Beautiful Vengeance – Ruthless Legacy Read Online Kenya Wright

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic, Insta-Love, Mafia Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 112
Estimated words: 112567 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 563(@200wpm)___ 450(@250wpm)___ 375(@300wpm)

Shock covered Lei’s face. “You are talking about Marcelo? Brown hair. Over six feet. Big shoulders and arms. Boxer.”

“Championship boxer.” I winked. “And yes. Of course. That’s Marcy.”

I left out the fact that Marcy had been my first little kiss long ago when we were both thirteen.

Meanwhile, Lei wore this stunned look.

I shook my head. “I just can’t believe you know Marcy and Banks. Being from Glory, I’ve always seen Paradise City as this massive place, but the world is truly small after all.”

That weird shock remained on his face. “It appears so.”

The elevator stopped.

The doors slid open, revealing the hotel’s sleek, modern hallway.

Lei led me down the hallway. His hand remained warm in mine.

Up ahead, a new set of men in blue flanked our suite.

Those handcuffs clanked on my wrist.

I looked at them and sighed. “So. . .Lei.”


“We don’t need these handcuffs.”

“Are the jewels too much? Too flashy?”

“What do you mean?” I glanced at them again, suddenly noticing the diamonds and sapphires in a platinum setting. “Well. . .these are really nice, but—”

“Chen bought them.”

“That’s cool, but—”

“We can use the other ones.”

I chuckled. “No, Lei. What I’m saying is that we don’t need them anymore.”

“I want you by my side.”

“Like I said before, I can be by your side without handcuffs.”

When we approached the door, one of his men rushed with opening it.

Lei guided us through. “When I woke up, you weren’t there.”

“I explained why.”

The door shut behind us.

“That cannot happen again.” Lei stopped us in the suite’s living room and faced me. “These oncoming days are going to be a lot to deal with. Unfortunately for you, I. . .”

I quirked my brows. “What?”

“I desperately need you.”

My heart heated.

Lei stepped closer. His gaze grew intense. “It has been a short time of us knowing each other, yet. . .you have no idea how important you are to me right now.”

I swallowed hard. “I’ll do whatever you need me to do, however. . .”

He raised one eyebrow. “However?”

“I would like to create some limits in this. . .situation.”

“Go ahead.”

“No handcuffs.”

His expression hardened. “The handcuffs remain.”

“Then, I would like to have some limits to the handcuffs. Respectfully, Mountain Master.”

His hard expression softened. “You really are enjoying calling me that?”

“It’s so cool.” I smirked. “However, emperor or not, it would be uncomfortable to sleep next to you with handcuffs on. It’s already going to be. . .odd. . .sleeping next to you.”

I didn’t even know him, and we would now be bed and roommates. Surely, there had to be some guidelines in place to not make this even crazier.

Lei considered it. “No handcuffs while we sleep. I can agree to that.”

“And. . .”

He leaned his head to the side. “There’s more?”

“Well, yes. No handcuffs while either of us have to go to the bathroom.”

“That is fair.”

Uh yeah. More than fair.

I tugged at them. “Eating would also be difficult to do being bound to you—”

“You can eat while handcuffed to me.”

I let out a long breath. “Lei, that’s crazy.”

“Speaking of eating.”

I blinked. “Yeah?”

“Let’s add the rule that you are not to be fed by anyone else but me.”

“What?” I held out my hands. “That’s an odd rule. It’s not like people are feeding me—”

“Duck fed you.” His expression returned to stiff and unrelenting. Rage blazed in his eyes.

“Oh.” I thought back to the meatball. “Yeah. He did feed me.”

Lei spoke through clenched teeth. “He did.”

Holy shit. Is he mad about that?

The realization hit me like a splash of cold water.

Was Lei. . .jealous?

I bit my lip to stifle a laugh. It was completely absurd for Lei—this powerful man that many followed like an emperor—to even care about Duck putting one defenseless little meatball into my mouth.

Lei watched me. “That is not to ever happen again. I will also talk to Duck about it.”

Tension gathered in my shoulders. “Hold up. Duck isn’t in trouble or anything? Right?”

“I didn’t like his behavior tonight or any of the other stuff.”

“What other stuff?”

“The flirting.”

I parted my mouth in shock. “Lei, what flirting?”

“I know my cousin very well. He was flirting. The joke about putting balls in your mouth. All of it is him trying to have sex with you.”

“Okay. First of all. . .how did you hear that? You were far away.”

“Chen can read lips.”

I blinked. “Okay. What?”

“While I was at the table, I had Chen read the conversation between you two, and there were a few moments where Chen couldn’t even read Duck’s words because. . .” Anger radiated from Lei as he spat the words out. “Because Duck’s lips were too close to your ear.”

I stood there, speechless.

The thought of Lei caring about me, even in this small, absurd way, was oddly comforting. For god’s sake, this man had a harem willing to dress like any woman he wanted and to do all types of freaky hand and foot shit to him.


