ghostly echo from centuries past.

Inside, nestled against a lining of worn blue silk, lay Soaring Precious. The blade shimmered and sparkled.

“Shit.” Duck held both of his hands on his forehead. “Uncle Leo is really serious.”

I reached in and picked up the sword. The cool touch of the steel sent a shiver running up my arm. It felt alive.

Studying its magnificence, I twisted the sword in front of me.

Last time I held this, I was a boy fighting thirty-six men at the initiation ceremony. Now I would have to use it to kill my father—which would be like battling fifty men.

My heart broke.

I placed the sword back in the box.

Chen pulled out his phone. “I will get a camp ready on top of Mount Utopia. Father is right. We must begin training immediately.”

Duck looked at me with concern. “Are you sure about this? Even though Uncle Leo wants to die, he would never let you kill him without a fight.”

“I have no other choice. I can’t let innocent people die because of my father’s ego or my stubbornness.”

Duck gazed behind me. “And what about Monique? Should we now send her to Lotus Blossom or somewhere else?”

I glanced over my shoulder.

In utter shock, Monique had been staring at the envelope with the deed. At the mention of her name, she turned her view to us.

I drank the breathtaking image of her in. Here my father was, still matchmaking with the deed and everything else. Surely, he was doing his best to get Monique and me together.

It would have been so simple to send her away or just ignore her completely, just to stop his obvious plans from unfolding.

Yet, I could not.

Monique brought me comfort and peace. And she was slowly beginning to warm the cold parts of me.

But most of all. . .that kiss. . .

I had to keep her near, if only to kiss her one more time.

A twinge of guilt shot through me.

What would Chanel think? Am I dishonoring her?

I closed my eyes, terrified that her ghost was near and heartbroken.

She hadn’t even been gone long and I was already kissing someone else.

Then, Monique spoke. Her soft voice brushed up against me. “Lei, I will go wherever you tell me. These next eight days will already be. . .ungodly and beyond difficult for you. So, you decide. I can be here for you or somewhere else.”


